Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Josh Alexander and Bully Ray’s final meeting before Hard To Kill, Eddie Edwards, Moose, and Steve Maclin vs. Jonathan Gresham, Joe Hendry, and Rich Swann, Brian Myers vs. Heath, Savannah Evans vs. Rosemary, Mike Bailey vs. Anthony Greene

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Join me for my live review of Impact Wrestling Hard To Kill tonight beginning with the 30-minute pre-show at 6:30CT/7:30ET.

Impact Wrestling Hits

Eddie Edwards, Moose, and Steve Maclin vs. Jonathan Gresham, Joe Hendry, and Rich Swann: Six-man tag matches that consist of six singles wrestlers being thrown together rarely do much for me. But this was actually a nice mix and a strong television main event. With Gresham and Hendry’s latest runs making them feel fairly new to Impact, it felt fresh to see them team with Swann to go against the heel trio. They got the finish right with Moose making a blind take and then spearing and pinning Hendry heading into their Digital Media Championship match (even though I still couldn’t care less about Impact’s newest title belt).

Josh Alexander and Bully Ray meeting: A good final push for tonight’s Full Metal Mayhem match for the Impact World Championship. I’m not sure why Alexander wasn’t at the final taping, but they made the best of it by having Josh Mathews conduct this remote meeting.

Mike Bailey vs. Anthony Greene: The best of the three singles matches. Bailey never seems to disappoint and Greene can go and was a good opponent for him. That said, if Greene is in for the long haul, they really need to establish his character in Impact.

Brian Myers vs. Heath: A nice basic match between to veterans. I can’t say that it made me more excited about the four-way tag team title match that both men will be in tonight, but it filled the time nicely and had a satisfying finish with the babyface going over clean.

Savannah Evans vs. Rosemary: The angle prior to the match with Taya Valkyrie claiming that she was attacked by four people was interesting. Perhaps I’m reading too much into it, but the fact that she didn’t mention Evans and her crew by name left me hoping that Valkyrie made up the attack and will eventually start working as a singles heel again. Either way, the attack angle gave Rosemary’s character a reason to be more intense and it led to a quality match.

Sami Callihan shaves his head for The Design: I didn’t see this coming. I assumed that Callihan would end up fighting The Design trio rather than actually shaving his head and joining them. So even though the segment dragged a bit, the surprise factor won me over. Callihan’s act needed to be shaken up and The Design needed a boost. That said, only time will tell whether it will actually be a good fit, but I’m encouraged to see them try something new.

Impact Wrestling Misses

None: Well, there was one issue. The low quality video for the remote meeting between Alexander and Ray didn’t bother me. Rather, it was the audio mix of the show. TV stereo setups vary and John Moore didn’t mention any issues in his review, so perhaps it was just a problem on my end. But I haven’t made any changes to my system and the mix was rough with a loud ring mic and entrance music that often muffled the broadcast team. Anyway, this wasn’t a standout edition of Impact, but it was an easy to watch show that had some quality matches and good final hype for tonight’s Hard To Kill pay-per-view.


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