1/10 WWE Raw Results: Powell’s live review of WWE Champion Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley meeting face to face, Randy Orton and Riddle vs. Chad Gable and Otis for the Raw Tag Titles, Bianca Belair vs. Doudrop vs. Liv Morgan for a shot at the Raw Women’s Championship at the Royal Rumble, Alexa Bliss’s journey back to Raw

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw (Episode 1,494)
Live from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Wells Fargo Center
Aired January 10, 2022 on USA Network

[Hour One] Raw opened with a recap of Brock Lesnar winning the WWE Championship at the WWE Day 1 pay-per-view, and Bobby Lashley winning a four-way on last week’s Raw to earn a title shot at the Royal Rumble… The broadcast team of Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton checked in…

WWE Champion Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman made their entrance. Bobby Lashley and MVP were shown watching on a backstage monitor when Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin approached them. Lashley recalled telling that that they are finished and he works alone. MVP smiled in the background.

In the ring, Heyman delivered his big introduction for Lesnar, who said he loved it. “I can’t believe we’re back,” Lesnar said. Lashley’s entrance music interrupted Lesnar, and then he and MVP made their entrance and entered the ring. MVP introduced Lashley.

Lashley told Lesnar that it was an honor to share the ring with him and said it was an honor to look him in the eye and tell him with all due respect that Lesnar ducked and ran from him for twenty years. Lesnar laughed and then said with all due respect, it was an honor for him to be in the ring with himself.

Lesnar said he’s been winning championships “in this ring and in other rings” for the last twenty years. He said it falls on Lashley and claimed he didn’t know who Lashley was until he entered the ring at WWE Day 1. Lesnar said he would have beaten Lashley if they already had a match and they wouldn’t be in this place now. Lesnar complimented Lashley and MVP on their attire and asked for the thread count on MVP’s suit.

Lashley laughed and said Lesnar was a comedian. Lesnar said he’s funny and money, then did a knock-knock joke. When Heyman asked Bobby who, Lesnar responded, “Exactly.” Lesnar told Lashley that it’s impossible to beat him, and even more impossible when you’re a Lesnar wannabe. Lesnar dropped the mic and left the ring while his music played while Lashley glared at him.

Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin attacked Lashley from behind. Lashley quickly tossed Benjamin to ringside and then slammed Alexander to the mat. Lashley went to ringside and swung Benjamin into the ring post, then ran Alexander into the barricade before swinging him into the post. Lashley and MVP headed to the back…

Powell’s POV: Lashley came off as more likable than Lesnar, who big-timed Lashley by saying that he’d never even heard of him. The fans still got a kick out of Lesnar, so it’s not as if they suddenly see him as the heel. This actually ran counter to the rest of the promo with the laughing and joking, as it seemed like the goal was to let viewers know that Lesnar is a babyface now after the confusion last week due to his on-again partnership with Heyman. I should be annoyed by Alexander and Benjamin being fed to Lashley, but it’s not like we haven’t seen it before.

Backstage, Randy Orton and Riddle spoke about losing the non-title match to Alpha Academy last week. Orton said it’s because Riddle didn’t tag him in when he was supposed to. Orton pulled out a marker. Riddle said it was no time for Pictionary. Orton wrote “Tag In” on one of Riddle’s hands “Randy” on the other. Riddle pitched going out for cheesesteaks after their match and asked if he was more of a Pat’s or Gino’s guy. Orton said Gino’s. The duo made their entrance for the title match… [C]

A Royal Rumble ad aired… The broadcast team hyped that Beth Phoenix would be Edge’s guest on The Cutting Edge…

1. “RKBro” Randy Orton and Riddle vs. “Alpha Academy” Chad Gable and Otis for the Raw Tag Titles. The entrance of Gable and Otis was not televised. Mike Rome delivered introductions for the title match from ringside. Riddle threw a kick at Gable and then performed a senton on his back. Gable rolled to ringside. Riddle gave him a PK from the apron, then hit him with a springboard moonsault. [C]

After being isolated, Riddle performed a Floating Bro on Otis and then made the hot tag to Orton, who worked over Gable. Orton set up for a Draping DDT, but he had to fight off Otis first. Gable clotheslined Orton over the top rope. Gable went up top and was crotched by Orton, who superplexed him.

Orton set up for his finisher and was distracted by Otis, who took out Riddle on the floor. Orton rolled up Gable and then went for an RKO, but Gable shoved him into Otis, who powerslammed him and pinned him.

“Alpha Academy” Chad Gable and Otis defeated “RKBro” Randy Orton and Riddle in roughly 9:00 to win the Raw Tag Titles.

Powell’s POV: I like the title change and it puts all of the babyface teams that RKBro beat back in play. The broadcast team tried to give Gable a credibility boost by raving about his ability early on. Between this and the tag title win, hopefully the days of Gable being booked as a weak link of the team are over.

Footage aired from earlier in the day of Damian Priest declaring himself for the Royal Rumble match. He spoke about the possibility of becoming a double champion… The broadcast team spoke about the men’s Royal Rumble match entrants while a graphic was shown…

Backstage, Priest spoke with “The Street Profits” Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins. Priest acknowledged that it would be every man for himself at the Rumble, but said he was happy that the Profits had his back in their six-man tag match. The Profits made their entrance for the six-man tag match… [C]

Bianca Belair delivered a backstage promo. She recalled winning the Royal Rumble match last year and went on to win a championship. She said she would see Becky Lynch at the Rumble this year after she wins the Triple Threat…

2. Damian Priest, Montez Ford, and Angelo Dawkins vs. Dolph Ziggler, Robert Roode, and Apollo Crews (w/Commander Azeez). None of the heel entrance were televised, but they did air Priest’s entrance. The broadcast team touted Johnny Knoxville entering the Royal Rumble match. The babyface trio cleared the heels from the ring and stood tall heading into an early break. [C]

Late in the match, Priest set up for a powerbomb on Crews at ringside before being distracted by Azeez. Ford took Crews and Azeez with a flip dive onto him and Crews. In the ring, Roode rolled up Dawkins for a two count. Ziggler made a blind tag. Dawkins put down Roode with a spinebuster. Ziggler hit the Zigzag on Dawkins and pinned him…

Dolph Ziggler, Robert Roode, and Apollo Crews beat Damian Priest, Montez Ford, and Angelo Dawkins in 8:30.

Powell’s POV: A solid time-filling match with a surprising outcome. As much as I’ve praised Raw for giving nearly everything a purpose and avoiding filler segments in recent weeks, I assume we’ll get a little more filler tonight due to the college football national championship game and perhaps even next week with the first NFL playoff game to air on a Monday night. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a rematch with the opposite outcome next week.

The Smackdown Breakdown recap video aired and concluded with the shot of Seth Rollins showing up in Roman Reigns’ dressing room at the end of the show… Seth Rollins made his entrance… [C] Some Philadelphia sports imagery was shown…

[Hour Two] Footage was shown from the Lesnar and Lashley segment from earlier in the night…

Seth Rollins delivered an in-ring promo. He pondered whether he was excited about the Rumble due to Lesnar facing Lashley and mocked both men. He wondered if it was due to the actual Rumble matches. Then he wondered if it was because he would become the WWE Universal Champion in a “brother versus brother” showdown match with Roman Reigns.

Rollins said people are probably wondering how he got the match when he was screwed out of his singles match for the WWE Championship at WWE Day 1. Rollins said he didn’t get an advocate, he took matters into his own hands. He said there are few things in life that are certain – death, taxes, and Rollins beating Reigns every single time.

Big E made his entrance and called the news of Rollins challenging Reigns “incredible news.” Big E said he was as excited as Gritty (mascot) after a Flyers win. Rollins asked what a Gritty is. The fans booed. Rollins asked why Big E was so excited for him. Big E said it’s because Rollins is his favorite.

Big E announced that he was entering the Royal Rumble match. He said he’s dreamed of beating Rollins at Day 1 and would now do it and walk out of WrestleMania as the world champion. Rollins cackled in response and told Big E that he could dream. He said he was happy for him being in the Rumble, but he couldn’t beat him.

Big E challenged Rollins to a match. Rollins backed down and said they should do it in a better town or next week. Big E challenged to face him immediately. Rollins got fired up and said Big E was putting him on the spot. Rollins accepted the challenge and then a referee entered the ring…

3. Seth Rollins vs. Big E. Rollins performed an early suicide dive. He went for another, but Big E hit him from the floor. Big E placed Rollins over the apron and then splashed him. [C] After a few minutes of action, Big E speared Rollins off the apron heading into another break. [C]

Rollins performed a top rope splash on Big E and got a near fall. Graves pointed out that Rollins held his ribs after performing the move and the minor hesitation may have saved Big E (nice call). Rollins set up for a Stomp. Big E stuffed it and powerbombed him for a near fall.

Big E put Rollins in the stretch muffler. Rollins punched his way free and grabbed the ropes. Big E performed a uranage style slam for another near fall. Graves said Big E is not the same wrestler mentally since losing the championship. Rollins rolled onto the apron. Big E went for another spear, but Rollins caught him with a knee instead.

Rollins went to the ropes and Big E was there to hit him with punches. Big E went to the middle rope and set up for his finisher, but Rollins fought his way out of it and knocked Big E off the ropes. Big E avoided a flying knee, but Rollins caught him with a kick. Rollins went for a Pedigree, but Big E stuffed it. Rollins hit Big E with several strikes and put him down with a Stomp. Rollins covered Big E and pinned him…

Seth Rollins defeated Big E in 18:00.

Powell’s POV: An entertaining match. The live crowd was a little on the quiet side, but I enjoyed it. I don’t think Big E fans should panic. It seems like they are going with some type of redemption story for Big E based on Graves’ comments about him not being the same mentally since he lost the WWE Championship. In fact, this made me think it’s more likely that Big E will win the Royal Rumble or perhaps the Elimination Chamber match (if there is one) to earn his shot at redemption at WrestleMania.

The Royal Rumble video aired from Smackdown that listed a long list of female Rumble match entrants. Charlotte Flair was added to the list of entrants because she declared after the video was shown on Smackdown…

Rhea Ripley and Nikki ASH made their entrance… [C]

Sarah Schreiber stood inside the ring with Ripley and ASH and said she understood they had an announcement. ASH challenged Queen Zelina and Carmella to a tag title match. Ripley said that’s not what they talked about.

Schreiber said it didn’t seem like they were on the same page and asked if the partnership had run its course. Ripley started to speak, but ASH cut her off and said of course not. Ripley said she didn’t want to do this in the ring. ASH insisted that they do it now. She asked if Ripley was trying to break up their team.

Ripley said they had a great run, but it was time to go separate ways. ASH said they could regain the titles and show everyone why they are so great together. Ripley said it wasn’t about the titles. ASH took offense, thinking that Ripley feels she’s better than her. Ripley said she never said she was better than ASH, who assumed that Ripley was thinking it.

ASH said she did Ripley the favor by staying in the partnership. She said friends stand by one another, even when one is better in the ring than the other. Ripley once again said she never said she was better than ASH, who then said she was talking about her.

Ripley said ASH was making her uncomfortable and offered her a handshake to end their partnership. ASH said it was fine if Ripley doesn’t want to be her teammate, but she couldn’t shake her hand until she looked her in the eye and said she still believes in her. Ripley said she’s always believed in ASH and always will.

Ripley said she hopes that ASH will start to believe in herself and they can still be friends. ASH got emotional and asked if Ripley meant it and they can still be friends. Ripley hugged ASH, who then posed on the ropes and played to the crowd while Ripley stood there. ASH turned back around and attacked Ripley and ended up leaving her lying…

Powell’s POV: Finally! I feared that we were getting an ASH redemption story, but an ASH heel turn is exactly what I was hoping for. I’d love to see ASH revert to a version of her Sanity character, but I wonder if she’s doing an Almost Homelander character instead.

Backstage, Reggie brought WWE 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke a cheesesteak. Reggie said something was off and he could tell when the title was in danger. R-Truth showed up dressed as custodian. A referee entered the picture. Akira Tozawa emerged from the trashcan that Truth was pushing. Reggie and Brooke threw their cheesesteaks and one of them ended up hitting Tamina, who threw a fit.

Omos was shown walking backstage. Brooke ran past him. Reggie ran into him and apologized. Omos picked him up and choked him against the wall. Brooke barked at Omos to put him down. Omos eventually released him, then told Reggie to watch what he does tonight because he’ll do worse next week. Omos made his entrance for a match…

Doudrop cut a promo from her locker room about her match against Bianca Belair and Liv Morgan. She told Becky Lynch not to get too comfortable with her championship because she would be meeting her at the Rumble…

4. Omos vs. Nick Sanders. Graves cracked that the others should call the match while he goes and sets up a Go Fund Me page for Sanders’ medical bills. Omos destroyed Sanders while Graves mocked the pink tights and green boots that Sanders was wearing. Reggie and Brooke were shown watching the match on a backstage monitor. Omos finished off Sanders with his usual finisher…

Omos beat Nick Sanders in 1:35.

Powell’s POV: I wouldn’t complain if Omos destroyed the entire WWE 24/7 division and the championship belt to put it out of its misery. If nothing else, I liked the mean streak that Omos showed while barking at Reggie in the backstage area.

Footage aired of the opening segment with Lesnar and Lashley, including Lashley destroying Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin. The broadcast team hyped Lesnar vs. Lashley for the Rumble event…

Edge made his entrance for the Cutting Edge segment… [C] Edge said it was good to be back in the city of fighters, then introduced his wife Beth Phoenix. Edge said his wife could hang with the Broad Street Bullies (Flyers hockey) and said they have collected 35 titles together and are the only couple in the WWE Hall of Fame.

[Hour Three] Edge called Phoenix a wrecking machine and then set up a Phoenix video package. Edge said it was an honor and told Phoenix that the floor was hers. Phoenix wondered if Edge was buttering her up for later tonight, then said flattery will get him everywhere. “Down boy, let’s put a pin in that because tonight I’m out here to talk some business,” Phoenix told Edge. She said they would shut the mouths of Miz and Maryse for good.

The Miz’s entrance music played and then he and Maryse walked onto the stage. Miz said he stands with Ben Simmons (NBA player) in that he would give up $33 million to avoid playing in “this crap city.” Miz claimed he had Edge beat at WWE Day 1 until Edge manipulated his wife to fighting his battles.

Miz said his sources told him that Edge prepared a highlight video for Phoenix, so he had his own video package created for Maryse, which then aired. Miz asked the crowd if they realize how big of a star his wife is and how lucky they are to see her in person. He said Edge and Phoenix should feel honored to step foot in the same ring as Maryse.

Edge said Maryse is a former champion who busted her butt to prove everyone wrong just like her husband. He said they didn’t want to take anything away from her career, but he said his wife can deadlift a Buick. Phoenix pointed out how quiet Maryse has been since she showed up. Phoenix said she would wreck Maryse and everyone would chant “au revoir.”

Miz laughed and told Maryse to tell Phoenix how bad she would humiliate her. Maryse headed to the back while Miz was still talking. Phoenix said that if Maryse doesn’t show up for the Rumble and Edge doesn’t get to him first, she will take great pleasure in bashing his teeth in…

Powell’s POV: The segment was fine, but I’m still lukewarm on this match. It’s fine for a Royal Rumble even that has a lot of bigger things happening, but it’s tough to get excited about seeing babyfaces get the better of Miz when babyfaces get the better of him all the time.

Backstage, Austin Theory was interviewed by Kevin Patrick. Theory said he had a chance to impress Mr. McMahon. He said Vince texted him earlier to remind him that Styles is one of the most decorated stars in WWE. Theory said he would beat Styles so that McMahon would have no doubt about investing in him. Patrick asked if Vince had any more words of encouragement. Theory said he did – don’t screw this up…

AJ Styles made his entrance… [C] The broadcast team recapped Alpha Academy winning the Raw Tag Titles earlier in the show… Austin Theory made his entrance…

5. AJ Styles vs. Austin Theory. Styles’ match against Grayson Waller on Tuesday’s NXT 2.0 television show was hyped by the broadcast team and an on-screen graphic. Theory dropkicked Styles off the apron. [C] Theory remained in offensive control and picked up a near fall. Styles came back with a shot from the apron and then set up for his finisher. Grayson Waller pulled Styles off the apron and attacked him for the DQ finish.

AJ Styles defeated Austin Theory by DQ in 7:00.

Theory went to ringside and had Waller hold off so that he could take a selfie. Theory headed to the back. Styles started getting the better of Waller, who fled to the entrance aisle. They cut to a backstage shot of the entrance area for a moment, then cut back to Styles.

Backstage, Waller spoke briefly with Kevin Patrick about how Styles would be taken over by the Grayson Waller Effect on Tuesday’s NXT 2.0 television show…

Powell’s POV: I like the way they took the out by having Waller interfere in the match. It was effective in terms of pushing Styles vs. Waller for NXT, and they avoided having Theory take a clean pin loss to Styles. That said, I wonder if the crazy Vince character will take issue with Theory being happy about taking a DQ loss.

Liv Morgan delivered a backstage promo about the Triple Threat match. She said once she wins, she won’t just come close to beating Becky Lynch at the Royal Rumble, she will win the Raw Women’s Championship…

Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch made her entrance. Graves hyped the Triple Threat as coming up after the break… [C] The Miz, Maryse, Chad Gable, Otis, and Nikki ASH were advertised for Raw Talk. Saxton said Maryse is supposed to be on Raw Talk, but he wondered if she was still in the building…

An Alexa Bliss video package aired. She sported her darker look while meeting with a therapist, who showed her footage of Charlotte Flair destroying the stupid Lilly doll. The therapist asked how it made her feel. She was clearly angry while watching it, then said it made her thirsty. Bliss poured a glass of water and let the water flow over the cup and onto the floor. She grabbed the therapist by the tie and asked how it made him feel. Bliss started trashing his office. The therapist ran out of the office. She threw and item in his direction and then screamed…

Powell’s POV: Gee, great, Lady Fiend is still a thing. I can live with angry Alexa, but I have zero interest in hocus pocus Alexa.

Becky Lynch delivered an in-ring promo about the Triple Threat match. She said Liv Morgan won’t back down even though she should. Lynch mentioned that she beat Bianca Belair at SummerSlam. She also mentioned Doudrop. Lynch said they were all fighting for an opportunity to tell their grandchildren that they lost to her. Lynch said she was joining the broadcast team and told the three women to have fun fighting for her…

Entrances for the main event took place. Bianca Belair made her entrance first followed by Bianca Belair. Graves hyped next week’s Raw being in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and then Doudrop made her entrance… [C] An ad for Smackdown hyped that Seth Rollins would appear and the narrator questioned what that would mean for Roman Reigns and the WWE Universal Championship…

6. Bianca Belair vs. Doudrop vs. Liv Morgan for a shot at the Raw Women’s Championship at the Royal Rumble. Becky Lynch sat in on commentary for the match and referred to Doudrop as the unknown element. Doudrop performed an early Michinoku Driver on Belair. Morgan went for a huracanrana from the ropes, but Doudrop caught her and slammed her onto Belair. Doudrop covered both women for a two count. Doudrop remained in offensive control heading into the final break. [C]

Late in the match, Morgan had a flurry of offense on both opponents. She placed Belair on the top rope and then joined her on the ropes. Doudrop recovered and powerbombed Morgan. Doudrop covered Morgan, only to have Belair hit her with a 450 splash to break it up. Belair tried to pin both women separately and only got two counts.

Belair put Doudrop down with a spinebuster. She picked up Morgan and dropped her on Doudrop, then performed a handspring into the ropes and splashed both opponents. Belair hit a KOD on Morgan and was about to cover her when Becky Lynch attacked her. Belair chased Lynch around the ring. Lynch tossed Belair over the broadcast table. Inside the ring, Doudrop performed a second rope seated senton on Morgan and then pinned her…

Doudrop defeated Liv Morgan and Bianca Belair in a Triple Threat in 14:45 to earn a shot at the Raw Women’s Championship at the Royal Rumble.

After the match, Lynch entered the ring and offered Doudrop a handshake. Doudrop was about to accept when Lynch slapped her across the face. Lynch went for the Manhandle Slam, but she couldn’t pick her up. Doudrop shoved Lynch, who ended up at ringside. Doudrop jawed at Lynch, who showed a look of concern from the floor before jawing back at her to close the show…

Powell’s POV: I’m not surprised that they didn’t go with Belair or Morgan as Lynch’s challenger at the Rumble. Morgan had recent title shot losses, and I assume that Belair is being saved as a challenger for one of the women’s champions at WrestleMania. That said, I wonder if this somehow becomes a Triple Threat. Putting Lynch in a match against another heel when she’s sure to be cheered would be a questionable call if they really want her to be a heel.

Overall, this was a decent show that was fairly newsworthy thanks to the Raw Tag Title change and the Royal Rumble developments. There was a bit more filler than we’ve seen lately, but we’ve seen a lot more of it in past years when Raw has been up against the college football national championship game. I’m curious to see how they approach next week’s show airing opposite the first ever Monday night NFL playoff game. They may need to take a business as usual approach since they are getting so close to the Rumble. I will be back shortly with my weekly same night audio review of Raw. Let me know what you thought of the show by grading it below. You can also vote for the Best Broadcaster of 2021 in the first our of awards polls available on the main page.

WWE Raw Poll: Grade the January 10 edition

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Readers Comments (2)

  1. Powell’s POV: Gee, great, Lady Fiend is still a thing. I can live with angry Alexa, but I have zero interest in hocus pocus Alexa.

    CHEERS fireworks go off hocus pocus Alexa. is back I love it.

    also love seeing the 24/7 title back on TV..it keeps the low and mid card wrestlers busy and gives them something to do….which is better then not useing them and they sit in the locker room for 3 hours…. sitting around in the lockerrom and no TV time is boreing.

  2. I don’t want angry Alexa either. I am not the sort of wrestling fan who gets too hung up on size generally, but she is TINY, and her angry acting just looks like a small child having a tantrum.

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