06/14 Dot Net Q&A Audio (NSFW): Jason Powell answers your pro wrestling and non-wrestling questions

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Jason Powell answers the ProWrestling.net Members’ pro wrestling questions to start, and then answers some non-wrestling questions in the second half of the show. Warning: There will be some swearing during this edition because, well, it’s the Q&A audio show (58:51)…

Click here for the June 14 ProWrestling.net Q&A Audio Show.

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Readers Comments (3)

  1. No review of Impact Wrestling’s Against All Odds? Did I miss it? If I didn’t I have to assume that it wasn’t noteworthy enough to be bothered with. And I would have guessed that with the darlings of the industry , AEW, involved it might have been worth your time. But, sadly, as usual, Impact gets the short shrift. As I say, if I missed your review, please direct me to it & I’ll apologize for my comments. But Impact fans are used to the disrespect.

    • Sorry, I chose a friend’s daughter’s graduation party over covering the Impact Plus show. I’m a horrible human being. I did run the results.

      • Glad you make that choice. But it is available on Impact Plus for you to watch it at your leisure. Hope you enjoyed your party & congrats to your friend’s daughter on her graduation.

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