Jeff Cobb on ROH living on after being acquired by Tony Khan, his friendship with WWE’s Riddle, the AEW-NJPW Forbidden Door pay-per-view

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Good Karma Wrestling with guest Jeff Cobb
Hosts: ESPN Chicago’s Jonathan Hood, ESPN Milwaukee’s Gabe Neitzel, and ESPN West Palm’s Brian Rowitz
Twitter: @gkw_wrestling
Interview available at (interview starts at roughly 17:00)

On Riddle: “That was my tag partner, we were tag champs at PWG… I always support my friends. Regardless of if we’re in the same company or different companies, doesn’t matter, he’s my boy. I’m going to support him no matter what.”

What he will be doing at Forbidden Door (before the match was officially announced): “I’ve been tagged a lot in social media stuff saying that ‘FTR should put up the Ring of Honor tag champions against us, we should put up the IWGP tag champs against them.’ Then Roppongi Vice gets thrown in the mix somehow. I haven’t been given official word, but I am going to give you guys a little spoiler. It doesn’t matter who it is because they’re going to get their ass whipped by myself and Great-O-Khan. It’s as simple as that.”

On the Ring of Honor name will live on: “Ring of Honor played a huge part in my career. I had a good nice year a half run with them. I got to meet and learn from some of the best minds in the wrestling business, guys like Delirious and Jay Lethal… When you think of Jay Lethal, you can put him in your Ring of Honor Mount Rushmore like some people do, just learning from him was such a fun time. Even before my time in Ring of Honor, Ring of Honor played a huge factor in professional wrestling as a whole. They had some of the best matches, I’ve witnessed, not first hand but from DVDs and the streaming service. I’m happy that Ring of Honor has a platform that they can showcase some of the newer stars. At the same token, hopefully we’ll be able to see some of the old stuff as well. If it’s a streaming service, that’d great because I would love to go back and watch some of the classic matches of Ring of Honor.”

Good Karma Wrestling (GKW) is available every Thursday night at 6CT/7ET. Fans can watch and listen to the show on the following GKB platforms: Twitter @ESPNNewYork, @ESPNLA, @ESPNCHI, @ESPNMKE, @ESPNMAD, and @ESPNWestPalm.


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