WWE board investigating $3 million settlement paid to an employee who allegedly had an affair with Vince McMahon

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The WWE Board of Directors is investigating a claim of a $3 million payment made to a departing employee who allegedly had an affair with Vince McMahon. The Wall Street Journal reports that the former employee was a paralegal who was hired in 2019, and the separation agreement was made in January 2022. The WSJ story states that the woman is barred from speaking about her relationship with McMahon or speaking critical statements about him.

A WWE spokesman told WSJ that the company is is cooperating with the board’s investigation and added that the relationship between McMahon and the woman was consensual. Read more at WSJ.com

Powell’s POV: WSJ reports that the board hired New York based legal firm Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP to conduct an investigation that started in April. McMahon’s attorney Jerry McDevitt stated that the former employee didn’t make any harassment claims against McMahon, nor did the company pay her any money. WSJ reports that the investigation has uncovered additional nondisclosure agreements involving claims made by former WWE employees who accused McMahon and WWE head of talent relations John Laurinaitis of misconduct. Obviously, this is a major story and we will continue to follow it closely.


Readers Comments (12)

  1. Trash Bag Stratus June 15, 2022 @ 4:05 pm

    Vince cheating with employees??

    Theres a reason Trish is so decorated …

  2. TheGreatestOne June 15, 2022 @ 4:27 pm

    So…Nick Khan comes in, gets Vince to make a bunch of moves that increase profits and make the company pretty much ready to sell, makes sure the kids and son-in-law are out of the way, and then suddenly there’s a story that deals with a recent sexual misconduct payoff and several that appear to go back decades.

    Has he been running a game on Vince to get the company out of the McMahon family’s hands?

  3. Actually a good conspiracy theory right there

  4. You know. I 2nd that conspiracy theory. Not the craziest of possibilities

  5. In my view, this is bigger than the steroid scandal. I think the board would have to throw him out of power. I wonder if this has anything to do with Stephanie leaving. It is disgusting and illegal if this is all true. I will wait for the fact to come out before making any judgement.

  6. I can’t believe that the guy credibly accused of rape by the first female referee, credibly accused of groping a woman in a tanning salon and who wrote himself into storylines where he made out with and degraded female talent would cover up an affair. Not to mention covering for Snuka and the ring boy scandal. Nick Khan might be nothing more than a dead-eyed corporate hatchet man but if he’s the one to take Vince down then I can’t help but be impressed. Even the feds couldn’t take the guy out.

  7. SO sad people don’t educate themselves but are SO anxious to play the self-rigtheous card. Vince has had several sexual assault/rape allegations against him, including in 2006 and 2016.

  8. Thats what I was going to ask, if this might have to do with Stephanie. She might have tried to sweep it under the rug.

    if this is as huge as steroid scandal, McMahon should be done and canx’d in this climate/culture we live in.

  9. Also wondering if this is family ouster…got rid of Shane, Stephanie, now Vince!?!? What will be come of the WWE without them? Triple H returns?

    Stephanie leaving will now get a second look. Probably hear she knew about this.

  10. TheGreatestOne June 15, 2022 @ 11:44 pm

    If the money trail and the NDAs are actually there, the timeline is going to be very interesting. Do we start questioning when Shane left the first time? What about Steph stepping away now. How many of the top executives that were released in recent years were either complicit in what was going on or were paid to go away?

    I don’t think anyone has been unaware that claims and allegations have been made about Vince and others in WWE for quite some time. If there’s actual evidence, especially now that it’s a publicly traded company with a board, then we might actually see WWE out of his hands before he dies which is something I wouldn’t have bet on.

  11. Well, Johnny L. Is mentioned as part of a problem too. McMahon passing the lady over to him like a toy? This could be beginning of house cleaning w top exec’s. Guessing most people knew of McMahons misconduct and probably an open secret in the offices.

    Guessing everything is up for grabs from Shane to Triple H to Stephanie being ousted.

  12. I’ve read before on dirt sheets about the possibility of The Rock getting in on at least partial ownership. He certainly benefited on the XFL deal. He’s also buddies with Nick Khan. It would be interesting. Also wonder if another Khan tries to make a play depending on how this plays out.Either way, it feels like things are moving towards a WWE without a McMahon at the top.

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