4/28 NXT UK TV results: Gibbons’ review of the NXT UK Championship contract signing between Ilja Dragunov and Jordan Devlin, Primate and T-Bone vs. Wild Boar and Mark Andrews, Angel Hayze vs. Xia Brookside, and Von Wagner vs. Saxon Huxley

By Laurence Gibbons, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@Gibbonsgob)

Taped in London, England at BT Sport Studios
Streamed April 28, 2022 on WWE Network and Peacock

The broadcast team was Andy Shepherd and Nigel McGuinness… Symbiosis entered the BT Sport Studios to kick off the show. Wild Boar and Mark Andrews made their entrances…

Wild Boar and Andrews attacked their opponents before the bell could ring. Eddie Dennis went running for the hills. T-Bone and Andrews hit the ring and the referee started the match.

1. “Symbiosis” Primate and T-Bone (w/Eddie Dennis) vs. Wild Boar and Mark Andrews. Andrews stayed on top of T-Bone until the latter tagged in Primate. Andrews and Boar used a couple of quick tags to isolate Primate. Boar projected Andrews onto Primate for an assisted senton. Boar then hit a senton of his own.

Dennis appeared back at ringside. Spurred on by Dennis, Primate turned the tide in his favor. Now Primate and T-Bone isolated Andrews. T-Bone controlled Andrews with a couple of slams but was distracted by Wild Boar. T-Bone hit another big slam on Andrews and then knocked Boar off the apron. Andrews tagged in Boar who energetically attacked both Primate and T-Bone.

Wild Boar hit the shoulder charge in the corner on Primate followed by a fallaway suplex but it only kept him down for a two. Eddie Dennis jumped on the apron with his chain. The distraction allowed Primate to hit a spear. Symbiosis went for a double-team move but Boar worked out. Boar hit the shoulder charge on T-Bone and tagged in Andrews. Andrews hit the Fall To Pieces shooting star press for the win.

Wild Boar and Mark Andrews defeated “Symbiosis” Primate and T-Bone in 7:26.

After the bell, Wild Boar chased Eddie Dennis around the BT Sport Studios.

Gibbons’ Opinion: This was an ok tag team match but never really kicked into gear in the middle. It started hot and ended decently. Wild Boar looked as good as he ever has in the match. This was obviously the latest in the build to the Wild Boar vs. Eddie Dennis match that we will see soon. They have done well to make us want to see that match.

Robert Stone cut a hype promo ahead of Von Wagner’s match against Saxon Huxley…

Moustache Mountain arrived and gave an interview. Tyler Bate said he wasn’t happy with how Trent Seven had won their Tag Team Championship match last week. Seven said it wasn’t cheating if you don’t get caught and challenged Johnny Saint and Sid Scala to find them some reputable challengers…

A Sid Scala interview was interrupted by Eddie Dennis running from Wild Boar. Dennis said Scala had to do something to protect him. Scala said they would meet in a Dog Collar match with the rest of Symbiosis banned from ringside… Xia Brookside made her entrance flanked by Eliza Alexander…

2. Angel Hayze vs. Xia Brookside (w/Eliza Alexander). Brookside worked the wrist lock to gain the upper hand. Hayze rolled and reversed the hold. The two traded wrist locks for the opening of the match. Hayze hit a couple of kicks followed by a dropkick. She charged at Brookside in the corner but was met with her knees. Brookside punished Hayze in the corner and then forced her knee into her neck. Brookside threw a tantrum on Hayze and continued to work the back.

Brookside locked on a camel clutch. Hayze rallied with a flurry of strikes ending in a sling blade. Hayze seemed to have Brookside with the roll-up but Alexander jumped on the apron. Hayze hit Alexander but Brookside rolled her up for the win.

Xia Brookside defeated Angel Hayze in 5:05.

After the bell, Alexander and Brookside attacked Hayze. Amale came to the aid of Hayze.

Gibbons’ Opinion: It looks like Angel Hayze might be about to play more of a role than the enhancement job she’s been doing since we saw her first in October. She is now firmly part of a storyline with Brookside and Alexander. Perhaps a tag match with Amale backing up Hayze is on the cards.

A-Kid found Charlie Dempsey in the workout room and challenged him to another match… Scala introduced Damon Kemp to the NXT UK audience. Johnny Saint also welcomed Kemp to the brand…

Saxon Huxley made his entrance while we saw highlights from last week of Von Wagner ripping up an autograph Huxley had signed for a fan. Von Wagner made his entrance…

3. Saxon Huxley vs. Von Wagner. The two locked up whilst the crowd chanted ‘who are ya?’ at Von Wagner and ‘Saxon Huxley, he’s one of our own’. Huxley took Von Wagner off his feet first but the visiting American soon swung things his way.

Von Wagner hit a double undertook suplex, beat on Huxley in the corner and then locked on a sleeper. Huxley worked out the hold and hit a succession of clotheslines to the front and back of Von Wagner’s neck. The match swang back and forth between the two behemoths until Von Wagner hit his fireman carry slam for the win.

Von Wagner defeated Saxon Huxley in 4:04.

After the bell, Von Wagner cut a promo claiming it was his world and everyone else was just living in it.

Gibbons’ Opinion: This was a fun and fast-paced match between two massive humans. There was little doubt that Von Wagner would get the victory. I’d like to see him with more of a challenge next. The fans were firmly behind Huxley and enjoyed taunting Von Wagner.

Gallus gave a press conference claiming everything was fine between them… A vignette aired for Tiger Turan ahead of his debut on NXT UK next week…

A hype package aired ahead of the NXT UK Women’s Championship World of Darkness match between Meiko Satomura and Isla Dawn next week… A vignette aired for Lash Legend revealing that she would be a guest on Supernova Sessions next week…

NXT UK Championship Contract Signing between Ilja Dragunov and Jordan Devlin: Devlin claimed he could hear the winds of change coming and that he would walk out of NXT UK Episode 200 with the NXT UK Championship. Dragunov said that was his worst nightmare so dared Devlin to up the stakes. Dragunov challenged Devlin to agree to the loser having to leave NXT UK.

Devlin said when he wins the title Dragunov wouldn’t want to show his face again and agreed to the NXT UK Championship Loser Leaves NXT UK match. Devlin lunged at Dragunov but he dodged him. The two men traded strikes. Dragunov set up a table in the corner and went for his diving forearm. Devlin used Sid Scala as a shield and then put Dragunov through the table with his Devlin Inside.

Gibbons’ Opinion: Well, this is interesting. The question here is who does the WWE office want to be in the U.S. as part of NXT 2.0? Because that man will lose. They will then almost certainly get a new name.


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