4/14 MLW Fusion Results: Alex Hammerstone vs. Mil Muertes for the MLW National Openweight Championship, Los Parks vs. The Dirty Blondes for the MLW Tag Titles, Richard Holliday vs. Gino Medina for the Caribbean Championship

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 128)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at GILT Nightclub
Streamed April 14, 2021 on Fubo Sports, Pluto TV, and MLW’s YouTube Page

Ray Flores, who was joined by Saint Laurent on commentary, welcomed viewers to the show and hyped the three title matches… The Fusion opening aired…

Footage aired of a cameraman approaching Salina de la Renta, who blew off the suggestion that El Jefe might show up. The Azteca Underground associate appeared and shoved the camera. The man could be heard asking if she’d cleared her plan with El Jefe and then adding that they both know she didn’t ask permission…

During the opening match introductions, Flores wondered if Salina was going into business for herself. Laurent defended her by pointing out her track record of success and the possibility that she would add more titles during the show…

1. Richard Holliday vs. Gino Medina for the Caribbean Championship. Flores assumed that Alicia Atout was rooting for Medina because Holliday is her least favorite wrestler. Laurent said you never know and brought up how school children sometimes have feelings for the person they seem to get along with the least.

Early in the match, Medina untied the top turnbuckle pad. Holiday charged and he crashed into the corner, then Medina rolled him up for a two count. A short time later, Medina clotheslined Holliday and covered him for a two count.

Holliday and Medina trade punches. Holliday ducked a kick, but Medina caught him an in an inside cradle for a two count. Holliday answered with a suplex, then both men traded kicks. Holliday performed a spinebuster and got a two count.

Medina rallied with Snake Eyes and a big knee to the head, then got another two count. Medina performed a Holliday’s 2008 move and got a two count. With the top turnbuckle now exposed, the wrestlers both tried and failed to run each other into it. Medina caught Holliday with a kick and he backed into that corner. Medina charged and Holliday moved, causing Medina to run headfirst into the exposed turnbuckle. Holliday hit his 2008 finisher and scored the pin…

Richard Holliday beat Gino Medina in 6:34 to retain the Caribbean Championship.

Powell’s POV: This is the Medina that I’ve been waiting to see. He worked a faster pace and looked more focussed and confident than he has in his past MLW matches. Here’s hoping that he’s turned the corner. I still don’t know if we’re supposed to like or dislike Medina, but one step at a time. The finish gave Medina an out for losing, an hopefully the feud will continue given that Holliday got the best match out of Medina thus far.

Flores narrated highlights of Team Filthy targeting the knee of Marshall Von Erich during the Chain Ropes match. He said Marshall has been placed on the injured list for the next ten days…

Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich checked in from Hawaii. Marshall spoke about how sick he is of Team Filthy. He said he wants to get Tom Lawlor in a singles match. Kevin Von Erich showed up and told Ross that he just spoke with Keiji Mutoh, who wants to teach Ross some things. Marshall wanted to go with, but Kevin told him that he couldn’t risk doing more damage to his knee…

Alicia Atout was shown preparing for a video conference interview with TJP… Laurent recapped Jacob Fatu beating Calvin Tankman to retain the MLW Heavyweight Championship…

Alexander Hammerstone spoke from the backstage area. He said there would be no more questions about who the real MLW National Openweight Champion is when he’s standing with his hand raised over the lifeless body of Mil Muertes… [C]

A video package aired on the Salina de la Renta selling Promociones Dorado to Azteca Underground and Mil Muertes stealing Hammerstone’s title… The broadcast team recapped the TJP vs. Bu Ku Dao feud…

Atout interviewed TJP via video conference. TJP took issue with Atout bringing up the fine and suspension he received for attacking Dao. Atout said Dao has been medically cleared and their match is now set for next week. TJP said he doesn’t care that Dao can stand, he’s not much of a man, and it won’t be much of a fight. TJP spoke about how he’s made it to the ring despite having injuries. He said Dao hasn’t learned a damn thing.

Atout asked TJP if he resents Dao because he has a more positive social media engagement. TJP said he doesn’t give a f— about that. He said he has a larger following. He said that whether people love or hate him, people have to respect him even if they hate to do it. TJP predicted his match with Dao would be short and sweet…

Powell’s POV: I’ve said for a long time that TJP is a natural heel. I challenge anyone to watch this promo and tell me that he’s not better as a heel than he is as a babyface. Here’s hoping that Impact Wrestling’s creative forces saw this promo.

2. “Los Parks” LA Park and Hijo de LA Park (w/Salina de la Renta, AU representative) vs. “The Dirty Blondes” Leo Brien and Mike Patrick (w/Aria Blake) for the MLW Tag Titles. Salina and Blake bickered before the match. Laurent reminded viewers that the Blondes are actually managed by Colonel Robert Parker, who was not present for the match.

Patrick had Hijo pinned, but LA Park stopped the referee’s count. The associate ran around the ring and pulled up the apron. LA Park Jr. emerged from underneath the ring. With the referee distracted, Park Jr. entered the ring and threw bad low blows on both Blondes. Park Jr. left the ring and then Park and Hijo performed schoolboy rollups and scored the pin.

Los Parks beat The Dirty Blondes in 4:45 to retain the MLW Tag Titles.

Afterward, Salina and Blake bickered again and rolled around on the mat until they were pulled apart. Flores said he’d never seen Salina so unravelled…

Powell’s POV: The usual Los Parks style brawl with all four men in the ring more often than not. The finish was a variation of the finish we’ve seen in their matches lately with the associate giving Jr. his cue to interfere. It’s getting repetitive and I hope that we’ll see El Jefe soon. For that it’s worth, the ring announcer introduced Hijo as LA Park Jr.

A Mil Muertes video package aired… A Contra Unit video aired with Mads Krugger talking about Hammerstone and how hard it would be for him to have eyes everywhere. He wondered if Hammerstone is ready for his fight or if he fears the black hand of Contra eliminating him… [C]

Highlights aired from Atout interviewing MLW Middleweight Champion Lio Rush, who boasted that he’s a history maker. He said what he did against Myron Reed, Brian Pillman Jr., and Laredo Kid was history. Rush said he makes the big bucks and downplayed Reed’s rapping skills. He said he has fans who want to see him defend his championship, so that’s exactly what he’ll do. Atout asked about potential challengers. “Does it matter?” Rush asked. Rush said the fans love him and he even has some in the locker room. He told all his fans to keep putting money in his pocket…

A Myron Reed promo aired. He said that ever since he lost the title to Rush, people have asked when he would get his rematch. He said people have asked if MLW was holding him back. He said that’s not the case. Reed said he knows what he’s doing and he didn’t want to waste his rematch when he’s had issues with Contra. He said that fighting Contra has made him stronger. He called for them to do it again next week…

Flores announced that MLW Founder Court Bauer will appear on next week’s show. He also hyped Bu Ku Dao vs. TJP for next week’s show…

Powell’s POV: It will be interesting to see what Bauer’s role on the show will be. He doesn’t make on-camera appearances very often. He teased online that the company signed a new television deal. It could be related to that or perhaps we’re finally getting the El Jefe reveal? At this point, I would think that MLW would advertise the El Jefe reveal in advance, but perhaps I’m mistaken. Either way, it should be interesting. Meanwhile, Rush has been a fantastic addition to MLW. I really liked Reed as the MLW Middleweight Championship, but Rush has made the title even more credible, which will benefit Reed if he ends up taking the title back. I am already looking forward to the rematch and hopefully they get plenty of time.

A tale of the tape aired for the main event. Ring entrances for the match took place…

3. Alex Hammerstone vs. Mil Muertes (w/Salina de la Renta, AU associate) for the MLW National Openweight Championship. Muertes wore the stolen belt to the ring while Flores pointed out that it actually belongs to Hammerstone. Laurent did his usual fun heel schtick of pointing out that possession is nine/tenths of the law.

Hammerstone performed an early missile dropkick. Muertes rolled to ringside. Hammerstone followed and drove him back first into the apron a few times, then slammed his head on the ring post. Back inside the ring, Muertes continued to get the better of Hammerstone.

Hammerstone eventually rallied and performed a running clothesline and a big kick in the corner. Hammerstone performed a pump-handle suplex and covered Muertes for a two count. Muertes came back with a nice power slam for a near fall of his own.

Hammerstone rocked Muertes with a discus forearm and followed up with a kick that led to a near fall. Muertes responded with a backstabber for a near fall. Hammerstone came right back with a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. In the end, Hammerstone performed his Nightmare Pendulum finisher and scored the clean pin…

Alex Hammerstone beat Mil Muertes in 10:25 to retain the MLW National Openweight Championship.

After the match, Salina stormed to the back without the AU rep or Muertes. Hammerstone delivered an in-ring promo. He said getting his belt back was step one. He said step two would be very interesting. Hammerstone said he would be holding a press conference next week and would have some “very Dynastic news.” Laurent assumed that there would be a blame game going on within Azteca Underground given that Muertes lost…

Powell’s POV: A good main event and I’m legitimately surprised that it ended with a clean finish. Overall, a very good show. The tag title match didn’t do much for me, but the opening match was strong and the main event was entertaining. Plus, there were some good promos and some quality storytelling along the way. They also did a nice job of setting up next week’s show. I have more to say about my this episode in my weekly Dot Net Members’ audio review that is available now.


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