ROH Wrestling TV report: Powell’s review of the Silas Young spotlight episode with Last Man Standing matches and Young and Josh Woods vs. The Briscoes to become No. 1 contenders to the ROH Tag Titles

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor Wrestling TV (Episode 447)
Aired June 13, 2020 in syndication and on SBG regional sports networks, available Mondays on FITE.TV

The standard ROH opening aired and then a brief Silas Young montage aired… Young stood poolside while saying this would be a celebration of The Last Real Man. He also said viewers would get to see what life is like for him. Young pointed to his pool and yard, then spoke about how life is about family.

Young was shown sawing a board in his backyard. He said that while everyone has been sitting at home playing video games and binge watching television shows, he’s been being productive by doing home improvement. The camera cut to a shot of him grilling with a drink in his hand. He said you have to enjoy the little things in life.

Josh Woods was shown lying on a mat leaving Young a message. Woods said he’d been trying to get ahold of Young all day. He said he missed him and asked him to call him back.

Young was shown sitting in a chair in his house and he said being at home has given him a chance to reflect on his life and his career. He said that when you think about ROH, you think about the golden boy Jay Lethal. Young set up an airing of their last man standing match… A video package recapped the basics of the storyline heading into the match…

Highlights aired of Jay Lethal vs. Silas Young in a Last Man Standing match from September 22, 2017 in Las Vegas at Death Before Dishonor. Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana were on commentary. Young tied Lethal to a ladder. They fought on top of the ladder until it tipped over and they crashed through a table. Young got to his feet and was named the winner. A graphic listed the full match as being available via HonorClub…

Powell’s POV: I’m not sure why they only opted to air highlights of this entertaining match, but I guess we’ll wait to see what they saved room for.

Coming out of a commercial break, Young sat in his house and said he’s been accused of talking trash about Jay Lethal. He said he wouldn’t if he didn’t have to hear about Lethal being one of the greatest wrestlers alive and how he should feel privileged to share a ring with him. He said he feels privileged to have left Lethal lying in a last man standing match.

Young got annoyed when his phone rang. It was Josh Woods and the cameras cut back and forth between the two. Young told Woods that he told him that he’d be busy taping. Young told him to stop calling and hung up on Woods. Young said Woods is trying to make this about him when it’s about the Last Real Man. Young boasted about having the best record in Last Man Standing matches in ROH. He set up another against Kenny King…

Kenny King vs. Silas Young for the ROH TV Title from April 7, 2018 at ROH Supercard of Honor. Ian Riccaboni, Colt Cabana, and Austin Aries were on commentary. The following his my review of the match from when it originally took place: Young brought a bunch of weapons to the ring. Aries said he and King are friends, but his desire to hold the ROH TV Title is business and King knows that. King performed a nice swinging backbreaker on Young about 90 seconds into the match. King applied a submission and the cameras inexplicably cut to the broadcast team for a few seconds.

Moments later, Young picked up King and dumped him over the top rope and through a table, which drew gasps from the previously quiet crowd. Young punched King several times at ringside and tagged him with one punch that drew more gasps. Young jawed at the crowd and got a rise out of some at ringside. Aries comically agreed with Young’s assessment of the fans and then Riccaboni defended them.

At 12:10, King set up a table on the floor and slammed Young’s face onto it. King placed Young on top of the table and then went to the top rope. Beer City Bruiser came out and traded punches with King, who hit him with a trash can a few times. Young recovered and hit King from behind. Aries said he couldn’t run down because what was happening was technically legal due to the match stipulation.

At ringside, King performed a belly to belly suplex onto a ladder that was leaning against the barricade. King put Young on the table again and performed a shooting star press from the top rope and drove Young through the ladder. The fans came to life with holy shit chants. King tried to get up, but Bruiser was holding his feet from underneath the ring. Young barely got to his feet and was awarded the win. King’s legs were actually taped together by Bruiser.

Silas Young beat Kenny King in a Last Man Standing match in 15:45 to win the ROH TV Title.

Powell’s POV: The following his my POV from when this match originally aired: The wrestlers worked hard and they drew gasps from the live crowd at times, but the fans never seemed to genuinely care about the outcome until King performed the shooting star press and then they got upset about the finish. It was hard to tell whether they were pissed at Young or the company for the finish.

Young welcomed viewers back coming out of a break and said it was their pleasure to watch his highlights. He said his win over King proved that he’s the last real man in pro wrestling. He said the match reminded him that it’s been too long since he held gold and it’s time for that to change.

Young took another call from Woods, who said Young told him that he’d call back and he didn’t. Young said Woods keeps doing this and asked him what his deal is. Young said Woods is annoying, but he’s also one of the best tag partners he’s ever had. Young said he would show one of their matches. Woods suggested a match, but Young opted to show their match against The Briscoes from 2019…

Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe vs. Silas Young and Josh Woods to become No. 1 contenders to the ROH Tag Titles from December 15, 2019 in Philadelphia at Final Battle Fallout. Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman were on commentary. The following is my review of the match from when it originally aired on HonorClub: The Briscoes were setting up for their Doomsday Device finisher when Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham got involved. Lethal distracted the referee while Gresham shoved Mark off the top rope. Woods pinned Mark shortly thereafter. Riccaboni said it shows which team the champions would rather face.

Silas Young and Josh Woods defeated Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe to become No. 1 contenders to the ROH Tag Titles.

Powell’s POV: The following is my POV from when the match aired: The idea of the finish was that Lethal and Gresham are trying to avoid facing The Briscoes in a rematch, so they helped Young and Woods win the match instead. I’m fine with that approach, as it gives the new champions what I assume will be a television match with Young and Woods while saving the bigger match with The Briscoes for somewhere down the road.

Young stood in his backyard and thanked viewers for tuning in to see the show that focused on him. He said it included last man standing matches and showed that his future includes the ROH Tag Titles. Young said he had to check out his pool, then got annoyed when his phone rang again…

Powell’s POV: If this was about showing the best of Young’s matches, then they tag match would not have aired. And surely there would have been a portion of the show dedicated to his great feud with Dalton Castle. But this was a mix of showing his last man standing matches while also showcasing his current role in the tag team with Woods, so it’s understandable that they dedicated time to the two of them. It was a good show in terms of showing off the personalities of Young and Woods and the dynamic between them.


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