Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Sami Callihan vs. Josh Alexander, Willie Mack vs. Swingicide for the X Division Title, Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace vs. Kimber Lee in a non-title match, Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie vs. Kylie Rae and Susie, Slammiversary hype

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Slammiversary video package: A good character profile piece on the three known wrestlers in the Impact World Championship that will headline the pay-per-view, and a nice teaser of some of the candidates for the mystery person role. Impact has done a very nice job of putting together a quality card while also playing up multiple surprise appearances. Trey went a bit overboard with the yelling during his promo, but he hasn’t had much promo time and I’m sure he’ll find his voice if he gets more opportunities. I just hope he rediscovers his last name.

Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace vs. Kimber Lee in a non-title match: A quality match and Lee’s best showing in Impact to date. Unfortunately, we still don’t know anything about Lee aside from the fact that she likes to use brass knuckles as her finisher. And the broadcast team doesn’t seem to object to Lee using the weapon, so I still have no idea whether she’s a babyface or a heel. The post match video with Deonna Purrazzo delivering a promo on the big screen to torment Grace was brief yet effective, and I’m looking forward to their Slammiversary match.

Sami Callihan vs. Josh Alexander: Hackers can do a lot of things, but at last check teleporting was not one of them. I really don’t understand why that element is part of Callihan’s act and I wish it would, well, disappear. Anyway, Callihan and the versatile Alexander worked well together and this served as good hype for The North vs. Callihan and Ken Shamrock at the pay-per-view.

Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie vs. Kylie Rae and Susie: There were a couple of clunky moments, but it was a solid match overall. The finish told the ongoing story of John E Bravo being more concerned with Rosemary and thus failing to save Valkyrie from tapping out to Rae. It’s interesting that several women’s tag teams are forming, yet they still don’t have anything to fight over. There is more than enough depth in the Knockouts Division to justify tag titles, so hopefully they are coming soon.

Willie Mack vs. Swingicide for the X Division Title: Johnny Swinger dressed as Suicide was a fun backstage gag that carried over to the match. The highlight was Swinger trying and failing to perform the spider spot in the ropes. Swinger continues to be the best comedic character that Impact has had since Disco Inferno was heeling on the Knockouts. Is it wrong that I enjoy Swingicide far more than the actual Suicide character?

Locker Room Talk: You had to know where the gag was going when Madison Rayne’s guest was billed as the most iconic Knockout in history. But she showed restraint in terms of doing the bit briefly before it turned it into a verbal sparring session and a quick brawl between Tasha Steelz and Kiera Hogan with Havok and Nevaeh. Unfortunately, I still don’t know which team Impact wants viewers to root for.

Impact Wrestling Misses

TJP and Fallah Bahh vs. Cody Deaner and Cousin Jake vs. Team XXXL vs. Reno Scum in a four-way: The match was fine, but it feels like the tag division beneath The North are subjected to parity booking. Team XXXL have been a bit of an exception now they’ve lost back to back matches to Reno Scum and The Deaners. TJP and Bahh work well together in the ring, but they lack chemistry out of the ring. Bahh hasn’t been nearly as fun since they started teaming, and TJP is a natural heel who is repeatedly miscast as a babyface.

Moose and Tommy Dreamer: I got a kick out of Dreamer claiming that the TNA championship committee named him number one contender for Moose’s TNA Title, but I can’t say that I’m looking forward to their pay-per-view match.


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