7/11 WWE Raw results: Powell’s live review of Brock Lesnar’s latest appearance, Bianca Belair vs. Carmella for the Raw Women’s Championship, Rey Mysterio vs. Finn Balor for the first time ever, the build to SummerSlam continues

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,520)
Live from San Antonio, Texas at AT&T Center
Aired July 11, 2022 on USA Network

[Hour One] Raw opened with highlights from Roman Reigns’ promo from Friday’s Smackdown… The broadcast team was Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton, and Mike Rome was the ring announcer…

Brock Lesnar made his entrance and played to the crowd on his way to the ring. Graves dropped some Pantera “Cowboys From Hell” lyrics as Lesnar walked around the ring. Nice. “Well, God bless Texas,” Lesnar started. He said it would be rude to leave his hat on after an intro like that, so he placed it on the turnbuckle casing.

Lesnar referenced the Reigns footage and said life has been good for him. Lesnar brought up the saying that pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered. Lesnar said Reigns is a hog, and added that he slaughtered hogs on his farm every single day. Lesnar said the Tribal Hog would get a country ass kicking.

Paul Heyman interrupted with a “ladies and gentlemen” and then walked onto the stage. “Speaking of hogs,” Lesnar said. Heyman responded by saying that wasn’t very Texas neighborly of Lesnar. The crowd chanted “you suck.” Heyman said that Lesnar does not suck.

Heyman said it bothers him that they went from the most stupendous WrestleMania of all-time to the most barbaric SummerSlam of all-time, which plays into the hands of Lesnar. Heyman said if you’re a betting man, you’re betting on Lesnar because Reigns defines his greatness in athletic competitions, whereas Lesnar’s legacy is defined by annihilating people.

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso were shown watching a backstage monitor. Heyman said it doesn’t matter to Lesnar if he puts Reigns down for a ten count or if he’s so violent that he puts him down for a 100 count. Heyman said Lesnar doesn’t care if he sends Reigns to the hospital or sends him to the morgue.

Heyman said Reigns was approaching 700 days as champion. Heyman told Lesnar that it is one streak that Lesnar will not conquer. He said he will have Reigns ready even if it means he has to train Reigns to stick his hand up Lesnar’s ass and pull his heart out of his hole. Lesnar laughed.

Theory made his entrance with his Money in the Bank briefcase in hand. Theory climbed onto a podium set up near the stage and said SummerSlam will be one of the greatest nights in WWE history. Theory said he would take back the U.S. Title from Bobby Lashley, then sit back and watch “this match of mass destruction.” He said he would be able to walk to the ring afterward and put his foot on the chest or either Reigns or Lesnar, and then he will become the youngest Undisputed WWE Universal Champion.

Lesnar invited Theory to face him on the spot. Theory said it doesn’t matter if Reigns or Lesnar wins, because the outcome will be life altering. Theory said maybe Heyman should listen to Lesnar. Theory showed footage of Lesnar giving him an F5 from the top of an Elimination Chamber pod. Theory said Reigns could end the way he did in that footage. He also said he showed Lesnar the footage to let him know that he did not forget.

“Alpha Academy” Chad Gable and Otis showed up at ringside and entered the ring. Theory encouraged them to get Lesnar. Otis entered the ring and squared off with Lesnar, but Gable clipped his knee from behind. Lesnar stood up and smiled. Lesnar suplexed Gable and cleared him from the ring, then clotheslined Otis to ringside.

Lesnar went to ringside and picked up the top piece of the ring steps and hit Gable and Otis with it. Lesnar grabbed a chair and blasted both men with chair shots. Lesnar suplexed Gable on the floor, then hoisted up Otis and gave him an F5 through the broadcast table. Lesnar returned to the ring and took some bows in front of the cheering crowd.

The broadcast team hyped Riddle and Bobby Lashley vs. Theory and Seth Rollins, and the previously advertised Raw Women’s Championship match. Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio made their entrance for Rey’s match against Finn Balor… The SummerSlam ad aired. We are 19 days away… [C]

Powell’s POV: A strong segment that served as good hype for Reigns vs. Lesnar, the possibility of Theory cashing in, and then closed with some fun Lesnar carnage. WWE previously advertised Bobby Lashley defending the U.S. Title in an open challenge, and Theory vs. Riddle, so apparently those matches are off.

Finn Balor and Damian Priest made their entrance. Once in the ring, Priest got a mic and told the crowd to rise and show proper respect to the Judgment Day. Priest told Dom that what happened last week was justice.

Priest said Rey will be celebrating his 20th anniversary in WWE in two weeks at Madison Square Garden. Priest said Rey is done and has nothing left to offer Dom aside from old masks and circus tricks that aren’t even his. Priest said the future of the business will be decided by the Judgment Day and Dom is welcome to join it.

Priest encouraged Dom to step out of his father’s shadow and blaze his own path. Priest said Dom could rise with Judgement Day or fall alongside his father. Balor asked Dom when he’s going to learn.

Balor mocked the idea of Rey protecting Dom. He said Edge is also a legend and then he had footage air of Judgment Day turning on its former leader. Balor said Edge is gone and isn’t coming back because he was a bad leader.

Balor said Rey is a bad leader and a bad father. Rey punched Balor, and then he and Dom double dropkicked Priest. They went after Balor, but Priest pulled Balor to ringside. The singles match was once again listed as coming up after another break… [C]

Powell’s POV: You turn on your own father for a spot in the Four Horsemen or to be one of the early members of the NWO. For Judgment Day? Pfft. Then again, this is Dom Mysterio, so maybe he should just take what he can get.

1. Finn Balor (w/Damian Priest) vs. Rey Mysterio (w/Dominik Mysterio). The match was joined in progress. The broadcast team said Priest had already been a factor at ringside. Balor targeted Rey’s left knee. Rey came back with a nice slide into a sunset bomb at ringside that drove Balor into the barricade. [C]

Rey performed a top rope huracanrana for a near fall coming out of the break. Rey followed up with a 619 and then sold his left knee as he walked the apron. Rey went for a top rope splash that Balor avoided. Rey hooked Balor into a pin for a near fall. Balor rallied and eventually hit the Coup de Grace and scored the clean pin…

Finn Balor defeated Rey Mysterio on 10:15 of on-air time.

Powell’s POV: This was billed as a first-time ever match between Balor and Rey. No idea if that’s true, but it should have meant more of if that’s actually the case. That said, it was an entertaining match and I guess we’ll wait a while longer to see if Balor and Priest can lure Dom to the dark side.

After the match, Dom checked on his father while Balor and Priest spoke to him… The Raw Women’s Championship was listed as coming up next… Becky Lynch made her entrance… [C]

A graphic listed notes regarding the WrestleMania 38 attendance…

Becky Lynch stood on the broadcast table and said she was devastated when she didn’t win Money in the Bank and she lost her mind a little bit. She said MITB is like winning the lottery and she doesn’t need to win the lottery because she works her ass off every week for a paycheck.

Lynch said she dragged her broken body through a No DQ match last week and it should have made her the No. 1 contender. Rather, Carmella was given a rematch. Lynch said she was being made to jump through hoops. Lynch demanded a championship match at SummerSlam and then threw her mic down.

Bianca Belair made her entrance while Lynch stood at ringside and glared at her. Lynch barked that she should have been given a one-on-one rematch the night after WrestleMania. She said she’s been robbed and is owed that. Carmella made her entrance…

2. Bianca Belair vs. Carmella for the Raw Women’s Championship. The match spilled to ringside where Belair slammed Carmella’s head off the broadcast table. Belair and Lynch, who had been seated at ringside, bickered heading into a break. [C]

Carmella was in offensive control coming out of the break. She performed a top rope crossbody block for a near fall. Carmella kicked Belair’s face into the bottom turnbuckle pad.

[Hour Two] Carmella went for another top rope crossbody block, but Belair caught her. Belair powered up Carmella and then suplexed her. Carmella put her knees up when Belair went for a standing moonsault. Carmella threw a superkick and covered Belair for a two count. Carmella went or another superkick, but Belair stuffed her and dumped her into the corner.

Belair hoisted up Carmella for her finisher, but Carmella held on to the top rope and eventually countered into a nice facebuster for a near fall. Belair eventually put Carmella down with a clothesline and followed up with a spinebuster for a two count.

A short time later, Belair went up top. Carmella rolled out of the ring to avoid her. Belair followed Carmella to the floor and went for a suplex, but Carmella slipped away and raked her eyes. Belair shoved Carmella into the ring post. Belair tossed Carmella back inside the ring. Lynch stood up and argued with Belair, who was counted out.

Carmella defeated Bianca Belair via count-out in 11:50 in a Raw Women’s Championship match.

After the match, Carmella held up the title belt. Belair struck Carmella and then put her down with her KOD finisher…

Powell’s POV: The broadcast team claimed the Belair vs. Carmella SummerSlam match was closer than many anticipated. It really wasn’t, but you can’t blame them for trying. Conversely, this match was actually more competitive than I expected it to be. I actually like the count-out finish because it gives them a reason to have one more rematch, presumably before Belair moves on to defend against Lynch at SummerSlam.

The Miz made his entrance. He motioned to the back and then Ciampa joined him. The broadcast team said they would face AJ Styles in a handicap match later in the show. A graphic listed Miz TV with Ciampa as his guest…

A Smackdown ad hyped Liv Morgan vs. Natalya in a championship contenders match, and Theory vs. Madcap Moss for Friday’s show… [C] The eerie video with may o may not be Edge related aired…

The Miz welcomed viewers to Miz TV and said his guest Cimpa has remorselessly attacked numerous people, including their opponent AJ Styles. Miz asked Ciampa if he has any explanation for his actions. Ciampa said he wants the eyes of the world on him, and no one commands the attention of the people more than The Miz.

Miz worked in a plug for Miz & Mrs. and then boasted that he took Logan Paul from a social media icon and turned him into a WWE Superstar. Ciampa said he wants WrestleMania, SummerSlam, and just plain wants an opportunity. Miz said he tried to give that to Paul, and then he set up a Paul video. Paul said he doesn’t want anything to do with Miz as a partner and is coming for him.

Miz said Paul is trying to get people talking. He gave him one last opportunity to retract his statement and then they will become Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions. Miz threatened to find someone else. He looked at Ciampa and said he didn’t think he would have to look very far. Miz said they would take out Styles and the eyes of the world would be on them.

AJ Styles made his entrance and spoke as he walked to the ring. Styles said no one cares what Miz has to say. He said he’s been attacked by Miz or Ciampa whenever his back is turned. Styles said Miz found someone to do his dirty work. Styles said it sounded like the actions of a coward… with tiny, tiny balls. Miz turned and barked at the crowd. Styles entered the ring and ran of Miz and Ciampa to ringside by throwing chairs.

Ezekiel made his entrance and said he realized that he never had a chance to introduce himself to Styles. Ezekiel said his brother Elias used to talk about how phenomenal Styles was in and out of the ring. He also said Elias was almost obsessed with the fact that Miz has tiny balls.

Ezekiel said he spoke with Adam Pearce and they both agreed to turn it into a tag team match if Styles was game. Ezekiel held out his hand. Styles enthusiastically shook hit…

Powell’s POV: Elias was obsessed with Miz’s balls? Anyway, it’s nice to see Ciampa getting a chance to do something other than put others over, but there’s no sign of immediate chemistry between him and Miz.

3. AJ Styles and Ezekiel vs. The Miz and Ciampa. Miz caught Ezekiel with a cheap shot while he was standing on the apron. Legal man Ciampa blasted Zeke with a running knee that knocked him off the apron. Miz tagged in a short time later and slammed Ezekiel’s head onto the broadcast table. [C]

Ezekiel was isolated until he made a hot tag to Styles, who then worked over The Miz and performed a pump-handle gutbuster. Miz came back with a kick to the gut and a DDT for a two count after Styles was momentarily distracted by Ciampa.

Miz made a big balls gesture and went for his finisher, but Styles avoided it. A short time later, Styles rolled Miz into the Calf Crusher. Ciampa ran in and attacked Styles to break it up and was disqualified.

AJ Styles and Ezekiel defeated The Miz and Ciampa by DQ in roughly 11:30.

After the match, Styles leapt over the top rope and dropped Ciampa with a Phenomenal Forearm. Miz limped as he ran to the stage while selling the Calf Crusher…

Powell’s POV: A weak finish. I liked the women’s title match finish because it sets up a rematch. In this case, it felt like a copout finish that potentially sets up a rematch that I don’t really care about. Meanwhile, I wonder if Miz still offering to team with Paul is the company’s way of leaving the door open for Paul to remain heel if the live crowds continue to reject him. Even if that’s not the plan, it may work out that way, as the guy is a pure heel and the fans in his home area of Cleveland even booed him the last time he was there on WWE television.

Backstage, Riddle approached Bobby Lashley. Riddle spoke to the U.S. Title belt around Lashley’s waist and said that it looked happy now that it has a new home. Riddle pitched the idea of watching Stranger Things, saying he wouldn’t be as scared of Vecna if they watched it together. Lashley said he already watched it and would see Riddle out there. “Remember the Alamo, bro,” Riddle yelled…

Alexa Bliss made her entrance or a tag team match with Asuka as her partner against Nikki ASH and Doudrop. Smith set up a preview of the Paws of Fury animated film… [C] Asuka made her entrance followed by the heel duo…

4. Alexa Bliss and Asuka vs. Nikki ASH and Doudrop. Angelo Dawkins vs. Jimmy Uso was listed in a graphic for later in the show. Graves played up the idea that Bliss lost part of herself in therapy and hasn’t been the same since then. Late in the match, Asuka avoided a Doudrop senton at ringside. In the ring, Bliss put ASH down with a DDT and pinned her…

Alexa Bliss and Asuka beat Nikki ASH and Doudrop in 4:15.

Powell’s POV: It feels like Bliss wins every time Graves talks about her not being the same since therapy. I’m sure he’s getting talking points, but it just never seems to mesh with what happens during her matches.

The Usos made their entrance… [C] San Antonio imagery was shown, including a shot of The Alamo. Graves kept his heavy metal train rolling with a reference to Ozzy Osbourne at The Alamo (he was arrested for urinating on the historic site)…

The Usos delivered an in-ring promo. They boasted about winning at Money in the Bank and said they would get another win at SummerSlam.

[Hour Three] The Street Profits’ entrance theme interrupted the Usos. Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins came out with microphones. Dawkins said the Usos hit them with everything they had at MITB and Ford’s shoulder was still up. They entered the ring and Ford told the Usos that they will be taking their title at SummerSlam. Yes, they still want the smoke.

R-Truth made his entrance and had a certificate in his hand. He said he’s a divorce attorney, a marriage counselor, a Top Gun airplane pilot, and now a certified tag team counselor. Truth entered the ring and asked if we could all just get along.

The Usos said he better leave unless he had a referee shirt on underneath his t-shirt. Truth pulled out another certificate and said he’s also a referee. He removed his t-shirt and had a ref’s shirt on. He asked to audition to be the referee at SummerSlam.

One of the Usos called Truth a “clown ass.” Truth took offense and asked if he wanted to fight “this clown ass.” Truth struggled to remove his referee shirt and got a little help from Dawkins. Truth said he would fight both Usos, then said “with my partners” as he backed up by the Profits.

Omos and MVP made their entrance. MVP said he was watching Truth make a fool of himself. MVP questioned why not have Omos be the special referee. MVP said Omos had a better idea in that he wanted to be in the match. MVP offered Omos’s services to the Usos to even up the odds. The Profits agreed to the match. “I say remember The Alamo,” Truth said before he threw a punch. Omos threw the Profits into superkicks from the Usos, and then put Truth down with a big boot… [C]

Powell’s POV: Say what you will, but this is at least a fresh match, unlike the tease of going with a repeat of last month’s bit when the Profits and Usos met several singles matches heading into their tag title match.

5. Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, and Omos vs. R-Truth and “The Street Profits” Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins. Smith said Adam Pearce made the match official during the commercial break. Truth was isolated early. Truth and the Profit eventually threw a triple dropkick at Omos to knock him off the apron. The Profits dove onto the Usos at ringside. Truth dove onto Omos, who caught him and slammed him onto the ring apron. [C]

Late in the match, the Profits hit a combo move on Jimmy and had him beat, but Jey broke it up. Truth put Jey down and set up or a Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Omos pulled him to ringside. Omos made a blind tag and put Dawkins down with his finisher and pinned him…

Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, and Omos beat R-Truth and “The Street Profits” Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins in 11:30.

Powell’s POV: Good action, but unless there’s a story in the works, why not have Truth take the loss for his team?

The broadcast team narrated highlights of Brock Lesnar destroying Chad Gable and Otis during the opening segment…

Seth Rollins was interviewed by Kevin Patrick on a backstage set and was asked about Riddle hitting him with an RKO after his match last week. Rollins said he feels great. Rollins said there’s a lot of talk about the identity of Ezekiel. He said he doesn’t give a damn, but he threatened to put him down if he gets in his way.

Rollins asked who the hell Riddle thinks he is. Rollins wondered if he’s a savant or just an idiot that Randy Orton felt sorry for. He said you get burned sooner or later if you play with fire. Rollins said to ask Cody Rhodes. Theory showed up and asked him about his MITB cash-in. Rollins told him he came to the right place and told Theory to walk with him… [C]

A new version of the spooky video played again, this time with Mick Foley, Randy Orton, and John Cena items included…

The broadcast team recapped Miz’s offer to Logan Paul, and then a new Paul video aired. Paul said Miz is delusional and he doesn’t want to be his partner. Paul said he wants to face Miz in a singles match at SummerSlam. Paul said he will come to Raw next week…

Bobby Lashley and Riddle made their entrances for the main event… [C] Seth Rollins and Theory made their entrances coming out of the break…

6. Bobby Lashley and Riddle vs. Seth Rollins and Theory. The babyface duo got the better of Rollins and Theory to start the match. Rollins slipped away from Lashley, who then charged him. Rollins held the ropes down and Lashley tumbled to ringside. Rollins performed a suicide dive, but Lashley caught him. Riddle kicked Theory from the apron and then Lashley ran Rollins into the ring post.

Dolph Ziggler’s entrance theme (the shitty one) played and he walked out dressed in a suit. [C] Rollins performed an inverted superplex on Riddle for a near fall coming out of the break. Ziggler sat in a chair in front of the broadcast table.

Theory eventually tagged in and went for a rolling move, but Riddle caught him in a sleeper. Theory broke the hold by falling backward. Lashley and Rollins tagged in. Rollins caught Lashley with an ezuigiri. Rollins came right back with a powerslam and had the pin, but Theory broke it up.

Lashley put Theory down with a big spinebuster. Rollins blasted Lashley with a couple of forearm strikes. Rollins performed a top rope frog splash for a near fall. Riddle and Theory tagged in. Riddle performed some Randy Orton signature spots, including a Draping DDT.

Riddle struck the Viper’s Pose, but Rollins pulled Theory to ringside. Lashley speared Rollins through the barricade. Theory returned to the ring and stuffed an RKO attempt. Theory rolled up Riddle and tried to use the ropes for leverage, but Ziggler pushed his feet off. Riddle hit the RKO on a distracted Theory and pinned him.

Bobby Lashley and Riddle beat Seth Rollins and Theory in 13:50.

After the match, Ziggler entered the ring and superkicked Theory. Ziggler’s entrance music played and he held up his arm while looking to the crowd as he stood over Theory to close the show…

Powell’s POV: A good tag team main event with an interesting finish. Ziggler attacking Theory rather than helping the heels was unexpected and intriguing. Overall, this was a solid show with strong opening and closing segments. It wasn’t a particularly newsworthy episode in terms of SummerSlam developments aside from where Ziggler’s actions at the end of the show are leading. I will be back with my weekly same night audio review of Raw for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).

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Readers Comments (6)

  1. TheGreatestOne July 11, 2022 @ 7:17 pm

    The visual of that F-5 on Otis through the table will make for a great piece in multiple highlight reels before the match at SummerSlam.

  2. Is Vince working out his own family trauma dynamic throug Rey and DOm? this seems to have been going on longer than Roman’s title

  3. Well,thank goodness Carmella doesn’t wear that ridiculous mask anymore!

  4. What a fall from grace for “Ciampa”
    By hanging with the likes of The Miz!lol

  5. TheGreatestOne July 11, 2022 @ 8:34 pm

    “This was billed as a first-time ever match between Balor and Rey. No idea if that’s true, but it should have meant more of if that’s actually the case.”

    Why? Rey hasn’t been a meaningful part of the roster for a decade and Balor is a vanilla midget to his very core. They’re just time fillers.

  6. ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz……

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