Powell’s NXT Hit List: Mandy Rose vs. Alba Fyre in a Last Woman Standing match for the NXT Women’s Championship, Bron Breakker vs. Von Wagner for the NXT Championship, Apollo Crews vs. JD McDonagh, Indi Hartwell vs. Tatum Paxley, Jagger Reid and Rip Fowler vs. Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NXT Hits

Apollo Crews vs. JD McDonagh: NXT was built around two title matches, but this was the match that stole the show. Crews and McDonagh worked really well together and produced a good, suspenseful match. I’m not crazy about Crews’s elevated uranage slam as a finisher, because it just didn’t feel like a peak moment after everything else these two threw at each other. Even so, this was terrific match.

Mandy Rose vs. Alba Fyre in a Last Woman Standing match for the NXT Women’s Championship: A good brawl with an interference finish that was effective in terms of keeping the belt on Rose without damaging Fyre. The only negative is that Isla Dawn, who attacked Fyre, was the latest NXT UK wrestler to be treated like a household name upon arrival in NXT. I enjoyed NXT UK, but the show was clearly among WWE’s least viewed first-run programs. I understood when they had to rush the NXT UK talent onto the show to set the table for the Worlds Collide event, but I really hope they will start to take a different approach by giving any remaining UK talent proper introductions for the benefit of the masses who are not familiar with them.

Bron Breakker vs. Von Wagner for the NXT Championship: This wasn’t built up to be the showdown match that it could have been, but it was still an enjoyable title defense for Breakker. Wagner was given a big push that he wasn’t ready for when NXT 2.0 was launched. This high profile match gave Wagner a chance to show how much he’s improved since the early days and he came through with a good performance. I also liked the way they followed up the match by having Apollo Crews and JD McDonagh approach Breakker separately. It reminded viewers that they are both in the title picture and even made their match feel like an unofficial No. 1 contenders match.

“Indus Sher” Veer Mahaan and Sanga vs. George Canon and Ariel Rodriguez: A good squash match win for the reunited Indus Sher. Sanga showed no remorse for their brutality and was just as heelish as Mahaan during their post match promo. It was a notable change given that he seemed conflicted about rejoining Mahaan in the weeks that led up to this match.

Wes Lee and Carmelo Hayes contract signing: A decent segment that provided good hype for next week’s North American Championship match.

NXT Misses

Indi Hartwell vs. Tatum Paxley: The story of Hartwell removing Paxley’s protective mask and then kicking the back of her head to drive her face into the mat was a good way to showcase Hartwell’s new mean streak. Unfortunately, Hartwell tripped when she tried to deliver the kick and that wasn’t the only sloppiness in this match. On the bright side, I liked Hartwell showing no remorse while telling to Roxanne Perez that she’ll do what it takes to get a spot in the Iron Survivor Challenge.

Zoey Stark promo: It was asking a lot for Stark to fill as much time as she did. She looked nervous and a lot of the fans in the crowd seemed disinterested. Stark offered a good explanation for turning on Nikkita Lyons, and it was a decent promo that simply overstayed its welcome. If nothing else, Starks showed that she has the ability to be a good promo once she gets more reps.

Jagger Reid and Rip Fowler vs. Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen: A well worked match, but the story of Kiana James wanting to buy Fallon Henley’s family bar does nothing for me. James coming out to confront Henley during the match was a groaner, especially when it led to Reid and Fowler going over. The finish protected Briggs and Jensen, but it felt like an empty win for Reid and Fowler.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Why do they keep putting von waggner on my tv? The Iron Survivor match sounds complicated

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