8/17 AEW Deadly Draw tournament results: Powell’s live review of Diamante and Ivelisse vs. Tay Conti and Anna Jay, and Brandi Rhodes and Allie vs. Big Swole and Lil’ Swole in semifinal tournament matches

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW “The Deadly Draw” Tag Tournament (Episode 3)
Taped in Jacksonville, Florida at Daily’s Place
Streamed August 17, 2020 on the AEW YouTube Page

The Deadly Draw video package opened the show… The broadcast team of Tony Schiavone and Veda Scott checked in from their desk and hyped the semifinal matches. Scott noted that while it’s a random draw, three of the final four teams had past experience teaming together… Shaul Guerrero served as the ring announcer…

1. Brandi Rhodes and Allie (w/Dustin Rhodes, QT Marshall) vs. Big Swole and Lil’ Swole in a semifinal tournament match. Brandi made Guerrero introduce her as the only woman in AEW who has her own action figure. The Swoles danced together and capped their moves off with a kick to Allie in their corner of the ring.

Allie took a powder at ringside and was consoled by Marshall. Lil’ Swole performed a suicide dive and took out Marshall when Allie moved out of the way. Allie attacked Lil’ Swole and rolled her back inside the ring. Lil’ Swole was isolated. She eventually came back with a suplex on Rhodes and put her in a cross arm breaker, which Rhodes rolled out of and then threw a kick to the head.

Allie tagged in and the isolation of Lil’ Swole continued. Rhodes took another tag and then she and Allie dropped a double elbow on Lil’ Swole. Eventually, Lil’ Swole suplexed Rhodes and then made a tag to Big Swole, who knocked Brandi’s action figure off the apron. Swole worked over Allie with clotheslines and a big boot while Rhodes checked on her action figure.

Lil’ Swole was tagged in. Big Swole threw a kick to the head of Allie, then Lil’ Swole performed a fallaway slam and a suplex on Allie. Lil’ Swole had Allie pinned, but Rhodes broke it up. Swole tossed Rhodes to ringside. Britt Baker barked through a megaphone at Big Swole, who was distracted long enough for Allie to pin Lil’ Swole…

Brandi Rhodes and Allie defeated Big Swole and Lil’ Swole in 8:25 to advance to the finals of the tournament.

After the match, Big Swole ran after Baker, who was driven away along with Reba on a cart. Swole returned to the ring and lunged at Rhodes, and somehow Marshall fell on the ramp…

Powell’s POV: I suspect that nearly everyone predicted that Brandi and Allie would end up in the finals of the tournament, so no surprise here. The Baker distraction protected the Swoles to some extent.

An AEW All Out pay-per-view ad aired and focused on MJF challenging Jon Moxley for the AEW Championship (since it’s the only advertised match thus far)… An AEW action figure ad aired… An AEW Heels ad aired…

2. Diamante and Ivelisse vs. Tay Conti and Anna Jay in a semifinal tournament match. Brodie Lee and the other Dark Order members accompanied Jay during her entrance, but they headed to the back once she was in the ring. Conti and Ivelisse started the match. Conti went for an armbar, but Ivelisse fought it off. Conti tried again and caught Ivelisse in the hold, but she had to release it because they were in the ropes.

Later, Ivelisse worked over Jay, who came back with a rough dropkick and then both women tagged out. Conti performed a nice backpack into a knee lift. Conti side slammed Diamante and picked up a near fall. Ivelisse and Jay entered the ring and the teams traded punches. Diamante and Ivelisse got the better of it and simultaneous moves. They followed up with a double team move into Sliced Bread, which resulted in Diamante pinning Conti…

Diamante and Ivelisse defeated Tay Conti and Anna Jay in 7:20 to advance to the finals of the tournament.

Schiavone hyped that the tournament finals will feature Brandi Rhodes and Allie vs. Diamante and Ivelisse…

Backstage, Alex Marvez interviewed Rhodes and Allie. Rhodes stuffed her action figure in Marvez’s pocket. Brandi tried to take credit and then Allie reminded her that he got the pin to win their match. Brandi spoke about how they did it together. She also said she would probably get a second action figure before any of the other women get one in AEW. Allie looked annoyed…

They did a quick cut to Diamante and Ivelisse being interviewed by Marvez. They noted that they had a combined 26 years in the business and said they wanted to do win the tournament for their people…

Schiavone reminded viewers that the finals of the tournament would take place on the special Saturday airing of AEW Dynamite this weekend. He also said he would see viewers Tuesday night on AEW Dark…

Powell’s POV: Jay’s inexperience was on display, but I still think she’s a good prospect. The right team went over in the second match to set up the finals. I wondered if AEW was going to announce something else for this pre-Raw Monday slot on YouTube, but they just hyped the tournament finals for Dynamite. Stick around for my live review of WWE Raw at the top of the hour.


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