11/07 WWE Raw results: Powell’s live review of Seth Rollins holding an open challenge for the U.S. Championship, the fallout from WWE Crown Jewel, and the build to WWE Survivor Series begins

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,537)
Live from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania at Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza
Aired November 7, 2022 on USA Network

[Hour One] The Raw opening aired and then pyro shot off the on the stage… Kevin Patrick and Corey Graves introduced the show. Patrick noted that they were coming out of WWE Crown Jewel and said they would turn the page to Survivor Series WarGames. Graves hyped WWE Survivor Series War Games for Thanksgiving weekend…

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso made their entrance along with Solo Sikoa. Patrick hyped The Usos vs. Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods for the tag titles for Friday’s Smackdown, while also noting that the New Day duo would attempt to stop The Usos from breaking their record for longest WWE tag team title reign.

Once the Usos and Sikoa were in the ring, a “Sami” chant broke out. Jey started by saying that The Bloodline “are now in your city.” Jimmy boasted about Roman Reigns “smashing” Logan Paul while they beat The Brawling Brutes to retain the tag titles. Jimmy pointed to the big screen, which featured a shot of The Bloodline posing after the WWE Crown Jewel main event. Jey turned the focus to defending against New Day. A “New Day Rocks” chant started. Jey said they do rock, but he said the Usos are the ones.

“New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods made their entrance and entered the ring. Kingston congratulated the Usos for retaining their titles at Crown Jewel. Woods spoke about Friday’s match and said he and Kingston would keep the longest tag title reign record intact. The Usos agreed that New Day are a hell of a tag team and said it must feel good to be the second best tag team in WWE.

Woods pointed out that New Day still hold the record and said the Usos are chasing them. Woods also pointed out that he and Woods are first generation wrestlers and accused the Usos of having their hands held. The Usos said they wouldn’t know what the pressure is like to live up to the legacy of their family.

Woods told the Usos not to speak to them about pressure. He said pressure is sitting in catering and wondering if you’re going to be fired and starting a YouTube page just to get noticed at work. He also recalled being booed when the trio started. “Don’t you dare talk to us about pressure,” Woods said. A “New Day Rocks” chant started again. Woods said the fans know about the pressure because they know that it’s what turned them into diamonds.

Jimmy asked if Xavier was talking about the diamonds in his crown from his King Woods days. Jey said that if the Usos never forfeited the match, there never would have been a Kofi Mania. Jey told Kingston to stay home with his kids and let them do what they do. Kingston asked what kind of a father he would be if he did. Kingston spoke about the record and how it represented what may be the last time New Day was whole. He said they would not forfeit the match.

Matt Riddle’s entrance music interrupted and he made his entrance with his bongo drums. Once in the ring, Riddle told Woods that he and Elias had formed a thing. One of the Usos told Riddle to shut up. Riddle repeated his joke about hitting the bong, then had Woods and Kingston “hit the bong” by slapping his bongo drums. Riddle asked Sikoa to hit his gong. Sikoa remained stone faced. Riddle got Jimmy to play the bongo drums and then told him the rule is “tap, tap, pass.”

Riddle offered Jey a chance to play the drums and noted that things hadn’t been so Ucey. Jey slapped the drums. Riddle said no man slaps his bong. Riddle called for a six-man tag match. Riddle tried to start a New Day Rocks chant, but the live crowd didn’t play along. Patrick said the six-man tag match would take place after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: This is a tough crowd. They didn’t play along with Riddle, and the instances when they did chant led to some really faint chants. I can’t blame them for not laughing at Riddle’s repetitive bongo drums joke, but hopefully they will wake up once the in-ring actions starts.

1. Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, and Solo Sikoa vs. Matt Riddle and “New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods. A graphic listed Johnny Gargano vs. The Miz for later in the show. Riddle sent Jey to the floor and set up for the Floating Bro. Jimmy distracted the referee, allowing Sikoa to knock Riddle off the apron with a cheap shot. [C]

Riddle was isolated coming out of the break. The crowd came to life when Riddle tried to fight his way out of the heel corner. Riddle slammed Jey to the mat. Sikoa tagged in and tried to stop him, but Riddle hit Sikoa with a knee strike and was able to tag out. Kingston and Woods double teamed Sikoa. Woods covered Sikoa, who kicked out immediately. Woods expressed disbelief.

Kingston tagged in. Woods tried to roll up Sikoa, who kicked him. Woods dove at Sikoa from the ropes with a crossbody block and then hit him with a Boom Drop moments later. Kingston set up for Trouble in Paradise, but Jey distracted him momentarily, allowing Sikoa to take offensive control. Sikoa took Kingston to ringside and slammed his head on the broadcast table. [C]

Kingston was isolated by the heel trio coming out of the break. Kingston eventually put Sikoa down with a tornado DDT and then both men tagged out. Riddle worked over both Usos with kicks and knees. Riddle suplexed Jimmy out of one corner and then did the same to Jey. Riddle powerbombed Jey and then sat him up and drilled him with a knee to the face, which led to a two count.

Riddle went up top and attempted a moonsault. Jey avoided it and Riddle rolled through. Jey superkicked Riddle when he stood up. Jey got a near fall and then tagged in Jimmy. Jey went for a top rope splash, but Riddle caught him in a triangle. Jimmy performed a top rope splash and went for the pin, but Woods broke it up. Woods and Sikoa fought to ringside. Sikoa tossed Woods over the broadcast table. Kingston went for a suicide dive, but Sikoa punched him.

Riddle took out Sikoa with a dive. Jimmy returned the favor by taking out Riddle. Jimmy tossed Riddle back inside the ring. Riddle kicked Jimmy when he tried to return to the ring and then put him down with a Draping DDT. Sikoa tagged in and then dropped off the apron. Riddle hit the RKO on Jimmy. Sikoa entered the ring and performed a uranage slam on Riddle before pinning him to win the match…

Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, and Solo Sikoa defeated Matt Riddle and “New Day” Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods in 20:55.

Powell’s POV: A good opening match. The crowd continues to be tough, but they came to life a few times. The company continues to take great care of Sikoa by booking him to be the badass enforcer of The Bloodline. It was logical to have him beat Riddle, as it takes nothing away from the Usos vs. New Day showdown match on Smackdown.

The broadcast team touted WWE Crown Jewel, which Patrick called WWE’s most successful international event. A Crown Jewel video package aired…

JBL made his entrance wearing another oversized suit… [C]

Powell’s POV: The Impact Wrestling ads continue to air on DirecTV. It’s been roughly four weeks of ads during Raw, and they had at least one during last week’s AEW Dynamite.

JBL stood in the ring and boasted that he has sold out every great arena. “When you talk about great arenas, this isn’t one of them,” JBL said. He took a jab at the fans over the Phillies losing the World Series and then introduced Baron Corbin as the man who will save the business, and a modern day wrestling god. Baron Corbin made his awful entrance wearing his awful hat and then shook hands with JBL once he was in the ring. Cedric Alexander made his entrance…

2. Baron Corbin (w/JBL) vs. Cedric Alexander. JBL sat in on commentary. A graphic listed Shelton Benjamin vs. Austin Theory for later in the show. JBL said Elon Musk called him and said he would only buy Twitter if Corbin agreed to remain on the platform. In the ring, Alexander had a flurry of offense that included a Neuralyzer. Alexander sent Corbin to ringside and hit him with a suicide dive. Corbin returned to the ring and when Alexander followed, Corbin caught him with End of Days and scored the pin…

Baron Corbin beat Cedric Alexander in 2:20.

Seth Rollins was shown dancing backstage while the broadcast team hyped his open challenge for the U.S. Championship… [C]

Powell’s POV: More of the same with JBL setting a tone for Corbin being a wrestling god that is ruined the moment Corbin’s entrance theme played. I labeled it awful. Honestly, it would be okay if he were playing a different character, but it just doesn’t mesh with what they are going for with JBL being his mentor.

[Hour Two] Seth Rollins made his entrance. Some fans in the flat crowd chanted along to his entrance. Once in the ring, Rollins questioned who would take him up on his open challenge.

“The Judgment Day” Finn Balor, Rhea Ripley, Dominik Mysterio, and Damian Priest made their entrance. The broadcast team wondered which member of the faction would take the open challenge. Finn Balor entered the ring. Rollins smiled.

Balor told Rollins that he had a bone to pick with him. Balor recalled Rollins costing him gold “a couple years back.” Balor said he would return the favor by costing Rollins gold. Balor was interrupted before he could accept the open challenge. Dominik Mysterio and Damian Priest entered the rings and stood by Balor.

“The OC” AJ Styles, Luke Gallows, and Karl Anderson made their entrance and entered the ring. Rollins stood between the two feuding factions and slowly backed away and then left the ring with his title belt. Styles said things between The OC and Judgment Day were far from over. Balor said the only thing over in the ring was Judgment Day. Balor said The OC is old news.

Styles said the problem is that it’s always been three OC members facing all four members of The Judgment Day. Styles said they still haven’t found someone to take care of their Judgment Day problem. Styles said that someone actually found The OC.

A hooded woman was shown standing over Ripley, who had been knocked onto all fours. The woman removed her hood to reveal Mia Yim. The OC battled the male members of The Judgment Day while Yim worked over Ripley with a kendo stick at ringside. Yim threw Ripley over the barricade into the timekeepers area. Gallows and Anderson cleared Dom and Priest from the ring.

Styles and Balor squared off. Styles got the better of it briefly and then fled the ring. Anderson slammed Balor’s head on the apron. In the ring, Styles put Dom down with a Styles Clash. Balor helped Dom to the back while The OC and Yim struck a pose inside the ring…

Otis was shown warming up backstage while Chad Gable coached him. Patrick hyped Otis vs. Elias for after the break… A Smackdown ad focused on the World Cup tournament and the narrator said the winner of the eight-man tournament will earn a shot at Gunther’s Intercontinental Championship. The Usos vs. New Day match for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles was also hyped… [C]

Powell’s POV: I got a kick out of Rollins sneaking out of the picture and walking off with his championship, but I hope there will still be an open challenge given that it’s the only thing WWE advertised in advance tonight. I’m surprised that Yim didn’t join husband Keith Lee in AEW. It’s hard not to wonder if he’ll end up joining her in WWE once his deal expires. Either way, she’s a problem solver for The OC’s Ripley problem.

A Survivor Series WarGames ad aired to the tune of Black Sabbath’s “War Pigs”…

Cathy Kelley interviewed Seth Rollins and asked him about the open challenge. Rollins said he made a promise to the people. He said we’d see who answers the call. He told Kelley that it better not be her. Rollins cackled… Alpha Academy made their entrance. Elias came out carrying his guitar. Patrick noted that we haven’t heard Elias perform since he returned…

3. Elias vs. Otis (w/Chad Gable). The match was sponsored by a buffet chain. Otis should really be their official spokesman. Elias tried to slam Otis, but he couldn’t hold him up. Otis crashed on top of Elias and then went on the offensive.

Elias dodged Otis charging him, causing Otis to crash into the ring post. Elias dropped Otis with back to back jumping knee strikes and covered him for a two count. Elias knocked Gable off the apron. Otis took advantage of the distraction and powerslammed Elias before pinning him…

Otis defeated Elias in 3:00.

Powell’s POV: I guess Riddle was too busy hitting the bong to be in Elias’s corner? Riddle mentioned Elias earlier or I’d be wondering if the creative forces figured out that Elias has played a part in Riddle cooling off. I’m not complaining about Otis going over, though. I’m all for creative doing more with Alpha Academy.

Backstage, Byron Saxton stood with The Judgment Day and said it looked like The OC had a solution for their Ripley problem. Balor and Priest disputed Saxton’s claim. Dom took issue with The OC thinking they found someone who could take down “Mommy.” Ripley told The OC to bring in Yim and an entire army. Judgment Day left the interview area. Bianca Belair walked into the picture and had a brief staredown with Ripley, who called Belair champ before Belair walked away…

Powell’s POV: I actually hope that’s planting a long term seed for a WrestleMania match between Belair and Ripley. It should feel like a showdown match wherever they do it, but I’d love to see what those two could do on the big stage.

The buffet chain sponsored a Tribute to the Troops video…

Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair made her entrance along with Asuka and Alexa Bliss. Highlights aired from Crown Jewel of Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky beating Asuka and Bliss to regain the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles with help from Nikki Cross. Footage also aired of Belair beating Bayley to retain her title in the Last Woman Standing match. Fan cam footage was shown from earlier in the day of Belair, Asuka, and Bliss having to be separated from Damage CTRL outside the building.

Belair said that if Damage CTRL want to act tough in the parking garage area, they should come out and hear what they have to say. The Damage CTRL trio of Bayley, Kai, and Sky made their entrance. Kai spoke as the trio walked to the ring and she and Kai boasted that they’ve won the titles twice. Bliss said Cross is the only reason they won the tag titles.

Asuka spoke in Japanese. Sky responded in Japanese and then they both yelled in Japanese. Asuka got the better of it, as Kai put her finger in her ear. “Bitch,” Sky replied in English, which led to the latest fight between the six women. Belair, Asuka, and Bliss cleared the ring quickly.

Belair said it’s no longer a fight it’s war. She called for a WarGames match. Nikki Cross attacked Belair from behind and then joined Damage CTRL in working over the babyfaces. The four heels left the babyfaces lying while the broadcast team noted that Damage CTRL accepted the WarGames challenge…

Patrick hyped the Rollins’ open challenge for the U.S. Championship… [C]

Powell’s POV: Well, at least we appear to have an end date for the plodding Belair, Asuka, and Bliss feud with Damage CTRL. To be fair, it’s been a little better lately and I did enjoy the two matches at Crown Jewel, but I’m ready for everyone involved to move on.

Still shots aired from WWE Crown Jewel… Entrances for the next match took place. Patrick noted that the show was sponsored by the buffet chain again…

4. Austin Theory vs. Shelton Benjamin. Footage aired from earlier in the day of Theory and Benjamin bickering backstage. Theory asked when the last time Benjamin won a match, which led to Benjamin challenging him to a match. Benjamin caught Theory on the ropes, but Theory poked his eyes. Graves said he didn’t think the referee saw it. Theory followed up with his A-Town Down finisher and scored the pin…

Austin Theory defeated Shelton Benjamin in 2:40.

The Miz was shown walking backstage while Patrick hyped his match with Johnny Gargano for after the break… An ad for Tuesday’s NXT focused on Kayden Carter and Katana Chance vs. Zoey Stark and Nikkita Lyons for the NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles… [C]

Powell’s POV: I was actually hoping for a brief television program between Theory and Benjamin, but I’m not surprised that Theory went over quickly. I suppose they could get another match out of it given that Theory cheated to win.

The Miz made his entrance to a flat reaction (welcome to Wilkes-Barre, apparently). Miz delivered an in-ring promo. He said he wanted to speak with honesty. He said Gargano’s interview from the week before was false. He called it a smear job and said the evidence is clearly doctored. Miz said he’s had to defend himself to everyone, including his own father, who believes Gargano.

Miz said the only positive is that his agent’s phone hasn’t stopping ringing. He said he met with a Hollywood producer and said she wants to tell his story. Miz also said he spoke to his lawyer about a defamation case. Miz was interrupted by Johnny Gargano’s entrance music.

Johnny Gargano walked out with a mic in hand and said that he’s always liked Miz’s dad and labeled him a very smart man. A small “Johnny Wrestling” chant broke out. Gargano thanked the fans and said he needed to blow the whistle on himself. Gargano said it had to be done.

Gargano, who had a whistle around his neck, said he did the interview because he hoped it would led to Miz paying Dexter Lumis the money he owes him. Gargano said he did something a little deceitful. He said the Hollywood producer that Miz had dinner with was actually a private investigator who wore a hidden camera. Gargano pulled out a universal remote control and said it happens to work on the Tron.

Footage aired of Miz’s dinner. Miz asked the woman if they could speak off the record and then told her that everything Gargano said was actually true. Miz said he orchestrated the whole thing. Miz said everything was going perfect until he stopped paying Lumis, who wouldn’t let up. The woman asked why he stopped paying Lumis. Miz said it was getting out of control and WWE Corporate was asking too many questions. Miz said Lumis should be thanking him. Gargano “used his remote” to make his entrance music play again and he walked toward the ring… [C]

Powell’s POV: I wish I had a universal remove that would fast-forward through this feud and ideally get to a point when Gargano gets back to being a likable character.

[Hour Three] 5. The Miz vs. Johnny Gargano. Gargano went on the early offensive and played to the crowd. Miz went for a dropkick, but he crashed and burned when Gargano held onto the ropes. Gargano took a bow while looking to the crowd. Miz caught Gargano attempting and up and over spot in the corner, and then blasted him with a kick to the face.

Gargano regained offensive control and performed a neckbreaker for a two count. Gargano went for his finishing hold, but Miz avoided it. Gargano kicked Miz, who went through the ropes and landed on his feet. When Miz got back on the apron, Gargano superkicked him. Miz crotched Gargano on the barricade and them knocked him into the timekeepers area with a superkick. [C]

Gargano put Miz down with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Miz caught Gargano with a shot that sent him to the apron. Gargano speared Miz through the ropes and got a good near fall. Miz rallied with a DDT for a near fall of his own. Miza and Gargano traded kicks. Gargano went for another spear, but Miz hit him with a knee and got a near fall.

Miz yelled about his massive balls and went for his finisher, but Gargano countered into a pin for a two count. Gargano put Miz down with a superkick for another two count. Miz rolled to the floor. Gargano performed a suicide dive. Miz responded by shoving Gargano into the broadcast table and then threw him back in the ring. Gargano dropkicked Miz off the apron.

Miz went underneath the ring and pulled out a turnbuckle wrench while acting like someone was underneath the ring. The referee looked under the ring and then then Miz hit Gargano with the turnbuckle wrench. Miz returned to the ring and scored the pin…

The Miz beat Johnny Gargano in 17:00.

The Miz went to the entrance area and boasted while looking into the camera. Dexter Lumis ran out and hit Miz with a chair twice. Security chased Lumis, who hopped over the barricade and ran away…

Powell’s POV: They worked hard and this was better than a typical Miz match, but I continue to be turned off by Gargano’s main roster persona. I hope they hurry up and move to Miz vs. Lumis so that Gargano can move on.

Backstage, Damage CTRL spoke with Nikki Cross. They spoke about Cross having pent up aggression. Bayley told her she didn’t have to wait until WarGames, she could let it all out tonight. Cross laughed maniacally and said she came to play. The Damage CTRL trio looked uncomfortable…

Patrick hyped Dana Brooke vs. Nikki Cross for the WWE 24/7 Championship for after the break…

Powell’s POV: Please let Nikki Cross destroy that worthless POS title once and for all.

Nikki Cross made her entrance and was followed to the ring by the Damage CTRL trio. Dana Broke made her entrance and slapped hands with fans on her way to the ring…

6. Dana Brooke vs. Nikki Cross (w/Bayley, Dakota Kai, Iyo Sky) for the WWE 24/7 Championship. Bayley sat in on commentary and was asked about her relationship with Cross. She pointed to Cross aggressively attacking Brooke and said that’s the answer. When asked how it came together, she asked, “Wouldn’t you like to know.” Cross ended up draping Brooke over the top rope and then performing a neckbreaker, which led to the three count.

Nikki Cross beat Dana Brooke in 2:15 to win the WWE 24/7 Championship. 

Cross started walking to the back while Damage CTRL followed. Bayley carefully placed the title belt over Cross’s shoulder… The broadcast team hyped the Rollins’ open challenge… [C]

Powell’s POV: Just when it seemed like the Wilkes-Barre crowd couldn’t possibly be flatter, along came the WWE 24/7 Championship match. As worthless as that title is, there’s usually a pop for a title change, but this crowd just sat on their hands from bell to bell. I can’t blame them in this case.

WWE Crown Jewel still shots were shown…

Cross was shown walking backstage and smiling as she looked up at the ceiling while the Damage CTRL members walked behind her. Cross casually dumped the worthless POS title belt in the trash as she continued to stare upward…

Powell’s POV: Nikki Cross is my hero. Good riddance. I’m reenacting this scene in my living room right now.

Backstage, Byron Saxton spoke with The OC and Mia Yim. The OC spoke about needing the toughest woman in the building to take care of their Rhea Ripley problem. Yim said she gave them a sample and said everyone would see just how tough Ripley really is when she has someone who will hit her back…

U.S. Champion Seth Rollins made his entrance for the open challenge. Once in the ring, Rollins played to the crowd about the open challenge. Rollins noted that this month will mark ten years of his WWE career. The crowd chanted his entrance theme. Rollins said he’s made the U.S. Championship “the title to have here on Raw.” Rollins eventually said it was time to find out who will accept his open challenge.

Mustafa Ali appeared on the big screen, but he was attacked by someone off-camera. Bobby Lashley stepped forward and said Brock Lesnar was the only reason he wasn’t the U.S. Champion. Ali attacked Lashley, who quickly disposed of Ali and said he accepts Rollins’ challenge. Rollins laughed… [C]

Highlights aired of Brock Lesnar beating Bobby Lashley at WWE Crown Jewel…

Bobby Lashley made his entrance. Lashley stared at Rollins as he walked to the ring. Patrick played up that Lashley was a different man coming out of his loss to Lesnar. Once Lashley was in the ring, he teased warming up and then turned and clotheslined Rollins over the top rope.

Lashley followed Rollins to the floor and slammed his back into the barricade and then ran him face first into the barricade. Lashley threw punches at Rollins and threw him back inside the ring. Rollins rolled back out to the floor. Lashley followed and went for a spear, but Rollins caught him with a superkick and ran him into the ring steps.

Rollins went for a Pedigree, but Lashley countered with a backdrop. Lashley worked over Rollins with punches on the floor. Several referees and security guards tried to talk Lashley down. Rollins charged Lashley, who performed a Flatliner on the floor.

Lashley ran Rollins into the barricade, then hoisted him up and ran him into the ring post. Lashley cleared the broadcast table while the referees and security guards tried to talk him down. Lashley picked up Rollins and slammed him through the broadcast table. Adam Pearce and other producers came out. Lashley walked away. Highlights of the attack aired.

Back live, Lashley headed to the stage and played to the crowd for a reaction. Austin Theory walked out holding the Money in the Bank briefcase. [C]

Coming out of the break, Rollins was lying on the broken table speaking with trainer while Theory stood nearby. Theory told a referee that he was cashing in…

7. Seth Rollins vs. Austin Theory for the U.S. Championship. Theory punched Rollins and covered him for a near fall. He followed up with a neckbreaker over his knee for another. Theory hoisted up Rollins and went for his finisher, but Rollins countered out of it and attempted a Pedigree, which Theory avoided. Theory hit a Pedigree of his own and got another good near fall. Theory threw a fit over not getting the pin.

Rollins sent Theory over the top rope to the floor. Theory returned to the apron and then rolled inside the ring for a move, but Rollins caught him and powerbombed him. Rollins superkicked Theory and ended up hitting the back of his head with a forearm shot.

Rollins pulled himself up and went for a Stomp, but Theory countered into the A-Town Down. Theory had the pin, but Bobby Lashley pulled the referee out of the ring. “You ruined it, you idiot,” Theory barked. Lashley pulled Theory to ringside and ended up hoisting him up and slamming him into the ring post. Lashley ran Theory into the barricade and then picked him up and ran him into the post again.

Lashley put Theory in the Hurt Lock and eventually released it. The referee, who was bumped at some point, returned to the ring and started to count. Theory returned to the ring at the nine count. Rollins immediately hit the Stomp on Theory. Rollins crawled over and covered Theory and the referee made the three count…

Seth Rollins defeated Austin Theory in 5:00 to retain the U.S. Championship.

Graves gushed over Rollins coming out of the match. He said sing along and let him hear you, then said Rollins earned it…

Powell’s POV: As much as I dislike the idea that the Money in the Bank contract can be cashed in for anything other than a world championship, this was a really good final segment. I bought into Theory cashing in successfully and was surprised when Lashley pulled him from the ring (I have a laptop in front of me, so I missed it if they showed that Lashley was still at ringside). It continues to come off like Rollins has turned babyface, and perhaps Lashley has turned heel, but I’m not entirely sure since attacking Theory felt like a babyface move.

Overall, the final segment was an unexpected gem and closed a mostly forgettable show on a high note. I will have more to say about Raw in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of Raw by grading the show below. And I’m sincerely sorry about the shirtless Kirk Cousins footage. No one should be subjected to that, and this is coming from a Vikings fan. Skol!

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the November 7 edition

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Readers Comments (6)

  1. Hey Jason, Not doing Crown Jewel Hits and Misses? Just wondering…

    • No, very busy stretch. I finished Crown Jewel audio and then drove to Des Moines to pick up our new dog and then turned around and drove back. Eight hours of mowed cornfields and wind turbines. I’ve had some other stuff going on that’s kept me way too busy, but things are getting back to normal aside from breaking in the new dog. Long story short, I gave the show a B. I didn’t have any problems with any of the matches, including Strowman vs. Omos, which was fine for a big man battle.

  2. Rhea v Belair at Mania? Disagree. Rhea v Belair at the Royal Rumble. Rhea v Beth Phoenix at Mania.

  3. “Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, and Soko Sikoa”

    He’ll Sokot to ya!

  4. Dana Brooke made the 24/7 belt more over than most of the crap that has been in the women’s division under Failure H. She had a lot of ideas to change the belt and Failure H goes with a jab toward Vince that Nikki Cross screwed up by missing the garbage. No wonder this show is getting less popular under Failure H. And very disrespectful to Dana and her ideas to change the belt into something else.

  5. MITB & 24/7 title were stale AF. Props to HHH for killing them both in less than an hour!

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