ROH Wrestling TV results: Powell’s review of Fred Yehi vs. Dak Draper in a Pure Rules match, Tony Deppen vs. Kenny King, and Flamita vs. Flip Gordon

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor Wrestling TV (Episode 495)
Taped in Baltimore, Maryland at UMBC Arena
Aired March 13, 2021 in syndication and on SBG regional sports networks, available Mondays on FITE.TV

Quinn McKay checked in from the studio after the ROH opening video. McKay recapped last week’s four corner survival main event that saw Jay Lethal earn an ROH World Championship match against Rush at Friday’s 19th Anniversary pay-per-view…

Footage aired of McKay interviewing Lethal backstage. Lethal said he had tunnel vision while the other entrants in the four corners match had other issues. He said getting the title shot sets up The Foundation to purify the company by winning titles in each division. A fired up Lethal kept ranting about this while walking away from McKay…

McKay hyped the pay-per-view lineup and announced Kenny King and Dragon Lee vs. Tracy Williams and Rhett Titus for the ROH Tag Titles at the 19th Anniversary pay-per-view. She touted the matches that would take place on this episode…

Dak Draper delivered a promo from inside a locker room. He said it was nice that Fred Yehi’s success didn’t go to his head following his first win. Contrarily, Draper said the success went right to his own head and he doesn’t think that’s a bad thing…

Fred Yehi delivered a promo while seated in a stairwell. He said that if you don’t win in ROH then your position in the company is questionable. Yehi said Draper is a big guy who has been on a bit of a tear. Yehi said that if he doesn’t win, he doesn’t eat. He questioned if Draper is ready to go toe-to-toe with a hungry Yehi…

The broadcast team of Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman checked in while Bobby Cruise handled the introductions for the opening match… [C]

1. Dak Draper vs. Fred Yehi in a Pure Rules match. Draper was in offensive control early when Yehi caught him with a spinning back fist and then worked him over in the corner. Draper took offensive control again heading into a commercial break. [C]

Yehi performed a backslide for a two count coming out of the break. Draper came back with a nice power slam. Yehi stomped the foot of Draper and then dropped down and punched it at the 10:00 mark. Draper fired back with a punch. The referee issued a warning. A short time later, Draper threw a clothesline and then hit his Magnum KO finisher and scored the clean pin…

Dak Draper beat Fred Yehi in 11:15 in a Pure Rules match.

Afterward, Draper offered Yehi a handshake while holding a participation ribbon in his hand. Yehi didn’t accept, so Draper dropped the ribbon on him. Draper then extended his hand again. Yehi stood up and complained to the referee about a punch. Draper picked up the ribbon and tried to give it to him again, but Yehi shoved his hand away and left the ring…

A graphic touted the next match heading into a break… [C]

Powell’s POV: I feel like we should all pitch in and buy Yehi a sandwich or something since he said he wouldn’t eat if he lost the match. Anyway, the match was solid. Punches to the head are not legal in Pure Rules matches. The first punch results in a warning, and the second results in a disqualification. In other words, that was Yehi’s complaint and I guess it gives him a bit of an out for losing.

Backstage, McKay interviewed Tony Deppen and said Kenny King was the one thing standing in the way of him getting an ROH TV Title shot against Dragon Lee. Deppen said he knew he would have to watch his back and be on his game…

Kenny King delivered a promo with Amy Rose standing by his side while McKay stood by. King ranted about Deppen being hyped up by the internet. King said that if Deppen is stupid enough to get in the ring with him, then that’s where he’ll be left. King turned and lashed out at Rose and said, “Stop talking to me crazy, bro, I don’t know what’s going on with you.” King and Rose walked away while McKay said King didn’t have to talk like that and Rose didn’t have to take it…

Powell’s POV: I like the added purpose they gave the match by making it seem like Deppen could get a ROH TV Title shot by beating King. But I have no idea why King lashed out at Rose. Did they cut something out of the show during the editing process? That felt like it came out of nowhere.

2. Tony Deppen vs. Kenny King (w/Amy Rose, Dragon Lee, La Bestia Del Ring). King was in offensive control heading into an early break. [C] Deppen avoided a kick and then rolled up King for a two count. King came right back with a spinebuster for a two count. King called for his finisher, but Deppen avoided it and blasted King with a couple of shots to the jaw.

King avoided a double stomp and set up for his finisher, but Deppen slipped out and hit King with a running knee. They went to ringside where Deppen hit a tornado DDT on the floor. Deppen rolled King inside the ring, then went up top and hit him with a double stomp. Deppen covered King for a good near fall.

Deppen went for a springboard move and slipped, but he rolled through. Riccaboni called it an unforced error. King took advantage with a tiger driver and had the pin, but he pulled up Deppen’s shoulders while smiling. Coleman said King was doing that to the wrong guy. King went for his Royal Flush finisher, but Deppen caught him in an inside cradle and pinned him.

Tony Deppen pinned Kenny King.

After the match, Lee and Bestia attacked Deppen and took turns hitting him with their finishers. Brody King ran in and attacked the La Faccion Ingobernable members. Rush ran out wearing his pre-match mask. King put him down, but LFI took control due to the numbers advantage. King was placed on a table inside the ring and then Bestia performed a top rope senton that drove him through the table. The LFI members put their fists together while standing over King… A graphic listed the main event… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good match followed by an underwhelming return from King. I assume it leads to him getting some help to combat the LFI faction.

Flip Gordon made his entrance for the main event. Footage aired of Flip Gordon barking at a cameraman in the backstage area. He said that once he beats Flamita, he better get a shot at the ROH Championship.

Flamita made his entrance. A pre-taped promo aired with Flamita speaking in Spanish while subtitles appeared on the screen. He said Gordon disrespected him by taking his mask off. He said he knows that Gordon is no longer the good boy who likes to fly and there is something dark within in him now. Flamita said he has rough blood within him too and he will show Gordon that he will always be better than him…

3. Flamita vs. Flip Gordon. When it was time for the Code of Honor, both men simply went head-to-head rather than opting to shake hands. Flamita performed an early huracanrana. Gordon went to ringside. Flamita followed, and Gordon speared him into the barricade. Gordon followed up by knocking Flamita down with a kick heading into a break. [C]

Flamita caught Gordon on the ropes and went for a superplex. Gordon slipped under him and gave him a powerbomb that led to a two count. Gordon immediately kicked Flamita’s head and then covered him for another two count. Gordon showed frustration over not getting the pin.

Flamita came back with a Poison Rana. Both men got to their knees and traded strikes and continued as they got to their feet. Flamita dropped Gordon with a superkick and covered him for two. Flamita went up top and frogsplashed Gordon for a near fall.

A short time later, Flamita avoided Gordon’s finisher. Gordon went for a 619, but Gordon blocked it. Gordon went for his finisher again. Suddenly, Mark Briscoe appeared at ringside and slid a chair inside the ring. Flamita slipped away from Gordon. As the referee was clearing the chair from the ring, Briscoe hit Gordon with a second chair. Flamita rolled up Gordon and got the three count…

Flamita defeated Flip Gordon.

After the match, Briscoe looked into the camera and asked Gordon if he thought he was going to get away with it. Briscoe said “nah” and headed to the back. Riccaboni explained that Gordon cost the Briscoes during their recent ROH Tag Title match.

Gordon returned to the ring and attacked Flamita. Gordon put the boots to Flamita and then ripped his mask off. Flamita covered his face. Rey Horus and Bandido ran out and attacked Gordon, who eventually rolled to ringside and grabbed a chair. Riccaboni plugged the pay-per-view.

A graphic listed Eli Isom vs. Rey Horus, and “The Foundation” Jay Lethal, Jonathan Gresham, Tracy Williams, and Rhett Titus vs. “LFI” Rush, Dragon Lee, Kenny King, and Bestia del Ring in an eight-man tag match for next week’s show…

Powell’s POV: A good main event that likely sets up Gordon vs. Mark Briscoe for the pay-per-view since Jay Briscoe will be facing EC3 that night. Overall, the show was entertaining, as all three matches delivered. But the first two matches felt fairly random considering that this was the penultimate show before the 19th Anniversary pay-per-view. Hopefully this weekend’s go-home show is more focussed on the pay-per-view. My weekly ROH Wrestling audio review will be available later today for Dot Net Members.


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