1/24 NXT TV results: Moore’s review of the NXT Women’s Championship Summit with Roxanne Perez, Gigi Dolin, and Jacy Jayne, Katana Chance and Kayden Carter vs. Alba Fyre in a handicap match for the NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles, Tiffany Stratton vs. Indi Hartwell, Elektra Lopez vs. Wendy Choo, Thea Hail award ceremony

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Live from Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired January 24, 2023 on USA Network

[Hour One] The show started off with Grayson Waller cutting a promo on his Instagram Live feed. They also spliced in “security cam” footage for different angles. Waller handed his smartphone to a random developmental wrestler to film what was happening next.

Waller was gloating in the Performance Center and annoying Bron Breakker. Waller threw a water bottle at Breakker which caused Breakker to fire up. Both men brawled. They cut to different angles of various developmental wrestlers posting the brawl on their social media…

Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Alicia Taylor was the ring announcer…

Entrances for the opening match took place. Vic and Booker tried to check in from ringside, but Indi Hartwell cut in to say she’s going to kick Tiffany Stratton’s ass. Hartwell attacked Tiffany during her entrance…

1. Indi Hartwell vs. Tiffany Stratton. Hartwell tossed around Tiffany and landed a dropkick for a two count. Tiffany tried to beg for mercy, but Indi didn’t buy it. Tiffany tried to mount a comeback, but was tossed to ringside by Indi. Tiffany slammed Indi to the mat and hit Indi with a slingshot delayed swanton for a two count. Tiffany hit Indi with a draped hip attack for a two count.

Tiffany kept Indi under control with a shoulder stretch. Tiffany did a handful of backflips into an elbow drop. Tiffany hit Indi with a hip drop for a two count. Indi went back to the shoulder stretch. Indi escaped with an armdrag. Indi rallied with clotheslines and a spinebuster. Indi hit Tiffany with a draping uppercut and big boot. Tiffany claimed her leg was injured to cause the referee to separate both women.

The referee called for a medic to run out. While Indi was distracted, Tiffany hit Indi with a right hand. Tiffany hit Indi with a rolling senton. Tiffany hit Indi with a Mero Sault for the victory.

Tiffany Stratton defeated Indi Hartwell via pinfall in 6:05

John’s Thoughts: Good work from both women in a short and sweet opening match. Tiffany is still coming along well and has “future star” written all over her. To pick at nits a bit, Tiffany did rely a bit too much on that shoulder stretch that didn’t look like it was inflicting pain. Doing it once was fine, but it did come off as filler when she pulled it out a few more times. Something that can easily be fixed and she’s already ahead of a lot of her peers in terms of development. She can work this program with Indi right now, but I wonder if Tiffany is a candidate to fill in the void of the top heel spot left open after Mandy Rose was released?

Footage was shown of last week’s main event where Roxanne Perez beat both Toxic Attraction members by herself after some miscommunication…

McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Jacy Jayne about how she had miscommunication with her tag partner last week. Jacy dismissed Gigi as a tag partner and talked about how she carried Toxic Attracion. Jacy said Gigi just held her down like an anchor. McKenzie asked Jacy what she was bringing to the “Championship summit” later on. Jacy said she’s bringing something you’ve never seen before…

Thea Hail was shown putting on a graduation gown…[c]

At the Diamond Mine gym, Ivy Nile brought Drew Gulak and his students over to train with them in preparation for the Creeds facing Indus Sher. Gulak was coaching while Hank Walker observed. Gulak admonished one of his students. Gulak then challenged Julius to a sparring match. Julius had the upper hand with a leg sweep. Gulak shoved Julius after and called the sweep a cheap shot. Walker pulled back Gulak and dragged him away…

Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, and Thea Hail were in the ring with a podium. Chase was wearing a professor gown while Hail was wearing a graduation gown. Chase talked about how Hail was successful in the classroom , but not in the ring. Chase said that changed last week when Hail won. Chase talked about how Hail walked to fear and told fear “you don’t scare me motherf–ker” [which was muted]. A “that’s not PG” chant ensued. Chase handed Hail a graduation plaque for her first victory.

Hail took the mic and thanked Andre Chase and the Chase U students. Hail’s graduation speech was cut off by JD McDonagh making his entrance. McDonagh was in his ring gear. JD talked about how stupid it was to do this for one simple win. JD said they’re giving participation trophies at this point. JD said when you do hang with losers, every win means a lot. JD mocked Chase for having a bad win-loss record.

JD reiterated that Chase U are losers. Chase took the mic and said he’s not going to let JD drag the name of Chase U across the ground. Andre said Chase U means a lot to him, Hail, and the student season. JD pointed out that Chase didn’t mention Duke Hudson. JD said he’s no rookie student. He said that he’s dressed for a fight while Chase is dressed like a moron. JD told Duke to “hold back your dog” when Hail went into Scrappy Doo “let me at him” mode.

Chase took the mic and said he’s ready to give Chase a Chase U sized ass whooping. Chase took off his sweater and gave him a series of right hands. JD sold the last right hand by flying over the top rope. Vic hyped Chase vs. McDonagh for after the break…[c]

2. JD McDonagh vs. Andre Chase (w/Duke Hudson, Thea Hail). The match was joined in progress. JD worked on Chase with his methodical and technical offense. Chase got a moment of respite after hitting JD with a back suplex. Chase rallied at JD with right hands and an atomic drop. Chase hit JD with a Russian Leg Sweep. Chase hit JD with his Chase U stomps. Chase hit JD with a sitout Bookend for a two count.

JD got a jackknife rollup for a two count. Chase got a two count off a backslide. JD hit Chase with a deep clothesline. Chase got a close nearfall off a rollup. Chase reversed a Devlin Side with a high knee. JD retaliated with a headbutt. Chase surprised JD with a Canadian Destroyer out of nowhere.

JD got his foot on the bottom rope for the break. JD crotched Chase when Chase went to the top rope.Duke Hudson walked away in frustration. McDonagh hit Chase with the Devlin Side for the win.

JD McDonagh defeated Andre Chase via pinfall in 4:35. 

Kiana James was chatting with her unnamed busty secretary about business. Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen, and Fallon Henley showed up to discuss Fallon and Kiana’s upcoming tag team match. Kiana recommended that she’d start the matc, but then decided that they can decide once they get in the ring. Everyone headed over to the ring…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A good match between two of NXT’s more experienced in-ring veterans. People sleep on the former Harlem Bravado brother due to his cartoony gimmick (The Bravado’s were goofy too, but nowhere as cheesy as the professor thing). Random Canadian Destroyer out of nowhere. Haven’t seen JD in a few weeks, but you can always count on him having a good match while making his opponent look good. My guess is Shawn Michaels really appreciates his over-selling, which makes his opponents look good. I like the side thread of Duke Hudson’s alignment because it keeps an interesting story thread around Chase U.

A replay of John Cena and JBL recreating the Few Good Men “you can’t handle the truth” scene was shown. This was from the promotion of the last time WrestleMania was in LA over a decade ago…

3. Fallon Henley and Kiana James (w/Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen) vs. Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley. Henley and James were at odds at the beginning. They ultimately agreed to have Henley start. Nile dominated with power offense. Paxley tagged in and hit Henley with a nice slingshot missile dropkick. Henley recovered and hit Paxley with a hooked thrust kick. James tagged in and tackled Paxley into the corner. Paxley shoved James away.

Nile and Henley tagged in. Nile hit henley with a strike combo and a hip toss. Nile hit henley with a rolling sobat kick. Henley came back with a Face Wash boot. James broke up Nile’s Dragon Sleeper on Henley. James also tripped up Nile. Henley hit Nile with a Shining Wizard for the victory.

Fallon Henley and Kiana James defeated Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley via pinfall in 3:21. 

Brooks Jensen was overjoyed at the victory. Josh Briggs and Fallon Henley weren’t happy at Kiana’s dirty tactics…

John’s Thoughts: Smart finish to forward the Henley and James feud with Henley still coming off as disingenuous. It’s similar to the Duke Hudson story, but I think James is a bit more of a clear heel as opposed to the ambiguous Duke. What baffles me a bit is on the other side of the match. What are they doing with Ivy Nile. Back when they had Stokely Hathaway talking for her, she looked to be on the fast track in NXT. She has a good and unique look. She also is passable in the ring and getting better every time. Her mic work sucks, but that’s what Stokely was for (plus she was better as a silent badass). I feel like they’ve kept her with Paxley for about a year and then just forgot to really write for them.

Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods were in the locker room singing Randy Orton’s “ey, nothing you can say” entrance theme. Edris Enofe and Malik Blade approached New Day to talk about how much they look up to them. The Schism showed up to antagonize both teams. New Day talked about how there is going to be a “Tag Team invitational” next week to add another team to the New Day vs. Gallus vs. Pretty Deadly match at Vengeance Day. After everyone left, Kofi and Woods started to sing Randy Orton’s current theme…

Bron Breakker was shown arriving at the Performance Center. Vic Joseph hyped an Apollo Crews segment for after the break where Crews will be at the barber shop that Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams hang out at…[c]

Apollo Crews was at the barbershop getting a haircut (he is bald tho). After Apollo sat down, Carmelo and Trick showed up. Melo sat in the seat across from Apollo. Apollo said he understands that he and Melo are in the same orbit. Melo said Apollo is looking at a younger version of himself in Melo. Melo talked about Apollo being called up early and had early success, but now he’s back. Melo said that he’s the brightest superstar in the game and “I am Him”. Melo said he’s going to have championship gold around his waist again.

Apollo said he can see it, except on his waist. Melo talked about how they’ve been trading wins recently. Apollo challenged Melo to a best of 3 falls match. Melo agreed. Melo said that Apollo needs to remember that he’s the past, while Melo is the future. Apollo said the funny thing about the past is the past can predict the future. Apollo left the shop…

Vic Joseph hyped the Carmelo Hayes vs. Apollo Crews best of 3 falls match…

Diamond Mine got a televised entrance for the next match…

4. “The Creed Brothers” Julius and Brutus Creed vs. Drew Gulak and Hank Walker. Gulak went for an early Kimura but Julius countered with a belly to back suplex. Drew took down Julius with a drop toehold. Gulak got a two count off a La Magistral. Walker tagged in and worked on Julius with a shoulder tackle. Hank hit Julius with a deep armdrag.

The Creeds traded quick tags to work on Hank with quick Death Valley Drivers. Hank hit Julius with a helicopter spin to set him up for Gulak’s lariat. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

[Hour Two] Gulak hit Brutus with paint brush punches. Brutus came back with overhead smashing blows. Gulak came back with a dropkick and snap DDT. Hank and Julius tagged in. Julius hit Hank with a Dragon Whip. Julius hit Gulak with a Saito Suplex. Julius hit Hank with a T-Bone suplex. Julius hit Hank with a Standing Shooting Star. Brutus hit Hank with a Standing Moonsault for a two count.

Gulak went to the top rope. Brutus hit Gulak with an assisted Fairy Tale Ending for a two count. All four men were on the ground to recover. Gulak and Julius traded stiff strikes in the center of the ring. Walker tagged in and put Julius in the helicopter spin. Brutus hit Gulak with a Pounce. Walker surprised Julius with a flapjack and wheelbarrow slam. Walker put Julius in a Juji Gatame. Julius kept his arms clasped.

Julius escaped when Walker had to kick out of a pin. Walker caught Brutus with a sleeper. Brutus and Hank took each other out with lariats. Charlie Dempsey showed up at ringside to confront Drew Gulak. Walker wanted the tag, but Gulak ordered Hank to go after Julius. Hank hit Julius with a big boot. Julius hit Hank with a Belly to Belly. Brutus tagged in and hit Hank with the Brutus Ball (cannonball drop) for the win.

The Creed Brothers defeated Hank Walker and Drew Gulak via pinfall in 11:43.

Gulak got in Hank’s face and told him to get focused. Hank apologized. After Gulak and Hank left, Brutus cut a promo in the ring. He apologized to Ivy Nile for being a bit of a hot head. Julius thanked Ivy for setting them straight. Brutus also thanked Ivy for support. Brutus said she inspired them to be the Old Creeds, the ones that won the tag titles.

Indus Sher and Jinder Mahal made their entrance to cut off the Creeds. Jinder congratulated the Creeds for becoming the old Creeds. Julius noted that Veer and Sanga were 100% now. Jinder challenged the Creeds on behalf of Veer and Sanga. Julius handed Ivy the mic and she said “you’re on!”…

John’s Thoughts: Fun match. Hank Walker’s best showing in NXT so far. It helps that being green actually helps his act, but it also makes his plucky moments have more of a bang. It actually looked like Hank and the Creeds all benefited from having a veteran like Gulak in the ring with them. Looking forward to the Creeds vs. Indus Sher finally happening. If I remember correctly, Veer’s father had passed away around the same time as New Years Evil. Prayers to Veer and his family for their loss. Good to see him back and looking forward to Indus Sher continuing to improve week to week.

McKenzie interviewed Gigi Dolin about what Jacy Jayne said earlier. Gigi said she’s not suprised and Jacy  is a bad person. She showed Gigi a rose with thorns. Gigi said that thorns are dangerous when people are distracted by petals. Gigi said she’s going to give Jacy a piece of her mind later on…

Wendy Choo made her entrance…[c]

Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo were meeting at an Italian Restaurant. This was a cinematic. They got reservations at the back room. Tony said the family is happy at Stack’s promotion and they also liked the desserts he gave them. Stacks said he wants to prove himself. He said he’s going after the biggest guy he can find. The waiter told Tony that AJ (galante?) thanks Tony for what he did at the track. Stacks and Tony did a cheers to Stacks’ promotion…

Elektra Lopez made her entrance. In inset video showed that Lopez invited Feroz to ringside to watch the next match…

5. Elektra Lopez vs. Wendy Choo. Lopez tossed around Choo to start the match. Valentina Feroz walked up to ringside. Lopez chucked Wendy’s body pillow at Wendy, but Wendy ducked and the pillow hit Booker. Choo rolled up Lopez a few times. Choo hit Lopez with a dropkick and hip toss. Choo caught Lopez with a Yakuza Kick. Lopez came back with a swinging Uranage. Lopez worked on Choo with methodical offense. Choo used an elbow to get out of a body scissors.

Choo rallied with shoves. Choo hit Lopez with a Sleepy Crossbody. Lopez pulled out brass knuckles from her tights. Feroz tried to inform the ref of the cheating, but it caused enough of a distraction for Lopez to nail Choo with the power of the punch for the victory.

Elektra Lopez defeated Wendy Choo via pinfall in 3:35. 

Briggs and Jensen congratulated Henley for getting along with Kiana James. Jensen said he almost pissed his pants when he entered Shawn Michaels’s office. He said he got Shawn to agree to give Kiana and Henley a match for the tag team titles at Vengeance Day. Josh Briggs was excited. Fallon Henley wasn’t and said that Jensen should have consulted with her before he asked for the match. Henley left, saying she had to think about this a bit…

Grayson Waller was shown wearing a fur coat and arriving at the Performance Center…[c]

John’s Thoughts: One of Elektra’s better showing in NXT. She’s usually rough, but there weren’t any slip ups here. It does help that she’s in the ring with Choo, who does a good job carrying green opponents. Happy to see improvement though. Looking forward to whatever she’s going to do with Valentina, mostly because I think Valentina is ready to take the next step and get meaningful TV time.

Lopez and Feroz were chatting backstage. Feroz said she didn’t like what Lopez did to her friend Wendy. Lopez said dirty gets the job done. She said Feroz can keep her friends, while she can keep winning…

McKenzie Mitchell was interviewing Stevie Turner via a TV monitor. McKenzie said it was supposed to be in-person. Stevie went to her Twitch/YouTube super chats. She used one of the questions to announce her debut next week. Steve also said she doesn’t think that Roxanne Perez will be champion after Vengeance Day. The show then cut to Grayson Waller making his entrance…

John’s Thoughts: I can see a heel twitch streamer character working. What I hope is that if she is a heel, that she isn’t as overbearing as the Marvel Comics Twitch Streamer supervillain, Screwball. Those missions were the most annoying in the Spiderman PS4 game.

Waller called out Bron Breakker. He said he punked Breakker out last week. Waller said he doesn’t have a metal plate under his coat this week. He opened the jacket to show his  replica NXT Championship belt. Breakker was shown heading to the ring. Waller continued to run his mouth. Bron Breakker made his entrance.

The men’s locker room ran out to pull apart both men. Breakker and Waller fought off some developmental wrestlers. Waller managed to send Breaker through the wooden barricade to leave Breakker knocked out. Waller posed at teh top of the ramp with his replica belt while the medics checked in on Breakker…

Vic Joseph hyped the handicap match for the tag team titles for after the break…[c]

The show cut to a cinematic promo of Mark Coffey and Wolfgang at a pub playing pool. Mark wasn’t a fan of watered down American beer. Wolfgang said people will soon find out that Gallus Boys are on top…

Vic Joseph reiterated the stipulation that New Day mentioned earlier and that one more team was being added to the NXT Tag Team Title match at Vengeance Day…

the replay was shown of Breakker crashing through the barricade. They showed that the barricade was patched up after…

Entrances for the next match took place. Alicia Taylor handled the formal in-ring introductions for the championship match. Right after the bell rang, Sol Ruca made her entrance. The referee agreed to allow Sol to be in the match for some reason. Fyre didn’t seem pleased…

John’s Thoughts: Well, an actual tag team match is better than the weird singles wrestler goes after tag title belts (The only time I really was hyped to see a singles wrestler with the tag belts was when Matt Morgan was doing it in TNA and it fit his powerhouse character). That said, it was odd to just have Ruca run out and say “I’m in the match”, and be allowed in the match. It would have made more sense if Shawn Michaels or another unseen authority figure would have sent word of the match change.

6. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance vs. Alba Fyre and Sol Ruca for the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships. Chance and Carter traded quick tags to cut the ring in half on Fyre with tandem offense. Fyre got the advantage and put the boots to Carter. Ruca tagged herself in. Ruca did some athletic dodges which included a handstand, leapfrog, and splits. Ruca hit Carter with a Splits Stunner. Fyre tossed Carter into the steel steps. Fyre and Ruca continued to be at odds heading into picture-in-picture.[c]

Chance escaped a press slam and hit Ruca with a enzuigiri. Carter tagged in and cleaned house. Carter hit Fyre with a face wash boot. Chance tagged in and hit Fyre with a double stomp for a two count. Carter tagged in and caught Fyre with a Scorpion Kick. Carter hit Chance with an innovative Wheelbarrow slam on top of Fyre to give Carter a two count. Fyre came back with a front suplex.

Fyre willingly tagged in Ruca. Ruca hit Carter with a high slingshot Frog Splash for a two count. Fyre and Chance dumped each other to ringside. Carter hit Ruca with a series of superkicks. Chance tagged in. Chance and Carter hit Ruca with their 450 Neckbreaker combo for the clean win.

Katana Chance and Kayden Carter defeated Sol Ruca and Alba Fyre via pinfall in 7:58. 

Ruca and Fyre glared at each other for a bit. Fyre dismissively walked past Ruca. Fyre also passed by Isla Dawn up the ramp who laughed at her. Kiana James and Fallon henley showed up at the crow’s nest. Henley said she thought of it and she accepts the title match that Jensen asked for…

John’s Thoughts: NXT had done a great job rebuilding Chance and Carter into being credible tag team champions. They were in WWE for so long as the plucky enhancement duo. It’s cool to see them protected and dominant now. These clean wins are also making them the better women’s tag team champions in WWE. Intrigued to see where things go with Fyre, Dawn, and Ruca. I hope it doesn’t involve Dawn’s poison “kicking in” and making Fyre evil.

Wes Lee met Dijak at his backstage desk. The camera had a grainy filter. Wes Lee laid the title belt on the desk. Dijak said Lee should hand over the title now. Lee agrees that handing the title would save him pain. Lee talked about making stupid decisions all his life. He said he was stupid enough to leave Ohio and travel the world. He said he was stupid enough to challenge the world and become a champion.

He said he believes he can overcome anything and beat anyone with the cheers of the fans. Lee said Dijak may not like the answer, but he’s not giving up the title. Lee dropped the Wu Tang Clan line of “Protect ya neck” to Dijak and said he’d see Dijak at Charlotte. Dijak said he doesn’t deal with sob stories, he deals with justice…

Vic Joseph hyped the Lee vs. Dijak title match…

McKenzie Mitchell caught up with Cora Jade and talked about how Jade was scheduled for an interview. Jade said she’s a superstar and McKenzie isn’t. McKenzie was annoyed at Jade and Stevie Turner dipping out of their interviews. McKenzie asked Jade on her thoughts on Lyra Valkyria. Jade said Valkyria needs to learn her place. She said Lyra won’t ever be better than her. Jade then started ranting about a feather being put in her locker. Vic Joseph told McKenzie that there is breaking news…

The show cut to the most dangerous place in WWE and all of pro wrestling, the NXT Parking Lot. This time, it was Nikkita Lyons on the ground writhing in pain. Several women wrestlers ran out to check on Nikkita. Indi Hartwell asked, “you got hit by a car?”…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Seriously, if I were a NXT wrestler, I’d just park across the street and walk in through the front door. We still haven’t found out who attacked Hideo Itami that one time. I still like to go with my Kayfabe and that the people behind these attacks are the ninjas that kidnapped Samoa Joe over a decade ago at the Universal Studios parking lot. F’n Ninjas! God bless Indi for asking if home gurl got wacked by an automobile…

Andre Chase and Thea Hail were talking about how selfish Duke Hudson was acting. Hudson walked in and Chase asked him where the F–k he went to. Hudson said he understands he was angry and that Chase doesn’t trust him after that NXT_Anonnymous video last week. He said as a makeup he talked to Shawn Michaels who told Hudson to talk to New Day. Hudson said the New Day like the Chase U campus and that He and Chase will have a chance in the tag team qualifying match for next week…

[Overrun] Vic advertised the following segments for next week: The Dyad vs. Enofe and Blade vs. Hudson and Chase for the final spot in the tag title match at Vengeance Day, Indus Sher vs. The Creed Brothers, and Cora Jade vs. Lyra Valkyria.

Booker T was moderating a Championship Sitdown summit in the ring. Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin were already sitting at the table. Roxanne Perez got a televised entrance. Booker allowed Gigi to talk first. Gigi mocked Jacy for always trying to get the first word in. Jacy said she carried Gigi’s ass. Jacy said last week’s kick was an accident, but she wishes it wasn’t. She said she admits Gigi is good, but she carried Gigi on her back.

Jacy said that if it wasn’t for her, Gigi would just be a one-hit-wonder YouTube sensation on the indies (A reference to her tampon meme?). Gigi said Jacy is the most insecure  person in the locker room. She said she’s going to shoot from the hip and tell everyone that Jacy has a puke bucket she uses before her matches. Jacy and Gigi continued to jaw at each other. Booker and Roxanne were laughing with Booker dropping his Shucky Ducky line.

Perez said this was entertaining. She said that Toxic Attraction antagonized the whole locker room, including making Roxanne’s live a living hell. She said she’s happy things have turned around and that karma is a toxic bitch. A “Toxic Bitch” chant ensued. Perez agreed that the odds are against her, but she’s walking out of Vengeance Day as champion. Gigi said Perez will make history, by having he shortest title reign.

She said she could pin Jacy and get the title. Jacy said she’s pinning Gigi. Jacy talked about how it used to be Toxic Attraction above everyone else, but now it’s Jacy Jayne above everyone. Gigi got fired up and said that Jacy is still holding on to Toxic Attraction. Gigi said that Jacy is just a third wheel in this match. Gigi and Jacy got in each other’s face. Gigi and Jacy then got on the same page and put the boots to Roxanne Perez.

Gigi and Jacy gave Roxanne a Shield Bomb through the table. Gigi and Jacy stood in unity as they posed holding the NXT Women’s Title over the fallen champ. Vic closed the show, wondering if Toxic Attraction will stay on the same page at Vengeance Day…

John’s Thoughts: With them laying it on so thick that they were divided throughout the show, I had a feeling that they were going to go with the swerve. They did have me suspending my disbelief a bit when they were throwing the “shoot” comments at each other. The vomit line was really scathing. They also had Jacy reference Gigi’s “Taste the Tuna” tampon meme which she was known for before WWE. This segment and swerve did make me more interested in the women’s title match and has me thinking that Toxic Attraction might actually be a threat.

A nice and focused show this week with the goal being to build towards NXT going back on the road at Vengeance Day. Like all the bits of character development throughout the show. I wouldn’t mind seeing Paul Levesque employ some of the techniques that HBK and crew are utilizing in terms of character development and world building. The world building stood out on this episode which NXT utilizing nuanced methods to build an expanded storyline universe.

I loved McKenzie’s added touch of being annoyed that her interview subjects were all ducking out on her. Speaking of McKenzie, no Big Body Javi this week? I hope he’s ok after looking like he might have got his bell rung last week (Update: I checked out his Twitter feed and he’s tweeting. So that’s good. What’s also hilarious is for some reason he quoted Mystikal’s HELP THE BEAR freestyle rap. So for the Mystikal reference Big Body Javi gets Big Body extra points from me). I’ll be back with an audio review for the dot net members and patreon patrons.

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Readers Comments (1)

  1. I wonder if New Day singing Orton’s entrance is a clue for him showing up at the Rumble..

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