ROH Wrestling TV results: Powell’s review of Kenny King and Dragon Lee vs. “SOS” Moses and Kaun for the ROH Tag Team Titles, and “The Foundation” Jay Lethal, Jonathan Gresham, Tracy Williams, and Rhett Titus vs. Taylor Rust, Eli Isom, World Famous CB, and Joe Keys

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor Wrestling TV (Episode 526)
Taped in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena
Aired October 16, 2021 in syndication and on SBG regional sports networks, available Mondays on FITE.TV

Quinn McKay checked in from the studio following the ROH opening. She hyped the show’s two matches… Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman checked in on commentary while ring announcer Bobby Cruise handled the introductions for the opening match. A brief Kenny King and Dragon Lee pre-taped promo aired…

Powell’s POV: It’s good to see the studio segment return after not having one on last week’s show. It’s still too brief

1. Kenny King and Dragon Lee vs. “SOS” Moses and Kaun for the ROH Tag Team Titles. Moses and Kaun performed some double-team moves on King. Kaun covered King for a two count heading into a break. [C] The champions isolated Kaun shortly after the show returned from the break and continued to do so going into the next break. [C]

Moses finally took a hot tag from Kaun. Moses worked over both opponents with power moves, including a powerbomb on Lee that resulted in a two count. The champions rallied and tied up Moses in a tree of woe in their corner. King took out Kaun with a leaping clothesline and then Lee double stomped Moses. Lee took out Kaun with a suicide dive. King powerbombed Moses for a near fall.

Bestia del Ring showed up at ringside in support of King and Lee. SOS rallied and hit their elevated DDT move on King. Kaun had King pinned, but the referee was distracted by Bestia. Shane Taylor came out and bickered with Bestia at ringside. Kaun set up King for a move, but King raked his eyes. King hit the Royal Flush on Kaun. Lee followed with a running knee strike on Kaun and then King pinned him.

Kenny King and Dragon Lee defeated “SOS” Moses and Kaun in 12:53 to retain the ROH Tag Team Titles.

Taylor and Bestia threw punches afterward until the referee got between them… An ad aired for the Death Before Dishonor replay… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good match. SOS continue to prove themselves ready whenever ROH gives them opportunities. The Bestia interference gave SOS an out for losing, and potentially creates the need for a tag title rematch or perhaps also an ROH Six-Man Tag Title match with Taylor and SOS defending against the LFI trio.

A video package aired to push next week’s Violence vs. Pure theme with members of Violence Unlimited facing The Foundation… Entrances for the main event took place with Taylor Rust, Eli Isom, World Famous CB, and Joe Keys making separate entrances. A pre-taped promo aired with Isom doing all of the talking for his team. The Foundation made their entrance together and also had a pre-taped interview with Jay Lethal and Tracy Williams doing the talking… [C]

A warning graphic appeared on the screen that read: The following is performed by trained professionals. Do not try this at home. Imitating any of the stunts or moves shown can result in serious injury or death. Viewer discretion is advised…

Powell’s POV: I wonder why they ran that graphic. Perhaps something during the match will explain it. While the message is nice and is perhaps helpful from a legal standpoint, I don’t think it stops a single person from putting their younger brother in a figure four leg lock.

2. “The Foundation” Jay Lethal, Jonathan Gresham, Tracy Williams, and Rhett Titus vs. Taylor Rust, Eli Isom, World Famous CB, and Joe Keys. Titus suffered a cut near his left eye and an onscreen warning appeared about not trying this at home. The highlight of the pre-break work was Isom getting the better of Lethal in a good exchange. [C]

Rush and Lethal fought on the apron. Rust grabbed Lethal’s left arm and dropped off the apron, which drove his shoulder onto the apron. Lethal fell to the floor. The other Foundation members came over and encouraged Rust to give Lethal 20 seconds to recover, but he blew them off. Lethal was isolated by the other team. [C]

Lethal set up for a Lethal Injection on Isom, but his shoulder gave out when he went for the handspring into the ropes. Lethal came right back with a cutter on Isom. Williams and Keys checked in and traded uppercuts. Williams put Keys down with a lariat. Gresham tagged in and eventually caught Keys in a leg lock and got the submission win.

“The Foundation” Jay Lethal, Jonathan Gresham, Tracy Williams, and Rhett Titus defeated Taylor Rust, Eli Isom, World Famous CB, and Joe Keys in 17:50.

After the match, Williams looked at Titus’s cut and said, “We bleed for this.” Lethal told his team the most important part was the Code of Honor (vomit). They returned to the ring and shook hands with their opponents to close the show.

Graphics listed Rhett Titus vs. Tony Deppen, Chris Dickinson and Brody King vs. Jonathan Gresham and Tracy Williams, and Homicide vs. Jay Lethal for next week’s show…

A Vincent video package aired. He wore Matt Taven’s crown and asked if it gets any more pure than him. Other members of The Righteous were shown. Vincent said pain is necessary for purification…

Powell’s POV: I’m not sure when Titus suffered the cut, but now I’m wondering if blood triggers ROH to run their onscreen warnings to viewers about not trying this at home. Anyway, I like the Code of Honor and the Pure Division, but Lethal gets a little too precious at times in expressing his love of both. It’s great if there’s a heel turn coming, but I don’t think that’s the idea.

ROH is big on these eight-man tag matches due to their faction-heavy approach. They typically have good action, but they also feel a little dry when they involve an established babyface faction facing a group of random babyface opponents. On the bright side, the match was laid out in a way that spotlighted Isom and Rust at times. Overall, there wasn’t much in the way of storyline developments, but there was plenty of good in-ring action on this episode. My weekly ROH Wrestling audio review will be available for Dot Net Members later today.


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