3/30 NWA Powerrr results: Powell’s review of Trevor Murdoch vs. Chris Adonis in a No DQ, no count-out match for the NWA National Championship, Slice Boogie vs. Jeremiah Plunkett, Tyrus vs. Matthew Mims, Thunder Rosa and Alex Gracia vs. Skye Blue and Jennacide

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NWA Powerrr (Episode 23)
Taped Monday in Atlanta, Georgia at GPB Studios
Streamed March 30, 2021 on the FITE TV

The “Into The Fire” opening aired… The broadcast team of Joe Galli, Tim Storm, and Velvet Sky checked in from their desk and ran through the lineup (the audio issues from last week were cleared up)…

Kyle Davis interviewed NWA Champion Nick Aldis on the interview set. Aldis said he’d been dealing with an affliction that he never disclosed publicly. “I suffer from a condition, all I know how to do is win,” Aldis said. Davis asked if Chris Adonis was a member of the Strictly Business faction. Aldis told him to pump the brakes. He said the criteria is complicated.

Trevor Murdoch interrupted Aldis. He said that what Adonis did to him at the pay-per-view was not the way they do things in the NWA. Murdoch looked into the camera and addressed Adonis. He said that what Adonis did to him affected him and his family. Murdoch said he wanted another match with Adonis and he wanted it to be a No DQ and no count-out match. Murdoch said he would put his NWA National Championship on the line if that’s what it took.

Aldis told Murdoch that it’s his show. He said the last thing he should do is disrespect him if he’s worried about spending one day in the hospital. Aldis said he would chalk it up to Murdoch being a little emotional, and he said they were both trained by Harley Race. Aldis said Race was old school and one of the first things that Murdoch would have learned is the first rule of pro wrestling. “Never turn your back on your opponent,” Aldis said.

Chris Adonis attacked Murdoch from behind. Adonis worked over Murdoch while Sky said it wasn’t right. Three referees came out and then Adonis walked to the back. Sky wondered if Adonis was trying to impress Aldis. Murdoch held his arm at his side and sold a shoulder injury while trainers helped him to the back… The Austin Idol wrestling school ad aired…

Powell’s POV: A strong opening segment. I enjoyed this more than anything from last week’s return show. Aldis was good in the arrogant champion role, and Murdoch thrives as the likable family man. I assume that Adonis needs to win gold to earn his place in the Strictly Business faction, which is down a member due to the departure of Royce Isaacs.

May Valentine interviewed NWA Tag Champions Aron Stevens and Kratos. Stevens said Nick Aldis was a better man at the pay-per-view, but he left a better man. Stevens said he dedicated the rest of his career to “The Question Mark” Joseph Hudson.

Sal Rinauro interrupted and said Stevens’ words inspired him. He said he knew Hudson too and asked about getting a tag title shot. Stevens agreed. Rinauro asked to have the match next week. Stevens agreed and told him to bring his big boy pants because it’s the NWA. “Be a man,” Stevens said…

1. Slice Boogie vs. Jeremiah Plunkett. Plunkett clotheslined Boogie using the top rope, then punched him and covered him for a two count. Plunkett followed up with a bodyslam and an elbow drop for a near fall. Boogie rallied briefly, but Plunkett gave him a spinebuster for another near fall. Plunkett applied a sleeper hold, which Boogie broke with a side suplex. Boogie dominated the rest of the match and hit a package piledriver for the win…

Slice Boogie beat Jeremiah Plunkett.

A flag football PSA aired…

Powell’s POV: I was surprised to see Plunkett get so much offense, as I suspected this would be more of a squash match. No harm done, though. Boogie went over strong in the end.

Tyrus and Austin Idol made their entrance and approached the broadcast table rather than the interview set. Idol touted Tyrus as the next NWA Heavyweight Champion. Galli asked if he was going to get in the ring. Storm asked Sky if she would step away for her own safety. Sky complied, then Idol took her spot at the broadcast table…

2. Tyrus vs. Matthew Mims. Tyrus slammed Mims and then dropped an elbow on him. Tyrus could have pinned Mims, but he picked him up instead. Mims came back briefly following a jaw jacker and then threw punches that dazed Tyrus. Mims delivered a pair of headbutts and followed with a leaping headbutt. Mims fired up, but Tyrus punched him in the throat and then gave him a fallaway slam. Tyrus splashed Mims in the corner and followed up with a chokeslam for the pin…

Tyrus defeated Matthew Mims.

A graphic noted that the Pope vs. Fred Rosser match for the NWA TV Title had been moved to next week and would be replaced by the National Championship match… An ad aired for the pay-per-view replay…

Powell’s POV: A good squash match with Mims getting just a touch of offense after Tyrus declined to put him away. I always wanted to see Tyrus featured as a monster heel in WWE, but he’s moving slowly these days. He’s fine in a squash like this. Perhaps he’ll knock off some rust and surprise me, but I just don’t know if he’ll be able to hold up his end if they are building toward a showdown match with Aldis. Meanwhile, there’s no issue with the NWA pushing the TV Title back a week since this show and next week’s show fall within the same bundle for Powerrr subscribers on FITE TV.

Kyle Davis interviewed Pope and Fred Rosser at the interview set and noted that their match had been pushed back a week. Rosser said Pope isn’t ready for a fight. Pope said he has a world of respect for Rosser. He recalled Rosser asking him for advice backstage years ago. Pope told him he better be ready…

3. Thunder Rosa and Alex Gracia vs. Skye Blue and Jennacide. Melina joined Galli and Storm on commentary for the match. Rosa and Gracia performed a double dropkick on a seated Blue, which led to a two count. Jennacide checked in and no-sold Gracia’s punches, then executed a fallaway slam. Jennacide tagged Blue and then slammed her onto Gracia, who was isolated. Rosa eventually tagged in and worked over Jennacide. Kamille entered the ring and speared Rosa or the DQ.

Thunder Rosa and Alex Gracia beat Skye Blue and Jennacide by DQ.

Melina left the broadcast table to check on Rosa. Melina jawed at Kamille while Jennacide stood behind Kamille. They went face to face for a second before the show cut to a break… Another Idol wrestling school ad aired…

Powell’s POV: I’m happy to see that Gracia was brought in to be more than enhancement wrestler. I wonder if the plan is to build up the Rosa and Gracia relationship to eventually have them split up and feud. By the way, what happened to the faux ads? I’d love to see more of those and less of the Idol spots since we hear more than enough from him during the actual show.

Nick Aldis sat in on commentary with Galli and Storm. Galli asked Storm about his in-ring future. Storm said he didn’t know what the future holds. Storm said Aldis is the real world champion. Storm said that whether he likes what Aldis says or does is not important. Aldis mockingly thanked Storm for the ringing endorsement. He said he’s happy that Storm isn’t hanging up the boots or running his mouth about him. Aldis said Storm knows what happened last time and is showing better judgement. Aldis said Trevor Murdoch was showing bad judgement…

4. Trevor Murdoch vs. Chris Adonis in a No DQ, no count-out match for the NWA National Championship. Murdoch wore a neck brace during the match. Aldis asked what Murdoch was thinking by taking the match while wrestling in a neck brace.

Adonis was dominant to start and bodyslammed Murdoch on the ringside floor. Adonis removed Murdoch’s neck brace once they were back inside the ring. Adonis applied the Master Lock, then turned it into a Full Nelson Slam. Adonis applied the Master Lock. Murdoch passed out. The referee stopped the match.

Chris Adonis defeated Trevor Murdoch in a No DQ, no count-out match to win the NWA National Championship.

After the match, a group of referees checked on Murdoch. Meanwhile, Kamille and Thom Latimer came out and celebrated with Adonis. Aldis said that Adonis isn’t a full fledged member of Strictly Business, but that doesn’t mean they can’t celebrate with him. Aldis stood up and joined the celebration and then the closing credits aired…

Powell’s POV: I don’t really understand why Adonis uses a Full Nelson Slam when his finisher is the Full Nelson/Master Lock. Why would a wrestler release his submission hold just to reapply it? Putting that aside, the match was fine for what it was in terms of Adonis exploiting the injury and taking the title. It could obviously set up a rematch or perhaps it was done to free up Murdoch to go after Aldis.

Overall, this episode was a nice improvement over last week’s show. Perhaps some of the problem with last week’s episode is that it was a return show and therefore I was hoping for something special rather than a routine edition. Without those expectations, I enjoyed this week’s episode more. I continue to be pleasantly surprised by the atmosphere. While the studio audience is missed, the crew members making the noise are picking their spots nicely rather than forcing it, and it’s easy to forget that there are not actual fans in attendance.


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