9/26 AEW Dark Elevation results: Bailin’s review of Dalton Castle and The Boys vs. “Primal Fear” for the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles, Brian Cage vs. Tracy Williams, Lance Archer vs. Cheeseburger, Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Dante Martin and Tony Deppen, Trish Adora vs. Skye Blue

By Rich Bailin, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@RichBailin)

AEW Dark: Elevation (Episode 82)
Taped September 21, 2022 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Liacouras Center
Streamed September 26, 2022 on the AEW YouTube Page

Ian Riccaboni welcomed us to this week’s Elevation. He was joined on commentary by a returning Paul Wight. Dasha Gonzalez was the ring announcer…

1. Skye Blue vs. Trish Adora. Blue had the early advantage until she attempted a spinning neckbreaker. Adora reversed it into a wrist lock and slammed Blue down shoulder first. Adora then lifted up Blue and locked in a submission. Blue escaped and started to make a comeback with a high knee and a thrust kick. Adora managed one last German suplex into a pin attempt but Blue rolled through and kicked Adora. Blue followed up with the Sky Fall for the victory.

Skye Blue defeated Trish Adora by pinfall in 2:30.

Bailin’s Breakdown: Another quick showcase for Blue.

A promo video aired on AEW Heels.

2. Brian Cage (w/Prince Nana) vs. Tracy Williams. Williams made his AEW debut and was listed as a former ROH TV Champion. Cage and Williams went back and forth feeling each other out with neither gaining an advantage. Williams wound up on the ring apron and was kicked by Cage, who then suplexed Williams back into the ring while standing on the middle rope.

Cage posed after the suplex allowing Williams to recover. Williams with a belly-to back suplex on Cage. Williams followed up with a running boot in the corner then locked in a front face lock. Cage pushed Williams back into the corner but was met with a back elbow. Williams climbed up on the turnbuckle and DDT’d cage on the top turnbuckle. Williams attempted the cover but then transitioned to an STF. Cage powered up and lifted up Williams with an F-5. Cage then followed up with the Drillclaw and got the pinfall victory.

Brian Cage defeated Tracy Williams by pinfall in 5:20.

Bailin’s Breakdown: A good back and forth match and a good debut for “Hot Sauce” Tracy Williams. You had to know Williams wasn’t going to get the win, but he got more offense in than expected.

An ad for Wednesday’s Dynamite aired.

3. Lance Archer vs. Cheeseburger. Archer stared down Cheeseburger who was intimidated by Archer and left the ring like he wouldn’t fight him. With Archer’s back turned, Cheeseburger hopped on Archer’s back and locked in a sleeper hold. Archer climbed up to the middle turnbuckle and posed with Cheeseburger on his back then threw Cheeseburger off. Archer continued to throw Cheeseburger around the ring. A short time later Archer lifted Cheeseburger for the Blackout and got the pinfall.

Lance Archer defeated Cheeseburger by pinfall in 3:00.

Bailin’s Breakdown: Quick though slightly longer than normal showcase match for Archer.

4. Abadon vs. Abby Jane. Abadon hit Jane with a back mule kick to the head. Abadon followed up with a senton splash and then hit the Black Dahlia on Jane for the pinfall victory.

Abadon defeated Abby James by pinfall in 1:00.

Bailin’s Breakdown: Well, you know it’s October because Abadon is back to be built up for a Halloween match and will likely disappear again. In all seriousness I’m glad Abadon is back and hopefully they can get her in a program ASAP.

A Brian Cage promo aired. Cage said people were asking where he had been. Cage said no one was better than him and he is challenging Wardlow for the TNT Title this Wednesday on Dynamite.

5. Dalton Castle and “The Boys” Brett and Brandon Tate vs.” Primal Fear” Hodder, Soriano, and Omen for the ROH Six-Man Tag Team Titles. Both teams received televised entrances. Primal Fear made their AEW debuts. Castle and Soriano started the match. Soriano chopped Castle and Castle backed himself to his corner so The Boys could fan him. Castle came back and took Soriano down and then tagged in both Brett and Brandon so they could double team Soriano. After a pinfall attempt by Brett Soriano made the tag to Hodder, Hodder then tagged in Omen and they hit Brett with a triple kick to his head. Brett made the hot tag and suplexed all 3 members of Primal fear. Castle then threw The Boys at Primal Fear, Moments later Castle hit the Bangarang on Soriano and got the pinfall.

ROH World Six-Man Champions Dalton Castle and “The Boys” defeated “Primal Fear” by pinfall in 3:05 to retain the ROH Six-Man Tag Team Titles.

Bailin’s Breakdown: I’m surprised this was a title match but Riccaboni sold it on commentary by saying Primal Fear had challenged for the belts in the past and had a very good shot of winning them tonight. A good showcase match for the champs.

6. Gia Scott and LSG vs. Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford. Sabian avoided a cross body attempt from LSG but ran into a kick from LSG who followed up with a roll through clothesline. Sabian headbutted LSG and then Ford came in with a blind tag. Sabian held LSG by the neck as Ford did her cartwheel back elbow and then kicked him in the face.

LSG rolled under a clothesline attempt and made the tag to Scott. Ford came in and her and Scott traded strikes. Ford missed a handspring forearm in the corner and Scott tried to tag out. Sabian kicked LSG off the apron. Scott hit Ford with a back elbow but Ford responded with the Superbad cutter. Ford then locked in her submission and Scott tapped out.

Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford defeated Gia Scott and LSG by submission in 3:20.

Bailin’s Breakdown: Another win for Sabian and Ford as they look to be in line for a match with Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo for their AAA Mixed Tag Titles.

7. “Lucha Bros” Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix (w/Alex Abrahantes) vs. Dante Martin and Tony Deppen. Fenix and Martin started the match. Both men were evenly matched in the early going. They traded pinfall attempts and both missed strikes. Martin and Fenix shook hands then both men tagged in their partners. Penta and Deppen stared each other down then Penta did Cero Miedo to Deppen and took off his glove. Deppen caught the glove then threw it back to Penta.

Deppen and Penta also went back and forth until Fenix hit Deppen from outside the ring. Martin came in and was also double teamed. Deppen tried to fight off both Penta and Fenix but was quickly overcome. Lucha Bros attempted a double suplex on Deppen but Deppen was able to hit Fenix with a knee.

Deppen then hit both Penta and Fenix with high knees and made the tag to Martin. Martin cleared the ring with quick strikes and got a near fall on Fenix. Martin tagged Deppen back in but Fenix pushed Deppen into Martin. Fenix then lifted Deppen and gave him to Martin so that they were in a powerbomb position. Fenix kicked Martin’s leg which caused him to powerbomb Deppen. A few moments later Lucha Bros hit Fear Factor on Deppen and got the pinfall.

“Lucha Bros” Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix defeated Dante Martin and Tony Deppen by pinfall in 6:20.

Bailin’s Breakdown: A really good fast paced back and forth match. Deppen got to show a lot more than he did in his first appearance on Elevation against John Silver.

8. QT Marshall, Nick Comoroto, Aaron Solo, and Cole Karter vs. Rocky Romero, Danhausen, Chuck Taylor, and Trent Beretta. Solo and Danhausen started the match. Danhausen had the early advantage and Solo made the quick tag to Marshall. Danhausen tagged in Romero while Karter blind tagged Marshall. Romero wound up near The Factory’s corner and Comoroto clotheslined him. The Factory isolated Romero and tagged in and out. After some more back and forth, Beretta had Marshall set up for Storm Zero. He tried to get Romero and Taylor to finish off Marshall but both were knocked down by Comoroto and Solo.

Karter came in and caught Beretta with a high knee and Marshall hit Beretta with the Diamond Cutter for a near fall that Romero broke up. Solo tagged in and went for a double underhook but Danhausen climbed up to the middle turnbuckle and cursed Solo. Beretta then set up Solo for Storm Zero while Danhausen came off the top rope with a double ax handle. Beretta then pinned Solo.

Rocky Romero, Danhausen, Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta defeated QT Marshall, Nick Comoroto, Aaron Solo and Cole Karter by pinfall in about 8:00.

Bailin’s Breakdown: A fine back and forth main event though everyone most likely knew The Factory wasn’t winning. Overall, a very ROH centric episode of Elevation this week. In fact, this whole week in AEW was very ROH centric. Coincidence or not, this week’s episode was one of the better episodes we have had as of late. Also, whether by coincidence or not this was one of the longer episodes as well clocking in at 58 minutes and 1 second. Match of the night is a tie between Cage/Williams and the Lucha Bros/Martin and Deppen match. I will be attending Dynamite this Wednesday in D.C. so I will have spoilers and off-air notes on Wednesday night/Thursday morning.


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