WWE releases AOP tag team

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE has announced the releases of the AOP tag team Akam and Rezar. Read the official announcement at WWE.com.

Powell’s POV: Paul Ellering recently stated in a recent Two Man Power Trip interview (recap here) that he was slated to return to WWE to manage the duo, but the pandemic occurred before the wheels could be set in motion. I’ve also openly wondered if the AOP duo could end up being revealed as members of Retribution. Barring this being part of the Retribution storyline, which seems unlikely, it looks like Akam and Rezar are out of the company.


Readers Comments (5)

  1. WWE hasn’t done anything with AOP in months. The last time we saw them they were part of Rollins’ faction during the early days of it. That faction now seemingly has been reduced to Rollins and Murphy and it seems like Murphy is on the outs.

    • Rezar tore his biceps in March and has been sidelined ever since. They could have used Akam, but they decided to pull him from TV while his partner was out.

      • I can’t picture Akam getting a singles push as it always seemed like Rezar was the star of the team. Akam kind of reminded me as an Ax of Demolition or Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart type. He was good in his way but more of a supporting character.

  2. To your Retribution point, it’s notable that only their character names were used in the announcement. Could be just an oversight, but I feel like they almost always include real names with releases.

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