MLW Fusion results: Powell’s review of SuperFight featuring Alex Hammerstone vs. Davey Richards for the MLW Heavyweight Championship, “5150” Slice Boogie and Rivera vs. The Von Erichs for the MLW Tag Titles, Alex Kane vs. Calvin Tankman vs. ACH for the MLW National Openweight Championship, NZO vs. KC Navarro

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion – SuperFight (Episode 136)
Taped February 26, 2022 in Charlotte, North Carolina at Grady Cole Center
Streamed March 10, 2022 on the MLW’s YouTube Page and FITE TV

The show opened with a video package on the MLW Championship match between Alex Hammerstone and Davey Richards, as well as Richard Holliday putting a bounty on Richards so that he could replace him in the match…

Emilio Sparks caught up with Holliday and Alicia Atout as they arrived and asked Holliday if he would interfere in the MLW Championship match. Atout said it was a stupid question and shooed Sparks away. Holliday then teased that he would be at ringside for the match… The SuperFight opening aired…

The broadcast team of Rich Bocchini and Joe Dombrowski checked in and ran through the show’s lineup… Entrances for the MLW National Openweight Championship match took place…

1. Alex Kane (w/Mr. Thomas) vs. Calvin Tankman vs. ACH in a Triple Threat for the MLW National Openweight Championship. Kane and Tankman wanted to go at one another and shoved ACH away. When ACH persisted, Tankman turned and blasted him with a forearm shot. Tankman hit the Pounce on Kane to clear him from the ring. Tankman ran the ropes for a dive, but ACH recovered and dropkicked him.

ACH ran the ropes, but Tankman tripped him. Kane returned to the ring and spared ACH. Tankman worked over Kane at ringside. Kane rallied and drove Tankman’s shoulder in the ring post repeatedly. Kane returned to the ring and performed a nice overhead release suplex on ACH. Kane suplexed him a second time and covered him for a two count. ACH rallied and suplexed ACH into a bridge for a two count.

A short time later, Tankman returned to the ring and put Kane down with a spinebuster. He went for an elbow to the back of the head, which Kane avoided. Kane put Tankman down with a Saito suplex. ACH dove from the top rope at Kane, who moved, and ACH landed in the arms of Tankman, who used him as a weapon on Kane.

Tankman clotheslined Kane, who rolled to ringside. ACH performed a suicide dive on Kane. ACH went up top, but Tankman cut him off. Tankman joined ACH on the ropes where they fought for position. ACH went for a sunset bomb, then gave up, and kicked Tankman’s leg out from under him. ACH went for a leg lock on Tankman. Kane returned to the ring and blasted ACH with a kick. Tankman rolled to the floor. Kane suplexed ACH and pinned him…

Alex Kane defeated ACH and Calvin Tankman in a Triple Threat to retain the MLW National Openweight Championship.

Powell’s POV: An enjoyable three-way match. Kane had a better outing than he did when he faced Tankman in a singles match. ACH obviously helped the cause, but Kane also seemed more sure of himself during his time in the ring.

Backstage, Sparks found EJ Nduka and asked him what he was doing there. Nduka said he was there to watch the two title fights. Sparks asked him if he had his eye on the MLW World Title match or the Openweight Title match. Nduka asked if a bear shits in the woods, then said he was going to watch those matches…

Powell’s POV: A quality control issue or was Nduka late for the MLW Openweight Championship? I’m guessing the former.

Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich were shown walking backstage when they were attacked by the 5150 duo of Slice Boogie and Rivera. The MLW Tag Champions wrapped a chair around Marshall’s ankle and then slammed another chair onto it… [C] A teaser aired for Gangrel coming MLW…

Sparks caught up with 5150 and Julius Smokes, who cut a promo about the Von Erichs. Rivera also said they want the tag teams that actually matter…

TJP sat in front of an MLW backdrop and delivered a promo. He spoke in a cocky tone about going after MLW Middleweight Champion Myron Reed…

KC Navarro made his entrance. NZO immediately attacked him and ran him into the ringside barricade multiple times. NZO brought Navarro to ringside and then crotched him on the barricade. NZO hoisted up Navarro in crucifix bomb position and then ran him into the ring post. NZO rolled Navarro inside the ring… [C]

NZO had the referee asked Navarro if he still wanted to have a match. The referee asked Navarro, who was lying on the mat. “How you doin’, bitch,” Navarro responded. NZO laughed…

2. NZO vs. KC Navarro. NZO dominated Navarro in and out of the ring. He covered Navarro for a pin, but Navarro got his hooked leg on the bottom rope to break it. NZO hit his DonZo (a/k/a Sole Food) finisher for the win…

NZO defeated KC Navarro.

NZO delivered a post match promo. He spoke about a meme with a child who had a deformity asking his father if he was ugly, and the father told him that the world is ugly. NZO said the world is ugly and not everyone who fights you is your enemy and not everyone who helps you is your friend. He mocked Navarro for claiming to be blessed, then went on to praise his heart. “And you can’t teach heart, kid,” NZO said. NZO dropped the mic and held his hand out. Navarro pulled himself up and was going to shake NZO’s hand, but NZO clotheslined him and hit him with his finisher again…

Powell’s POV: A good heat building win for NZO, who delivered a good promo afterward. I didn’t care for Navarro being gullible enough to accept his handshake offer, especially given how violently NZO has attacked him twice now. Navarro went from being fired up while talking about getting revenge on NZO for putting him on the shelf for a few months to taking another cheap shot ass kicking to then actually accepting a handshake offer? I hope he can explain this away in a promo. That said, if they can get past that odd moment, it should pack a punch if Navarro eventually gets his revenge on NZO.

The broadcast team announced that the “5150” Slice Boogie and Rivera vs. The Von Erichs match for the MLW Tag Titles was indefinitely postponed due to the previous injury angle…

An video package hyped the Battle Riot event for June 23 in New York City at the Melrose Ballroom… [C]

Highlights aired from during the break of 5150 attacking EJ Nduka… The MLW Championship roll call video aired with photos of the past champions, the reigning champion, and the MLW Heavyweight Championship belt… A tale of the tape was shown…

Richard Holliday and Alicia Atout made their entrance. The audio feed cut out. Holliday offered a fan a wad of cash for two ringside seats. The fan accepted. Holiday argued with a woman who was seated behind him, and then the audio returned. Davey Richards and Alex Hammerstone made their entrances for the main event…

Powell’s POV: I hope the audio being muted wasn’t due to a problem with Holliday’s entrance theme. It’s perfect for him, just as it was perfect for the entire Dynasty faction. That said, I’ve always wondered how MLW was able to use it.

3. Alex Hammerstone vs. Davey Richards for the MLW Heavyweight Championship. Ring announcer Tim Barr delivered in-ring introductions for the title match and noted that Frank Gastineau was the referee. After making early plays for their finishers, the wrestlers fought to ringside. Hammerstone got caught up in looking at Holliday, then charged at Richards, who moved, causing Hammerstone to slam his knee into the barricade. Richards placed Hammerstone’s left leg over the barricade and then got a running start and kicked it. Hammerstone sold a left knee injury.

Richards took Hammerstone back inside the ring and targeted the bad knee. Richards eventually applied a figure four. He eventually countered into a different hold. Hammerstone reached the bottom rope to break the hold. [C] Richards had Hammerstone’s leg over the ropes in the corner and then blasted it with a running kick.

Richards looked to the crowd while teasing a brainbuster. Hammerstone dropped down. Richards threw rapid fire kicks at him. Hammerstone stood up and flashed his mean face. Richards threw more kicks. Hammerstone gave him the mean face again, but Richards kicked his legs out from under him. Richards ran the ropes and threw a kick to the head of Hammerstone, who no-sold it by sitting up after taking it.

Hammerstone got to his feet and motioned to a surprised Richards to bring it. Hammerstone and Richards traded elbow strikes in the middle of the ring. Richards ran the ropes and threw a pair of big boots to Hammerstone’s head, then kicked his bad leg out from under him. Richards ran the ropes, but Hammerstone stood up and pressed Richards over his head, then put him down with a swinging uranage slam.

Hammerstone limped as he threw a running clothesline in the corner. Hammerstone shook the ropes in Ultimate Warrior fashion. He ran toward Richards, who moved, causing Hammerstone to crash into the corner. Richards stood on the apron and gave Hammerstone a dragon screw leg whip. Richards went for a double stomp, but Hammerstone avoided it. Hammerstone performed an exploder suplex and covered Richards for a near fall.

Both men ended up on the apron where they jockeyed for position. Hammerstone kicked Richards and tried to suplex him, but Richards slipped away and landed in the ring. Richards performed another dragon screw leg whip. He placed the leg of Hammerstone over the middle rope. Richards went up top and double stomped Hammerstone on the apron. Richards went up top again and hit Hammerstone with a double stomp in the middle of the ring and covered him for a near fall.

Richards immediately applied an ankle lock. Hammerstone teased tapping out, but he rolled out of it. Richards kicked Hammerstone and went for a brainbuster, but Hammerstone countered into his Nightmare Pendulum finisher. Hammerstone wanted to cover Richards, who was able to roll to ringside to avoid being pinned. Hammerstone limped while following Richards to ringside. Hammerstone rolled Richards back inside the ring and followed him.

Hammerstone gave a throat slash gesture while setting up for his finisher, but Richards countered into an inside cradle for a near fall. Richards fired back with a series of punches. Hammerstone turned Richards inside out with a clothesline, then hoisted him up in a Torture Rack before slamming him to the mat with a TKO and then covering him for a near fall. Hammerstone hit the Nightmare Pendulum again and got the three count…

Alex Hammerstone defeated Davey Richards to retain the MLW Heavyweight Championship.

After the match, Hammerstone celebrated his win while Holliday looked bothered by his former stable mate winning. The broadcast team recapped highlights from the match. At ringside, Holliday mockingly bowed and gave a slow clap to Hammerstone.

The broadcast team spoke about next week’s show and said they hope to have medical updates on the Von Erichs and EJ Nduka. They also advertised Rok-C vs. Miranda Gordy in a featherweight division match, and TJP vs. Buddy Matthews for next week’s show.

Hammerstone left the ring and walked toward Holliday, who was still slow clapping. Holliday told Hammerstone it was a hell of a performance and maybe his best. Hammerstone jawed at Holliday and Atout, but whatever he was saying couldn’t be heard. Atout used pepper spray on Hammerstone. Holliday attacked Hammerstone at ringside. Holliday ran Hammerstone into the ring post. Hammerstone bled from the forehead. Holliday continued to attack Hammerstone while security tried to pull him back. Holliday broke free and traded a couple of punches with Hammerstone, who fell to the ground while Holliday was restrained agin. Holliday broke free and threw more punches at Hammerstone.

The audio feed was cut again while Hammerstone was helped toward the back. Hammerstone broke free and charged at Holliday and hit him, but then Hammerstone fell over again and was helped to the back by security while other security guards continued to hold back Holliday. Security finally released Holliday, who shared a kiss with Atout at ringside. Holliday, who was dressed in all white, ripped his bloody shirt open and then jawed at fans while he and Atout headed toward the entrance area to close the show…

Powell’s POV: Shit, it clearly is an issue with Holliday’s entrance theme. I watched the show on YouTube, but I just double checked the screener that MLW sent out (a whopping 29 minutes before the show streamed) and the audio was included with Holliday’s soon to be former theme playing before and after the match. How dare those stupid recording artists demand to be fairly compensated for their work even when it interferes with my enjoyment of a pro wrestling television show?!?

Anyway, a really good main event and the best Hammerstone match that I can recall off the top of my head. Of course, a lot of that can be attributed to working with Richards, but Hammerstone has definitely improved. The post match angle with Holliday was really well done and you had to know there would be blood once Holliday showed up dressed in white. The match provided Hammerstone with an in-ring credibility boost and the post match angle furthers what is quickly starting to feel like one of the best feuds in MLW history even though Hammerstone and Holliday have yet to have a match. Overall, a very good episode with a lot of heat placed on various heels. I will have more to say in my weekly audio review for Dot Net Members.


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