Nick Jackson reveals he battled COVID in September

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW wrestler and executive vice president Nick Jackson told his Instagram followers that he battle COVID-19 back in September. “Crazy to think there’s still COVID deniers out there in the world,” Jackson wrote. “I had a pretty bad case of COVID in early September that kept me bed ridden for nearly 3 weeks. I couldn’t taste or smell for 2 in a half months.

“At one point my whole body had hives in it and my doctor said that it was definitely from COVID. Matt [Jackson] had to do the majority of the work in matches once I returned safely because I couldn’t catch my breath. My cardio is finally back but it took months to finally feel like myself again. Let’s protect each other and wear [a] mask.” Follow him via

Powell’s POV: It’s good that Jackson shared his story and obviously I am happy that he recovered. While it’s his right to share the story or keep it to himself, I can’t help but wish that he would have opted to share it sooner, as it could have helped convince a denier to think twice about the virus. That said, hopefully these comments will still have that effect on someone out there.


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