GCW “Joey Janela’s Spring Break 6, Part 1” results: Jon Moxley vs. AJ Gray for the GCW Title, Sean Waltman vs. Joey Janela, Alex Colon vs. John Wayne Murdoch, Mickie James vs. Allie Katch, Nick Gage and Slade vs. The Briscoes vs. Mance Warner and Matthew Justice for the GCW Tag Titles

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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GCW “Joey Janela’s Spring Break 6, Part 1”
Streamed on FITE TV
March 31, 2022 in Dallas, Texas

They were in the large, industrial-looking space with a crowd of perhaps 700 to 1,000. This is the same room that hosted the Bloodsport event earlier in the day. While there are not guardrails, I am glad to see the seats are a distance away from the ring; so many GCW shows, there is almost no room at ringside. Lenny Leonard and Kevin Gill were on commentary.

1. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe defeated Mance Warner and Matthew Justice and Nick Gage & Slade at 11:15 to win the GCW Tag Team Titles. The announcers talked about how the Briscoes lost the tag titles in New York in January and want them back. Matt Tremont was unable to make the show, so Gage was going to defend the titles solo. Mark and Jay both threw chairs at Justice’s head, and he was bleeding just seconds into the match.

Mance chokeslammed Jay through a table in the ring at 3:00. Gage jabbed Mance’s forehead with a sharp object. Slade came to ringside and gave Gage a pizza cutter, and it is apparent that Slade is now in this match as Gage’s partner. They used the pizza cutter and made Mance’s head bleed. Gage nailed Jay Briscoe with an unprotected chair shot at 7:30; I don’t like that at all. Gage has the staple gun out now, and I am just turned off by this action. Gage hit a piledriver on Justice onto a table set up on the floor at 9:30.

The Briscoes worked over Mance Warner in the ring, with Mance bleeding hard. Jay hit the Jay Driller and Mark hit the Froggy Bow top-rope elbow drop for a beilevable nearfall, but Slade made the save. The Briscoes hit Slade with the Doomsday Device to score the pin and win the titles.

Allie Katch cut a promo in the corner of a bedroom, where she said that facing Mickie James was her “fantasy” and she licked her fingers suggestively. (A callback to Mickie James-Trish Stratus at WrestleMania).

Jeff Jarrett was shown pulling up in a truck. The announcers wondered why he was there. (Jarrett pinned Effy at the show in New York in January.)

2. Blake Christian defeated AR Fox at 12:34. Lenny Leonard called Fox an “Independent wrestling legend,” and he’s not wrong. Fox hit a dive over the top rope at 3:00. Blake hit a dive through the ropes on Fox at 6:00. In the ring, Fox hit a spinning brainbuster move for a nearfall. Blake hit a superman’s punch and a German Suplex at 9:00. Fox hit a cutter for a believable nearfall. Christian hit the Three Amigos suplexes, then a top-rope frogsplash for a believable nearfall at 10:30.

Fox hit a modified Spanish Fly, then a 450 Splash for a believable nearfall, and the crowd chanted “this is awesome!” Blake hit his standing Spanish Fly, then his double-arm spinning DDT for the clean pin. Excellent, excellent match. The crowd chanted “All Heart” at Christian.

3. Mickie James defeated Allie Katch (w/Effy) at 11:15. This is James’ GCW debut. The crowd is hot at the bell, and they traded basic armbar reversals. They opened it up with chops at 3:30. Katch buried her head in James’ crotch then licked her fingers. Yep, that happened. Katch hit a rolling tumbleweed in the corner. James dropped Katch through a table set up in the ring at 8:00. James hit a top-rope Thesz press for a nearfall. Katch grabbed James’ crotch, so James did the same, and the crowd popped. Katch hit a headbutt, then a piledriver for a nearfall at 10:00. James kissed Allie, startling her, then James hit a spin kick and a jumping DDT for the pin. Fun but definitely adult-rated match.

Katch got on the mic and urged the fans not to boo James. Klatch said this was the first-ever women’s match at GCW Spring Break; she promised there will be more to come.

4. Nick Wayne defeated Gringo Loco, Jordan Oliver, Jimmy Lloyd, Alec Price, Ninja Mack, Jack Cartwheel in a seven-man scramble at 8:09. This is one fall to a finish and everyone is fighting in the ring at the bell. If you aren’t aware, Wayne is still just 16 years old but has been competing all over the country for GCW. Gringo hit a flip dive to the floor on everyone at 2:00. This action is too fast to write up, as everyone is hitting stunners and dives. Nick Wayne and Oliver traded forearms. Gringo Loco hit his spinning powerbomb out of the corner on Ninja Mack at 6:00, then he dove to the floor. Cartwheel hit the Sasake Special dive to the floor at 7:30. Wayne hit a top rope 630 splash to the floor on everyone. He jumped back in the ring, hit a stunner on Lloyd, and scored the pin.

5) Joey Janela defeated “X-Pac” Sean Waltman at 19:20. Waltman wore an NWO-style shirt with the 6 ball on the front. Janela came out second and was greeted by a chorus of boos. Janela is wearing purple trunks with yellow razors drawn on them, designed to honor Scott Hall. The announcers ran down the history of this match, with Janela turning on Waltman after they won a tag match.

Waltman hit a Bronco Buster-type move off the ring apron to the floor, and they brawled on the floor. Janela flipped Waltman HARD into the ring post at 2:00, and Waltman was down. Janela set up a table on the floor as Waltman tried to recover. Waltman hit a tornado DDT and they were both down at 5:00. Waltman hit the Bronco Buster in the corner. Janela hit a Death Valley Driver onto the ring apron at 7:30.

Waltman hit a flip dive to the floor, sending Janela through the table, and they were both down at 10:00. In the ring, Waltman hit a Canadian Destroyer and an X-Factor for a believable nearfall. They hit simultaneous clotheslines and were both down at 12:00. The crowd taunted Janela. Waltman hit a top-rope X-Factor through a table set up in the ring for a nearfall, but Janela got a foot on the ropes at 15:30.

Janela hit a second-rope brainbuster for a nearfall, then a top-rope doublestomp to the chest for another nearfall.  Waltman nailed Janela with a vicious chairshot, sending Janela from the top turnbuckle through a table set up on the floor at 18:00. In the ring, Waltman hit another unprotected chairshot to the head. Janela begged for mercy, then he tried to hug Waltman, but then he hit a low blow. Janela followed that with a superkick to score the pin, and the crowd booed. This match moved at a sluggish pace and didn’t have the heat I expected. Not a bad match, but it just was a step slow throughout.

*Waltman got on the mic and said his body hurts, but he loves wrestling too much, and promised he will be back.

6. Jon Moxley defeated AJ Gray at 22:14 to retain the GCW Title. Just like at the Bloodsport event, Moxley was introduced as representing the Blackpool Combat Club, and that got a pop. The crowd is energized at the bell. Gray hit a dropkick to the leg, and Lenny Leonard says Moxley has been dealing with a leg injury of late. Gray hit a flip dive through the ropes at 3:00. They brawled on the floor and through the crowd, and this is suddenly hard to see anything. They kept moving around this large, large room brawling amongst the crowd. They got back to ringside, and Moxley hit a suplex on the floor at 6:00.

Moxley slid a barbed-wire-covered board into the ring, and he hit a release suplex on Gray onto the barbed wire. Moxley wrapped the barbed wire around Gray’s leg. This is pretty one-sided action. Moxley wrapped barbed wire around his hand and punched Gray repeatedly. Why isn’t Gray wearing a shirt, like Moxley? Moxley hit a side suplex, with Gray landing on the barbed wire once more, at 10:30.

Gray hit a spear through a barbed-wire-covered door in the corner, and Moxley struggled to free himself, so he took his shirt off. Gray hit a running Bulldog Slam, then a moonsault for a nearfall at 14:00. Gray got a ladder from under the ring. Moxley is busted open and bleeding from his forehead. Gray leapt off the ladder onto Moxley, who was lying on a table, at 18:00, and both men were down.

They got in the ring and traded forearm shots. Gray nailed a clothesline for a nearfall, and they were both down at 20:30. Gray got barbed-wire-covered light tubes; I hate this. Moxley hit a Stunner on the weapon, but Moxley took most of the glass. Moxley hit a piledriver for a nearfall, so he went under the ring and got some more light tubes. Moxley hit a butterfly suplex onto the light tubes to get the pin. Moxley’s back was bleeding. They shook hands, and Moxley posed with the belt.

They took a short break to not only clean up the mess, but set up more barbed wire and tables and light tubes. OK, I am not even going to watch this.

7) John Wayne Murdoch defeated Alex Colon at about 12:00 to win a hardcore title. Colon had an arm injury around 10:00 and the medics wrapped him up. Murdoch wanted to fight but the medics stopped him. Murdoch got him in the ring, hit his arm with a weapon, then applied a Divorce Court armbreaker, and Colon tapped out.

Murdoch got on the mic and told Colon to pack his bags and leave GCW. The crowd was in stunned silence. I seriously watched just the final two minutes of this and have no interest in seeing more.

Final Thoughts: The show clocked in at 2 hours, 45 minutes. I hate light tubes and glass. I can handle barbed wire because you have some control over it. Glass shatters and goes everywhere, including into the crowd or, in Alex Zayne’s case, through an eyeball. It is dangerous and reckless, and some day, a pro wrestling promotion will be heavily sued by a fan being injured by it.

I love all things Blake Christian, and he had another great match, this time with AR Fox. Briscoes get second-best, and I’m glad they have tag titles somewhere, now that they’ve lost their ROH Tag Titles. The seven-way was fun and fast. The women’s match was fun in its own, lewd way.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Why do you have a guy who can’t even watch gcw’s signature match style watch and review it? Clowns all around.

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