Tony Khan alleges that there is a “wildly expensive” anti-AEW social media campaign

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW President Tony Khan stated on Twitter that an independent study has confirmed that many in the anti-AEW online community are not real people. “It’s a staff running thousands of accounts (plus) an army of bots to signal boost them,” Khan wrote. “Look closely, these aren’t real people. Who’d pay for such a *wildly* expensive thing?”

Powell’s POV: I’ll bet it’s that damn Arik Cannon, who promotes F1rst Wrestling in the Twin Cities. Okay, not really. Khan also encouraged “internet detectives” to do their own research. While Khan hasn’t shared details of the independent study that he referenced, nothing would surprise me given that this type of thing is done in politics, as just one example. The use of online bots for this type of a campaign is actually legal, but it sure would be embarrassing if someone could prove that a certain company was backing it financially. Khan’s tweets are available below along with a fair question that our own Jake Barnett tweeted in response to the allegations.


Readers Comments (6)

  1. TheGreatestOne April 8, 2022 @ 4:22 pm

    What a fucking coked up shitbag. He’s literally failed at everything he’s done (Fulham, Jags, AEW) and only has the positions he does because his dad is a billionaire.

    Just when that fuckstain seems like he can’t be more unlikable, he proves that there are new depths he’ll sink to.

  2. I’ve wondered the opposite actually; more informal but so many comments on the AEW youtube videos come across as soft promoting rather than sincere opinions, like they are from accounts that work for the company. Not all that different than paid workers in the audience at shows starting group chants. Nothing illegal happening with any of that but not genuine either.

  3. You can get paid? Where do I sign up?

  4. Dixie Khan playing the “victim” card again. Let me guess. You’ve got a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT coming up that’s going to take AEW to the “next level.”

  5. TheGreatestOne April 10, 2022 @ 1:02 am

    Becky Lynch has entered God mode.

    Between her mocking Tiny Pecker and Seth shitting on Um Um Um Um Um Um Um Uncle Dave’s moronic star system (which upset that knuckle dragging twat so much he refused to give a star rating to Seth v Cody), they’ve become my favorite couple in pro wrestling history.

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