8/24 NXT TV results: Moore’s review of the NXT Takeover 36 fallout show with new NXT Champion Samoa Joe, Hit Row vs. Legado Del Fantasma, Carmelo Hayes vs. Odyssey Jones in the NXT Breakout Tournament finals, Timothy Thatcher vs. Ridge Holland, Kay Lee Ray in action

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Taped August 23, 2021 in Orlando, Florida at Capitol Wrestling Center (WWE Performance Center)
Aired August 24, 2021 on USA Network

[Hour One] The show started off with Cameron Grimes and Ted DiBiase in the WWE PV parking lot heading to the ring. Still shots were shown of the Cameron Grimes vs. LA Knight match from the last Takeover show…

Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett, and Beth Phoenix were on commentary…

Cameron Grimes and Ted DiBiase made their entrance with Alicia Taylor introducing Grimes as the new Million Dollar Champion. DiBiase said that everyone wondered what Ted was there to buy when he showed up in NXT? Ted said he was looking for a man to continue the legacy of the Million Dollar Man. Ted said that person had to be strong in body, mind, and heart. Ted said that Grimes is not a quitter and showed that heart, and that’s what led Cameron to being the Million Dollar Champion.

Cameron said Ted drove him nuts when he showed up. Ted said he did it on purpose, to test Cameron. Cameron said he was blinded by all the money and fame that he was still missing an accomplishment. Cameron said that what inspired him recently was Ted putting his trust in him. Cameron said he took that trust and help to beat LA Knight and become Million Dollar Champion. Cameron said the question is “where do they go now”? Ted said it was time to go “to the moon”. Cannons shot off “Cameron Grimes bucks”, and Wade Barrett was disappointed that the money wasn’t legal…

A recap package of NXT Takeover 36 aired…

John’s Thoughts: A fun feelgood segment between Grimes and DiBiase to cap off the Million Dollar Championship storyline. That said, it looks like we might have to wait a little bit until they flip the switch on Grimes being a more serious character. It’s easy to see them sticking to comedy, given his whole cheesy millionaire gimmick, but I still hope they focus on the “heart” that Ted mentioned in the promo.

Ridge Holland and Pete Dunne made their entrance…[c]

Hit Row were shown walking into the WWE PC from the parking lot…

1. Ridge Holland (w/Pete Dunne) vs. Timothy Thatcher (w/Tommaso Ciampa). Thatcher and Holland traded holds and European Uppercuts in the center of the ring. Tommaso Ciampa took a seat on a chair set up on the ramp. Thatcher went for a mount, but Holland fended off Thatcher with European Uppercuts. Holland body slammed Thatcher on the top rope. Thatcher launched some kicks from the Octopus Defense position. Holland lifted Thatcher and punched away Thatcher.

Holland gave Thatcher a running elbow for a two count. Thatcher gave Holland a few punches and a Belly to Belly. Thatcher got a one count. Holland blocked Thatcher’s elbow submission. Thatcher adjusted to Octopus Hold position. Holland blocked the hold, and Thatcher gave Holland a knee. Holland recovered and gave Thatcher a suplex. Holland went for a suplex, but Thatcher reversed into an armbar. Thatcher gave Holland a European Uppercut to the neck.

Holland broke the hold and gave Thatcher a running lariat. The show cut to Picture-in-picture (oh! they’re still doing those during taped shows).[c]

Thatcher had Holland in a half crab. Holland escaped the move and gave Thatcher a Jackhammer for the victory.

Ridge Holland defeated Timothy Thatcher via pinfall in 10:38. 

Holland attached Thatcher after the bell. Ciampa ran into the ring for the save. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch ran out to give the heels the advantage. Thatcher recovered and had the advantage over Holland. Dunne held Thatcher in place so Holland could jab Thatcher in the throat with his signature baton. The heels stood tall to end the segment…

Arash Markazi interviewed Carmello Hayes on making it to the finals of the Breakout Tournament. Hayes pointed out the pattern of him facing bigger opponents than him leading to the final. Hayes said people always call him an underdog, but he never saw that, he said he’s the over dog. Hayes said it took hard work and perseverance to get to this spot. Arash noted that Hayes is facing another large man in Odyssey. Hayes said that Odyssey’s strength is his speed for being a 405+ pound man. Hayes said he’s not getting ahead of himself, but you’ll see him in NXT soon with Championship gold…

The commentary team hyped Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro appearing after the break…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Timothy Thatcher is deceptively tall (either that or Holland is deceptively short). Size-wise, while Holland is more cut, Thatcher was taller and of similar body mass here. The match was solid and the best match I’ve seen Holland in during his entire NXT/NXT-UK run. He’s been more confident in his return to action. This was a fun match to watch and Thatcher looked strong in defeat too. It was a good battle of Technique vs. Strength, which was backed up by the commentary team.

Beth Phoenix recapped Indi Hartwell’s marriage proposal to Dexter Lumis last week…

McKenzie Mitchell congratulated Dexter and Indi on their engagement. Hartwell said they really liked their dates and the chicken fingers that one time. McKenzie asked if they have a wedding date. Lumis gave Mitchell an invite and it said the date was September 14, 2021. Beth Phoenix continued to fangirl over the In-Dex ship when they cut back to the commentary table…

2. Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter vs. Gigi Dolan and Jacy Jayne. Carter started off with a rollup attempt and shotgun dropkick on Dolan. Kacy and Kayden did fakeout wrecking ball kicks to their opponents. Kacy tagged in and was whipped to their opponents corner. Dolan hit Kacy with a Bronco Buster. Jayne tagged in and hit Kacy with a cannonball. Jayne and Dolan kept trading quick tags to isolate Catanzaro. Kacy managed to circumvent the ring to get to her corner and tag in Kayden. Kayden hit Jacy with a dropkick and splashed Dolan at the same time.

Carter gave Dolan a boot wash kick for a two count. Jayne tagged in and gave Carter a pump kick. Kacy broke up the pin attempt. The face team recovered and hit Jayne with their signature Neckbreaker-450 combo to give Catanzaro the pinfall win.

Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter defeated Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolan via pinfall in 4:05. 

Kacy and Kayden told the announce team that they wanted to go after the tag titles. Vic Joseph sent the show over to McKenzie Mitchell who interviewed Raquel Gonzalez…

John’s Thoughts: Solid tag match with some heat being put behind potential challengers to Stark and Shirai’s titles. It’s interesting that they give Dolan and Jayne the cool vignettes and have them lose so soon after, but at the same time my guess is they are going to start racking up wins when they get Mandy Rose attached to their act. Dolan and Jayne strike me as a team that might be fast tracked to the main roster with Rose in the next few months. The jury is still out on Jayne, who I’m just not to familiar with. I’m very high on Dolan and think that she’s main roster ready in terms of in-ring AND mic work.

McKenzie interviewed Raquel on her match against Dakota Kai. Raquel said Kai took her to the limit and that she doesn’t think Kai is done yet going after the NXT women’s title. McKenzie then asked Raquel about Kay Lee Ray showing up. Raquel said Kay Lee tried to take her spotlight. Raquel’s promo was cut off by Franky Monet, accompanied by Jessi Kamea and Robert Stone. Monet said she doesn’t wait in line and is coming after the NXT Women’s title…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Now that’s what I’m talking about! I hope? Franky Monet has been kept in the background for too damn long doing stupid comedy stuff with Robert Stone and whatnot. Monet should be at the top of the card and hopefully we get what should be a great feud between Monet and Gonzalez. I hope that Monet is done working in undercard comedy segments .If anything, they can have Robert Stone fill in the role that John E Bravo did in Impact as Franky’s stooge.

Aresh Markezi interviewed Odyssey Jones about being a positive person. Odyssey said he turns his negatives into positives, which is why he’s so positive. He talked about joining WWE after college football. He said he feels we’re seeing a more complete Odyssey after he took off the helmet. Odyssey said his gameplan is the same plan he has every night, to be the best man he can be. He said he’s not looking past Hayes and Hayes will be his toughest opponent yet…

John’s Thoughts: Good interviews by Aresh Markezi and these interviews finally put some shine behind the Breakout Tournament.

3. Kay Lee Ray vs. Valentina Feroz. Ray worked on Feroz with armbars to start off the match. Feroz came back with a flurry of elbows. Ray ended that flurry and gave Feroz a front suplex. Ray worked on Feroz with methodical offense. Feroz tried to comeback, but walked right into a superkick. Ray hit Feroz with a Gory Guerrero Bomb for the victory.

Kay Lee Ray defeated Valentina Feroz via pinfall in 2:51. 

NXT Champion Samoa Joe was shown outside in the parking lot, heading to the ring…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Solid squash for Kay Lee Ray, who’s impressed me since her time in TNA British Bootcamp. She’s grown a lot in terms of personality and reminds me of Lita in terms of look and ring style. While her promos have improved, I feel like she can evolve even more in terms of character, but that’s what NXT is for, to develop. Interesting to see where they go. Do they go with Gonzalez vs. Ray or Gonzalez vs. Monet first? Who’s the stepping stone?

[Hour Two] The cameraman asked Jacy Jane and Gigi Dolan how they felt after their loss. They blew off the question (for good reason). Mandy Rose showed up and told them to follow her and they will never have to feel like this ever again…

Samoa Joe made his entrance and was announced as the new NXT Champion. Joe said at Takeover 36 he stood across the ring from the most dominant champion in NXT history. He said he beat Karrion Kross and he stands in front of everyone as the first 3 time NXT Champion. Joe said it should be a time for celebration, but he’s not going to celebration. He said he’s been champion before and he’s learned that you have to be king in an land of savages. Joe said backstage the handshakes are a bit colder and the stares are a bit bolder. Joe asked someone to show up and step up in the ring against him now.

Pete Dunne made his entrance. Joseph referenced the many stares that Dunne gave Joe in the back. Dunne said Joe has stood in front of him many times to know the truth. He said he doesn’t care how many times Joe has had the title, that doesn’t make him the baddest man here. Dunne asked Joe to find Regal and book the match between he and Joe. LA Knight made his entrance. Knight said it was Knight time, yeah! Knight said Joe has fear going through is spine now because he’s standing across from L-A-Knight. Knight said that if Joe has that tingle in his loins, then he should face Knight as his first challenger. Dunne said if Knight takes another step, he’ll break Knight’s fingers.

Kyle O’Reilly cut off Knight from speaking and made his entrance. Kyle limped to the stage. Kyle talked about winning the Undisputed Finale at Takeover 36. O’Reilly said he sees Knight trying to swindle his way into a title shot. Eventually a brawl ensued with O’Reilly getting blindsided by Ridge Holland. Pete Dunne entered the ring for yet another staredown with Samoa Joe. Tommaso Ciampa showed up to attack Dunne. Dunne rolled away. Ridge Holland gave Ciampa a headbutt to keep him at bay. LA Knight tried to attack Joe, but Joe took Knight down with ease. Samoa Joe cleared the ring and stood tall as champion. While Joe held the title, Ciampa stared at the title belt (at “goldie”?)…

The show cut to Cameron Grimes trying to return the Million Dollar Championship to Ted DiBiase because it was Ted’s legacy. Ted said that Cameron earned it and deserves to stay Million Dollar Champion. DiBiase said the belt will remind Grimes of who Grimes truly is. Grimes said the belt he’s holding now feels a bit lighter. He turned the belt around and saw that it was a WWEShop replica. DiBiase drove away doing his evil Million Dollar Man laugh. Grimes smiled and said “that damn Ted DiBiase”…[c]

John’s Thoughts: We’ve seen this segment repeated many times on WWE TV when we get a new babyface champion. It was fine though and it set up Joe with a slew of future opponents. I’m happy LA Knight is seemingly elevated to world title level because that guy can really carry a program if given mic time. Kyle O’Reilly is still a bit rough as “cool Kyle”. He’s been good and funny on the mic in the past. These days he’s coming off a bit TOO cheesy. He just needs to tweak things a bit. I’m not too sure if I’m reading too much into it, but they may be setting up Tommaso Ciampa vs. Samoa Joe down the road. That’s my guess because of Ciampa staring at Joe’s “Goldie” to close the segment. As for the segment closing the door on the Grimes-DiBiase saga, there’s still hope that they turn Grimes to a more serious persona, but I’m still not holding my breath on that one.

McKenzie Mitchell tried to interview Kyle O’Reilly about getting attacked by Ridge Holland. Duke Hudson showed up to taunt O’Reilly. O’Reilly slapped Hudson and a brawl ensued. Steve Corino showed up and pulled away Kyle O’Reilly…

William Regal was sitting ringside for the Breakout Tournament finals. Alicia Taylor gave the finals formal in-ring introductions…

4. Carmelo Hayes vs. Odyssey Jones in the finals of the NXT Breakout Tournament. Hayes went for a headlock early on, but was manhandled by Jones. Hayes hit Jones with a dropkick to the head and knee to get Jones to a knee. Hayes hit Jones with a enzuigiri. Hayes went for a crossbody, but was swatted out of the air by Jones. [c]

Jones put Hayes on the top rope and hit Hayes with an axe handle combination. Hayes put Jones in a headlock. Hayes managed to get Jones to a knee. Jones managed to escape. Hayes hit Jones with a few pump kicks and a flying forearm. Hayes hit Jones with a switch knee and a spinning bulldog. Hayes hit Jones with a bicycle kick. Hayes got a two count. Jones got a moment of respite after hitting Hayes with a shoulder breaker. Hayes rolled to ringside. Hayes caught Jones with a Gamengiri.

Hayes sidestepped Jones, sending Jones into the ringpost. Hayes hit managed to hit Jones with a top rope scissors kick. Jones sidestepped a second kick and gave Hayes a running splash. Jones went for the pin, but was rolled up by Hayes for the win.

Carmelo Hayes defeated Odyssey Jones via pinfall in 6;50 of on-air time to win the NXT Breakout Tournament. 

William Regal handed Carmelo Hayes the prize of the tournament, which was a contract to face whatever champion he wants to face. The new interview lady asked Hayes who he was facing. Hayes congratulated Jones for a good match first. Hayes then said it was too early to pick an opponent. Hayes said he will call his shot eventually and when Carmelo Hayes shoots his shot, he does not miss…

John’s Thoughts: Not the most technically sound of matches, but a solid match nonetheless. Kudos to both Hayes and Jones for telling a good story while hiding Jones’ in-ring weaknesses at the same time. I’m glad Hayes won, as he’s the most refined, best looking, and most athletic wrestler in the tournament. Hayes is the complete package and I’m looking forward to see what he does moving forward. Odyssey Jones looks like someone who will succeed on the main roster, and I see him being a potential world champion many years from now. There’s also a part of me that wonders what would happen if he harnesses all this positivity and energy and turns it into a heel mean streak?

Pete Dunne was flanked by Ridge Holland, Oney Lorcan, and Danny Burch backstage. Dunne talked about coming after Joe. Lorcan and Burch noted that they never lost the tag titles (due to Burch’s injury) and are coming after MSK. Holland noted that he was coming after Ciampa…

Boa cut a quick promo in Mandarin and was hyped after the break…[c]

Wade Barrett hyped new NXT UK Champion Ilja Dragunov appearing on NXT next week…

Boa made his entrance. His entrance is still not as cool as Xia Li’s wushu katas…

5. Boa vs. Xion Quinn. Boa took down Quinn with a series of kicks. Xion managed to come back with an elbow and followed up with the pinfall for the surprise win.

Xion Quinn defeated Boa via pinfall in 1:05. 

Johnny Gargano tried to beg William Regal to cancel the In-Dex wedding to no avail. LA Knight cut in and wanted a match against Samoa Joe. Regal shoo’d Knight and Gargano away from his office and said they were buffoons…

Hit Row vs. Legado Del Fantasma was hyped for after the break…[c]

John’s Thoughts: What is up with Boa? This guy gets the cool vignettes where he was supposed to become superpowered, but for some reason he’s both still green and just as vulnerable as before the kayfabe “power-up”. Tian Sha is really struggling with Xia Li on the shelf. It’s kinda astonishing seeing how much Li was carrying the group with her growth and aura. I also feel like WWE needs to recruit another Mandarin speaker to be more badass then Boa.

Malcolm Bivens cut a promo from the training area of Diamond Mine. Bivens said that Roderick Strong is the uncrowned Cruiserweight Champion. Bivens said Strong was teaching a master class alongside Hachiman against “the Creed brothers”. Bivens made an open challenge to anyone next week for Roderick Strong…

Entrances for the main event took place…

6. “Hit Row” Ashanti The Adonis, Top Dolla, and NXT North American Champion Isaiah “Swerve” Scott (w/ B-Fab) vs. “Legado Del Fantasma” Santos Escobar, Joaquin Wilde, and Raul Mendoza. Legado Del Fantasma jumped the gun early on and overwhelmed Hit Row. B-Fab provided a distraction, which allowed Hit Row to regain control. Top Dolla tossed around his opponents early on. Adonis tagged in and worked on Wilde with strikes. Adonis knocked Mendoza off the apron and hit Wilde with a monkey flip. Adonis hit Mendoza with a monkey flip. Adonis hit Wilde with a flapjack at ringside. The show cut to picture in picture.[c]

Legado traded quick tags and cut the ring in half on Isaiah Scott. Escobar gave Scott a running meteora and delayed vertical. Legado went back to their quick tags and tandem offense. Scott got a window of opportunity after hitting Wilde with a discus lariat. Mendoza tagged in. Scott broke up a sunset flip and stomped on Mendoza. Top Dollar and Santos Escobar tagged in. Dolla hit Escobar with a running knee. Dolla gave Escobar a telegraphed elbow for a two count.

[Overrun] Dolla lifted Wilde and Mendoza in Fireman Carry. Dolla cradled Escobar and slammed all three men. Barrett called the move “The world’s strongest wasteland”. Adonis tagged in. Escobar managed to use strikes to take down Adonis and Dolla. Wilde and Mendoza tagged. They hit Adonis with double spinebusters and a double drop kick to give Wilde a two count. Mendoza tagged in and hit Adonis with a tightrope dropkick. Mendoza hit Adonis with a Michinoku Driver.

Scott broke up the pin with a house call kick. Escobar and Scott tagged in. Scott hit Escobar with a rolling paydirt. Dolla gave Wilde and Mendoza a cannonball at ringside. Scott gave Escobar a 450 for a two count. Scott went for a pump kick on Escobar, but it was caught and he was yanked down. B-Fab shoved Escobar into the ringpost. Elektra Lopez showed up and hit B-Fab with a pipe to the gut. Lopez tossed the pipe to Scott which got the attention of the official. This allowed Escobar to roll up Scott with a small package and handful of tights for the win.

Legado Del Fantasma defeated Hit Row via pinfall in 13:53. 

Legado Del Fantasma stood tall at the top of the ramp alongside Elektra Lopez to close the show…

John’s Thoughts: This was a good and hectic trios match that boosted everyone involved. There was no way Hit Row as losing clean, but I’m happy that Legado Del Fantasma eek’d out a win somehow to extend the feud. Adding Elektra to the act might breathe some new life into Legado too. Here’s hoping they extend this feud somehow to the next takeover and all roads lead to Isaiah Scott vs. Santos Escobar for the North American Championship. Whenever that happens, that match can steal the show. I point out a lot that Escobar and Scott have been wrestling for years in different companies, so these guys are completely used to telling great stories with each other (in fact, the first singles matches I ever saw of Shane Strickland was of him taking a handful of losses to King Cuerno).

This was a solid episode of NXT As usual, Takeover marks the end of some story arcs, and we saw some new stories form. So far, NXT doesn’t feel “different”. I kinda hope it stays like this and hopefully we don’t get any more downgrades any time soon.

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