3/3 MLW Fusion Results: Jacob Fatu vs. Jordan Oliver for the MLW Championship, Los Parks vs. Daivari and Simon Gotch for the MLW Tag Titles, Calvin Tankman vs. Laredo Kid, Parrow vs. Jason Dugan

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 123)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at GILT Nightclub
Streamed March 3, 2021 on Fubo Sports, Pluto TV, and MLW’s YouTube Page

Fusion opened with a video package that recapped the feud between Contra Unit and Injustice to set up the main event… The Fusion opening video aired… The broadcast team of Rich Bocchini and Saint Laurent checked in and ran through the lineup. They were interrupted by a Contra video and then they cut to the introductions for the opening match…

1. “Los Parks” LA Park and Hijo de LA Park (w/Salina de la Renta, Azteca Underground Inc. representative) vs. Simon Gotch and Daivari for the MLW Tag Titles. Hijo was isolated early on. All four men ended up fighting at ringside a few minutes into the match. The wrestlers returned to the ring and the Azteca rep pulled up the apron so that LA Park Jr. could do another switch with Hijo, but the referee spotted it.

While the referee was tied up with LA Park Jr., Myron Reed and Jordan Oliver emerged from under the other side of the ring and tripped up the Contra duo while they were going for a double team move. LA Park tagged in, speared Daivari, and pinned him.

“Los Parks” LA Park and Hijo de LA Park defeated Simon Gotch and Daivari in 8:21 to retain the MLW Tag Titles.

Powell’s POV: A clever finish that played off of the last two Los Parks switcheroo finishes. I didn’t expect to see a clean finish in a match involving the two top heel stables, so this was a nice way to avoid it.

Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich checked in from Hawaii and spoke about the Filthy Island show. Marshall said he still wants to do a Wrestle Island show and book Tom Lawlor against a hammerhead shark. He said he didn’t want Lawlor to die, so he would come in before the shark could finish him off and put the Iron Claw on him…

Bocchini hyped upcoming segments heading into a break… [C] The ads included Stephen P New’s attorney commercial, and an MLW merchandise spot…Footage aired of Jordan Oliver while Bocchini said he’s come a long way since his middleweight days…

Salina was interviewed by Alicia Atout while they both stood in front of the MLW backdrop. Salina said she’s addicted to gold and wants the MLW National Openweight Championship. Salina labeled Richard Holliday as the “boy toy” of Atout, who denied it. Salina sent Atout away to inform The Dynasty of her plans…

2. Parrow vs. Jason Dugan. A brief Parrow pre-taped promo aired while he was making his entrance. Parrow caught Dugan going for a cross body block from the ropes and performed a fallaway slam into a corner of the ring. Parrow followed up with a chokeslam and a sit-out powerbomb for the win. Laurent said Parrow calls his finisher the Murder Bomb…

Parrow defeated Jason Dugan in 1:37.

Parrow delivered a brief backstage promo calling out Mil Muertes for a fight…

Powell’s POV: A good showcase match. Are they building up Parrow to feed him to Mil Muertes or do they have more in mind for him? Is it just me or does Parrow look like a super heavyweight version of comedian Bert Kreischer? The Machine!!!

Footage aired from Filthy Island and then Tom Lawlor delivered a promo. Lawlor said the Von Erichs and Low Ki ruined Filthy Island. Lawlor said he needed 50 stitches in his lower back after being slammed onto a Jeep. Lawlor dared the Von Erichs, Low Ki, or ACH to step up and face Kevin Ku…

Highlights aired of the recent developments involving TJP and Bu Ku Dao… Dao delivered a backstage promo in which he spoke about how he’s looked up to TJP since he was young. He said TJP treated him like a bully. He called for a singles match against TJP. “Fight me like a man,” Dao concluded… [C] The ads included another New add, and an Azteca Underground Inc. ad that listed “opportunities abound for believers.” The ad listed AztecaUnderground.com at the end…

Jordan Oliver and Myron Reed spoke in front of the MLW backdrop. Oliver spoke about having his first MLW World Championship match. Reed told him that he has his back. Oliver said he’s been working for this moment for years. Oliver said he knows that Jacob Fatu will f— him up, but Fatu won’t be able to outlast him. Oliver closed by saying he will be the new MLW Champion…

3. Laredo Kid vs. Calvin Tankman. Kid targeted the right leg of Tankman to start and followed up with a head-scissors takedown. Tankman came back with a great running shoulder block that Kid took like a champ. Tankman covered Kid, who was in the ropes.

Tankman dominated Kid for a stretch, but Kid came back with a couple of kicks at a charging Tankman. Kid followed up with a missile dropkick. Tankman rolled to the floor. Kid went up top dove onto Tankman on the floor. Kid shoved Tankman back inside the ring and then covered him for a two count.

Kid went up top and delivered an elbow drop. Kid covered Tankman for another two count. Tankman came back with a spinning back fist and then powerbombed Kid and got a two count. Kid came right back with some strikes in the corner, then threw a flying forearm from the top rope and got a near fall. Tankman came back with a strike to the back of Kid’s head. Tankman followed up with his Tankman Driver and scored the pin…

Calvin Tankman defeated Laredo Kid in 6:44.

Tankman delivered a promo in front of the MLW backdrop. He said Kid is one of the best in the world and he put up a good fight, but he was the better man on this night. Tankman dedicated the match to his daughter and everyone who has been showing him love online. Tankman said he has mouths to feed. The Contra logo flashed. Tankman said he knows what the champion makes and he’s gunning for Jacob Fatu…

Powell’s POV: I was surprised to hear Bocchini play up Kid as the underdog in this match despite the size difference. Kid was Tankman’s biggest named opponent in MLW, so it seems like it would have been the better play to make Tankman out to be the underdog to make his win feel even more impressive. That said, it was an entertaining match and a good win for Tankman, who also came through with a quality backstage promo afterward.

Bocchini touted the attention that Lio Rush winning the AAA Cruiserweight Championship received in Mexico…

Dynasty members Richard Holliday and Alex Hammerstone were talking about which shoulder Holiday should wear the Caribbean Championship over. Atout entered the room and complained about Salina labeling Holliday as her boy toy. Hammerstone said they are not afraid of Promociones Dorado. He said they would take care of it. Holliday told Atout to tell Salina that she would never be able to breath the rarified air of being his girlfriend. After Atout left the room, Hammerstone accused Holliday of having a crush on Atout. Holliday denied it…

Bocchini said he believes Holliday has a crush on Atout, then he hyped the MLW Championship match for after the break… [C] The ads included MLW merch, another New spot, and some hype for MLW’s social media pages…

Footage aired of Oliver performing a cutter on Fatu on a previous show…

Josef Samael delivered a promo from an undisclosed location. He spoke of children playing in a man’s world. Samael said he warned Oliver. They cut to Jacob Fatu, who delivered a brief promo…

Laurent ran through the PWI Top 5 rankings for the MLW Tag Titles held by Los Parks.

5. “The Dirty Blondes” Michael Patrick and Lio Brien
4. Myron Reed and Jordan Oliver
3. “Violence is Forever” Dominic Garrini and Kevin Ku
2. Simon Gotch and Daivari
1. Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich

Bocchini narrated highlights of Gino Medina beating Gringo Loco in a recent match and the backstage brawl that followed…

A Gino Medina promo aired from an undisclosed location. Medina accused Gringo of ripping off his father, who was part of Gringos Locos. Medina said he will expose Gringo for being the ripoff that he is…

Footage aired from earlier of Salina taunting Atout about Holiday being her boy toy, and the segment with Atout and the Dynasty duo… Bocchini hyped Alexander Hammerstone vs. LA Park for the MLW National Openweight Championship for next week, and Parrow vs. Mil Muertes for the following week’s edition of Fusion…

The MLW Champion roll call video aired… Laurent read through the tale of the tape. He called it a glorified exhibition and said that Oliver has a death wish by wanting this title shot…

Entrances for the main event took place with the champion coming out last. Oliver performed a suicide dive onto Fatu once he made it to ringside. The match officially started once both wrestlers were in the ring…

4. Jacob Fatu (w/Daivari) vs. Jordan Oliver (w/Myron Reed) for the MLW World Championship. Oliver sent Fatu back to ringside and went for another suicide dive, but Fatu caught him and performed a Samoan Drop onto a ringside pad. Fatu threw Oliver back inside the ring and followed him.

Fatu dominated the next few minutes. Whenever Oliver showed signs of life, Fatu would cut him off. Fatu superkicked Oliver when he went for an up and over spot, then covered him for a two count. Oliver connected with a couple of kicks and went for a sunset flip. Fatu stuffed the sunset flip and tried to sit down on Oliver, who moved.

Daivari barked at the referee. Reed grabbed Fatu’s ankle and held him while Oliver superkicked him. Reed took out Daivari with a superkick. Oliver sent Fatu to ringside with a kick, then went for a slingshot dive, but Fatu caught him and gave him a backbreaker on the ring apron.

Back inside the ring, Fatu limped to sell a leg injury. Fatu dragged Oliver to the middle of the ring and then went to the ropes for his moonsault finisher, but his leg gave out. Fatu went to the top rope rather than go for his springboard moonsault, but Oliver raced up and gave him a German suplex.

Oliver was popped up by Fatu and hit him with a cutter on the way down. Oliver went to the ropes and performed another cutter on the way down. Oliver threw a pair of superkicks, then went for another cutter from the ropes, but Fatu slammed him down. Fatu followed up with a Popup Samoan Drop. Fatu went up top and performed a moonsault and then scored the pin.

Jacob Fatu defeated Jordan Oliver in 9:08 to retain the MLW World Championship.

Afterward, Daivari attacked Oliver and Reed. The Sentai Death Squad walked out carrying bodybags and Contra flags. Daivari kicked the referee out of the ring, then helped stuff Oliver and Reed into bodybags.

Calvin Tankman’s music played and he headed to the ring and took out Daivari and the Sentai Death Squad members. Reed recovered and helped for a moment, but Fatu knocked him down. Tankman hit Fatu with a running shoulder block that knocked him across the ring. Fatu went to ringside and barked at Tankman to close the show…

Powell’s POV: A good title match. Fatu dominated until Oliver got the good hope sequence late in the match. Oliver showed good heart despite taking the loss, and Fatu continued to look dominant. The push is on for Tankman, as he beat Laredo Kid and then knocked down the MLW Champion with the big shoulder block. It was a big night for Tankman and a good show overall. My weekly same night audio review of MLW Fusion will be available for Dot Net Members immediately following the AEW Dynamite and NXT television shows.


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