MLW announces the hiring of a COVID-19 compliance officer, staff undergoes COVID-19 training

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

MLW issued the following press release on Tuesday to announce the hiring of a COVID-19 compliance officer.

NEW YORK – With plans for Major League Wrestling’s restart underway, MLW remains steadfast in making health and safety the number one priority.

Several MLW staffers recently underwent training to become certified in COVID-19 protocols.

Additionally, MLW has introduced a COVID-19 compliance officer (C19CO) as a member of its team moving forward.

This newly designated position is responsible for establishing and enforcing COVID-19 safety protocols, training staff, and monitoring compliance on all sets and venues.

“The health and welfare of our athletes, crew and staff is very important,” said MLW CEO Court Bauer. “This new position will provide the league with insight, strategy and guidance as we strive to deliver the best practices in safety measures for the restart.”

The medically certified COVID-19 compliance officer is educated in the transmission of the COVID-19 virus, disinfection, social distancing, CDC, local, and state guidelines, and other information related to preventing the spread of infection on a film production set. This person is responsible for safety compliance and enforcement of rules.

“Just like all broadcast productions have a producer or a football team has an offensive coordinator, the COVID-19 Compliance is another necessary member of our organization moving forward,” said MLW CEO Court Bauer.

The certified training covers: screening protocol, positive test protocol, social distancing, exclusion protocol, health department requirements, staff training, PPE, set disinfection among other key items.

MLW expects to reveal its plans to restart league events shortly.

Powell’s POV: MLW did not list the name of their COVID-19 compliance officer. It seems like a good step. Ultimately, it would be great if all groups laid out its actual plan for COVID related safety, but there are some companies running who have said very little. It will be interesting to see when MLW returns and where they end up holding their tapings.


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