Tony Khan praises three AEW veterans for giving the company momentum

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Tony Khan spoke with Steven Muehlhausen of DAZN and credited three veteran wrestlers for giving AEW Dynamite momentum. “I think Jon Moxley, the AEW World Champion, and Chris Jericho have stepped up in a major way,” Khan said. “I think a lot of fans would see they’ve both had an incredible run of matches, including against each other at Quake by the Lake in August. Since the Grand Slam tournament champions started, we’ve been on a great run. And I think they’re leaders backstage.

And I think Bryan Danielson also is a huge part of this. Moxley and Chris have been here from the very beginning, and Bryan stepped in and has been one of the most prominent people on the TV shows. So he’s a huge part of it. Backstage, I think they’re all leaders and have helped us get through this period. Bryan was out for a while, and since Bryan came back, it’s been some of the best TV we’ve done. I am grateful he’s been a big part of it because it’s been great to have Bryan in the shows.” Read the full story at

Powell’s POV: It’s good to see Khan praising his veteran leaders. At the same time, the fact that he said that the company has done some of its best television since Danielson’s return from injury is concerning. If it’s just Khan being positive during an interview, then so be it. I just hope that he’s not oblivious to the seemingly growing displeasure with his booking.


Readers Comments (4)

  1. What momentum? Ratings are once again consistently heading down, the shows are no different than they’ve been before, and Jericho is routinely in the worst segments of all wrestling TV each week.

  2. You’re a complete bonehead who spins their own narrative. Tell me how three weeks over one million is “ratings going down” until last week when the majority of viewers were watching Hurricane Ian coverage? Is WWE ratings in the toilet and trending downward because people aren’t happy with the product? No. It’s football season. Like, seriously, man. You bury yourself more and more every week.

  3. 1175000

    How are they consistently going down? An understanding of 2nd grade math would allow you to understand that.

  4. They were over 1 million last night, clown.

    For them to be over one million, they had to climb to that, even before last night. That means it goes up first. Ratings fluctuation. Go praise your incel masters and you can go back to school. Seriously.

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