NWA Crockett Cup 2019 video and flashback report: Powell’s review of Nick Aldis vs. Marty Scurll for the NWA Championship, the eight-team Crockett Cup tag team tournament to crown the new NWA Tag Team Champions, and more

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

The following is my live review of the NWA Crockett Cup 2019 pay-per-view, which is being shown today for free on the NWA YouTube Page at 6CT/7ET. Dot Net Members have access to my same night audio review of this event. For membership information regarding our ad-free website, check out PWMembership.net

NWA Crockett Cup 2019
Aired live on April 27, 2019 on PPV television, FITE TV, and HonorClub
Concord, North Carolina at Cabarrus Arena

The show opened with a video package that spotlighted the Nick Aldis vs. Marty Scurll match for the NWA Championship. Aldis spoke about how no one thought the NWA would be where it is today… The first show inside the arena was of a large tapestry of Aldis and then another shot showed a Scurll tapestry. The Crockett Cup trophy was shown on the stage with the new NWA Tag Title belts as some pyro shot off behind them…

Joe Galli, Ian Riccaboni, and Jim Cornette checked in on commentary and old school graphics displayed their names were shown…

1. Wild Card Battle Royal for the final spot in the Crockett Cup tournament. The teams included Will Ferrara and Rhett Titus, The Boys, Jay Bradley and Josephus, Royce Isaacs and Thomas Latimer, and The Dawson Brothers. Unfortunately, most of the teams that are not well known did not have graphics. Titus posed once the bell rang. The Boys eliminated Titus. The broadcast team explained that both partners must be eliminated in order for a team to be eliminated.

Eventually, the battle royal came down to The Boys, Bradley & Josephus, and Isaacs & Latimer. The Boys eliminated Bradley and Jocephus, then Latimer and Isaacs returned to the ring and eliminated The Boys. to win the match.

Royce Isaacs and Thomas Latimer won the Wild Card Battle Royal to earn a spot in the Crockett Cup.

Powell’s POV: The look is terrific with a throwback ring with an old NWA logo in the middle and an ROH logo on the apron. The tapestries of the Scurll and Aldis are hanging on each side of the stage, which is where the Crockett Cup and tag belts are positioned, and there’s a screen that lists the Crockett Cup graphics. Josephus is unrecognizable now that he has short hair and is clean shaven. Latimer is better known as Bram, who once signed 84 contracts with TNA. My apologies for not catching all the tag team names. If anyone can help, feel free to email me the team names to dotnetjason@gmail.com.

Caprice Coleman checked in from the stage and noted that Royce and Latimer will face Jax Dane and Crimson in the first round of the tournament… Riccaboni noted that Isaacs and Latimer declined to be interviewed…

A video package aired on Flip Gordon, who blew out his knee while wrestling in the same venue. Gordon said the fans who were there when he was injured didn’t get to see him at his best, so he wants intends to work extra hard to make up for it…

2. Flip Gordon and Bandido vs. Stuka Jr. and Guerrero Maya Jr. in a Crockett Cup first round match. Gordon came out wearing a sombrero. The wrestlers are actually entering from an area beside the stage. Ring of Honor’s Bobby Cruise delivered the in-ring introductions for the teams. ROH’s Todd Sinclair was the referee. Stuka and Maya isolated Gordon. Stuka went up top and instead of diving onto Gordon, he performed a torpedo plancha onto Bandido at ringside. Cool spot.

Gordon came back with a nice springboard dropkick. Bandido took out Maya with a flip dive. Gordon performed a moonsault from the top rope to ringside onto Maya. Back inside the ring, Bandido caught Maya going for a superplex on Gordon, snuck underneath him, and powerbombed him while Bandido took the superplex. Stuka came off the top rope with a dive. Maya performed a Canadian Destroyer on Bandido and had him pinned, but Gordon broke it up.

Gordon fired up and had the crowd with him. Gordon performed a springboard spear for a two count on Maya. Maya performed the Mayan Sacrifice finisher on Bandido, but Gordon broke up the pin. Gordon ended up pinning Stuka to win the match for his team…

Flip Gordon and Bandido defeated Stuka Jr. and Guerrero Maya Jr. in 12:30 to advance to the second round of the Crockett Cup tournament.

Powell’s POV: An entertaining tournament opening match. I’m happy they didn’t feel the need to rush through the match. There are a lot of matches with the tournament format, so not every match can be this long, but I’m happy they gave as much time to these guys as they did.

A video package aired on the NWA Title match…

3. Royce Isaacs and Thom Latimer vs. Jax Dane and Crimson in a Crockett Cup first round match. The winners of this match will face Gordon and Bandido in the second round. ROH referee Paul Turner worked the match. Riccaboni noted that Isaacs has worked for The Crash in Mexico and DDT in Japan. Isaacs suplexed Crimson for a one count. Riccaboni said Latimer turned his back on partners Nick Aldis and Eric Young in Impact Wrestling.

Latimer spat at Dane to lure him in. When the referee stopped Dane, Latimer and Isaacs put the boots to Crimson, and Latimer slapped his hands together to make the referee think that Isaacs had legally tagged into the match. Crimson made a hot tag to Dane, who worked over Isaacs with headbutts, a splash, and a Samoan drop on Isaacs. Dane set up for a move in the corner, but Latimer grabbed his leg to stop him. Dane hoisted up both opponents on his shoulders for a double Samoan drop. Crimson tagged in and he and Dane set up for their Ground Zero finisher on Isaacs, but Latimer pulled Crimson to the floor. A short time later, Isaacs used the ropes for leverage while getting the pin…

Royce Isaacs and Thom Latimer defeated Jax Dane and Crimson in 7:50 to advance to the second round of the tournament.

Powell’s POV: A solid match. I like that Isaacs and Latimer were more than a one and done. They are telling the story that this is the first time they have teamed together. It will be interesting to see how far they go.

A video package set up the Briscoes vs. Rock-n-Roll Express and featured the Briscoes talking about the RNR Express in the original Crockett Cup…

Jim Cornette was introduced to the crowd and then he stood in the ring and introduced the RNR Express. Cornette said it’s a feel good moment that Morton and Gibson were in the tournament, but he warned that the Briscoes don’t do feel good moments. Morton spoke about how he and Gibson don’t back down. Morton said the Crockett Cup is on their bucket list. Morton said he and Gibson majored in whooping ass, then led the fans in a rock-n-roll chant.

The Briscoes made their entrance. Cornette said they weren’t finished with the interview. He told Jay Briscoe that it was good to see him again. Jay said it was good to see Cornette, then told him to hand him the microphone before he kicked his ass. Cornette handed over the mic and fled the ring. Jay said it’s 2019 and they are the baddest tag team on the planet. Jay said that out of respect, they would let Morton and Gibson leave or they could stay, fight, and be retired. Morton kicked Jay in the balls…

4. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe vs. “The Rock-n-Roll Express” Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson in a Crockett Cup first round match. Morton and Gibson teamed up on Mark while Jay was at ringside. The duo performed their double dropkick. Morton performed a suicide dive. The Briscoes came back quickly. Morton bled from the forehead. Cornette ran through RNR history while the Briscoes worked over Morton.

Gibson took a hot tag and worked over both Briscoes with punches. Morton went up top and Gibson tagged him back into the match and then they performed the rocket launch onto Mark, which led to a two count. Jay pulled Gibson to ringside and punched him. In the ring, the Briscoes worked over Morton. Jay hit the Jay Driller on Morton, then Mark performed Froggy Bow on Morton and pinned him. After the Briscoes left, Morton and Gibson stood in the ring and played to the crowd…

The Briscoes defeated The Rock-n-Roll Express in roughly 7:00 to advance to the second round of the tournament.

Powell’s POV: This was a hell of a lot better than anyone could have realistically expected it to be. Sure, the double dropkick probably missed by a mile, but the camera angle they used didn’t show the impact (or lack thereof). Morton did a lot more in the ring than I expected him to do at age 62. The fans had fun with it and I enjoyed it.

Footage aired of PCO and Brody King beating Juice Robinson and Mark Haskins…

5. Brody King and PCO vs. Satoshi Kojima and Yuji Nagata in a Crockett Cup first round match. The winning team will face The Briscoes in the semifinals. Kojima knocked PCO down with a shoulder block. PCO popped right up and clotheslined him. Kojima ended up at ringside, and PCO performed a suicide dive onto him. King tagged in and bodyslammed PCO onto Kojima.

Nagata tagged in and ended up catching King in an armbar. Koshima ran in to cut off PCO, who eventually broke free and kicked Nagata to break the hold. Kojima performed a running knee on King in the corner, then King came back with a clothesline. PCO tagged in and joined King in performing a double chokeslam on Nagata, which led to a near fall. Nagata avoided a clothesline from PCO, who accidentally hit his partner instead. Kojima tagged in and threw rapid fire chops at PCO, who ended up returning the favor a short time later.

Kojima performed a cutter on PCO. PCO blocked a suplex attempt and performed a Michinoku Driver. PCO tagged in King, who picked up a two count on Kojima off a senton. Kojima blocked a suplex and hit King with forearms and a brainbuster. Kojima went for a cover, but PCO broke up the pin. PCO and Nagata fought to ringside. In the ring, Kojima removed his elbow pad and ran the ropes, but King caught him with a lariat and followed up with a Michinoku Driver before scoring the pin. King and PCO will face The Briscoes in the second round…

Brody King and PCO defeated Satoshi Kojima and Yuji Nagata in 11:50 to advance to the second round of the tournament.

Powell’s POV: Another entertaining match with King and PCO beating the Japanese legends. The show is unique and actually would have fit in nicely during WrestleMania weekend in the same way that a show like Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport did because it provides something different.

Coleman checked in from the stage and pointed to the updated brackets on the video wall…

Madusa made her entrance. Once in the ring, she introduced herself and said her name stands for Made in the USA. She said she is a champion in two iconic entertainment industries. Madusa pointed out that she was holding the NWA Women’s Championship. She said it goes back to the 1930s and the women who paved the way for today. “There is no title trashing tonight,” Madusa said. “This is serious.” Madusa introduced Sienna and Santana Garrett as hard working women and closed by saying “let’s make history”…

Powell’s POV: Madusa overstayed her welcome a bit. I could have done without the “entertainment” line.

6. Allisyn Kay vs. Santana Garett for the vacant NWA Women’s Championship. The broadcast team noted that Kay has also wrestled as Sienna. Brian Hebner was the referee. “I’m so old that when I was in school they didn’t have history,” Cornette said. Funny. Kay grabbed the advantage and then taunted Garrett by pie-facing her. Garrett fired up and went on the offensive. Garrett applied the Muta Lock. Kay stood up to break the hold and then performed a neckbreaker.

The wrestlers traded near falls. Kay screamed out of frustration over not getting the pin. Garrett caught Kay on the ropes and hit her with a palm strike and then performed a huracanrana to bring her back in the ring. Kay avoided a Garrett move, then caught her with a lariat and pinned her to win the match. Madusa entered the ring and presented Kay with the title belt afterward. Garrett offered Kay a handshake, but Kay held up the title belt and left her hanging…

Allysin Kay defeated Santana Garrett in 8:55 to win the vacant NWA Women’s Championship.

Powell’s POV: An ordinary match. Jazz was scheduled to defend the title against Kay, but she dropped out of the show due to a medical issue. The announcement was made just days before the show, so the promotion was unable to do any sort of a build for the new match on the NWA Youtube page.

A video package aired on Aldis and Scurll with footage of their G1 Supercard weekend…

Coleman stood at ringside and introduced Midnight Express members Dennis Condrey, Stan Lane, and Bobby Eaton. Coleman noted that Eaton doesn’t say much. Eaton praised Condrey and Lane as great tag partners. Lane put over North Carolina. Coleman noted that Condrey had a cancer battle. Condrey thanked all six of his doctors and questioned how it’s possible that he doesn’t have a voice box or vocal cords and is still able to talk…

The broadcast team spoke. Cornette said it was great to see the Midnight Express. He said Condrey beat cancer and it was great for them all to be in the Carolinas again…

7. Royce Isaacs and Thom Latimer vs. Bandido and Flip Gordon in a Crockett Cup tournament semifinal match. Sinclair was the referee. Bandido and Gordon cleared Isaacs and Latimer from the ring. Bandido and Gordon danced together in the ring. Madusa was still at ringside and was shown speaking with Isaacs and Latimer. Gordon performed a 450 splash onto Isaacs and came up selling his knee. Latimer dragged Isaacs to his corner and then tagged himself in.

Latimer and Isaacs went to work on Gordon’s bad knee. Gordon nearly made the hot tag, but Bandido was pulled from the apron by Isaacs. In the ring, Latimer rolled up Gordon and pinned him to win the match. Riccaboni said Isaacs and Latimer are in a good position because they’ve won their tournament matches quickly…

Royce Isaacs and Thom Latimer defeated Bandido and Flip Gordon in 7:15 to advance to the finals of the Crockett Cup tournament.

Powell’s POV: Fine while it lasted, but there was nothing particularly memorable about the match, which is odd given that Bandido and Gordon were involved. Madusa talking with Isaacs and Latimer was an interesting development. She didn’t leave with them afterward, so we’ll wait for the main event to see if there’s an actual alliance.

8. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe vs. PCO and Brody King in a Crockett Cup tournament semifinal match. Turner was the referee. Mark was isolated until he did a summersault on the back of PCO and tagged in Jay, who worked over King. A short time later, PCO took his obligatory top rope summersault onto the ring apron bump. Cornette said it hurt him to watch it. No kidding.

The Briscoes pulled the ringside mats back and threw a couple of chairs inside the ring. King slammed Mark onto the concrete. All four men grabbed chairs. Turner tried to scold them. One of the Briscoes pulled Turner in the corner to shield him. However, Mark used a chair and Turner saw it and disqualified them.

PCO and Brody King defeated Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe by DQ in 9:50 to advance to the finals of the Crockett Cup tournament.

After the match, the Briscoes attacked Turner. Jay gave Turner the Jay Driller. Mark wrapped PCO’s right arm in a chair and then placed two more on top of him. Jay held PCO in place and then Mark did a cannonball dive from the top rope onto PCO and the chairs. Jay took the mic and vented about being disqualified. “Y’all don’t realize who the hell we are,” Jay said. “Hey, NWA, y’all wanna play this game? Y’all wanna disqualify us. To hell with the tournament, to hell with the Crockett Cup, to hell with all of you.”

Powell’s POV: A disappointing match in terms of length and, of course, the DQ finish. The match quality disappointment is in comparison to the Briscoes having wars with PCO and King. This once was good while it lasted, but it wasn’t as hot their previous encounters. When it comes to the post match angle, the question is whether they did the injury angle to make it look like PCO and King are merely vulnerable going into the finals or because they will actually be booked to lose in the finals?

9. Willie Mack vs. Colt Cabana for the NWA National Championship. There was an early stalemate moment with each wrestler catching the other’s leg. They both released the other’s legs and shook hands. Mack took a bump to ringside (I missed it) and he acted weary once he returned to the ring. Mack eventually popped up and performed a Samoan drop and a standing moonsault for a two count. Mack performed a cannonball in the corner for another near fall. Cabana performed a moonsault off the middle rope and got a two count of his own. Cabana threw elbows at the head of Mack, who fired back with a t-bone suplex.

Mack caught Cabana with a kick and then crashed and burned while going for a top rope splash. Cabana raced up top and performed a moonsault, but Mack rolled out of the way. Moments later, Cabana dove at Mack and used his feet to hook Mack down for the pin…

Colt Cabana defeated Willie Mack in 8:45 to win the NWA National Championship.

After the match, James Storm entered the ring and cut a promo in which he introduced himself. Storm congratulated Cabana on winning the title. Storm said the last time he wrestled for the NWA it seemed like management wanted a champion who wore suits, not someone who raises hell. Storm praised Cabana, who then knelt down and pulled some streamers that became tangled Storm’s boots. Funny. Storm made it clear he’s coming after Cabana’s title and then delivered his catchphrase…

Powell’s POV: The Cabana vs. Mack match was well worked. I also liked the surprise appearance of Storm. I know he’s burnt some bridges, but it’s still crazy that Storm hasn’t been wrestling for one of the national promotions. Hopefully Storm is able to use his time with the NWA to improve his standing in the same way that Nick Aldis has.

The Crockett Cup and NWA Tag Title belts were brought to ringside. Members of the Crockett family, Billy Corgan, and ROH COO Joe Koff came out and posed next to the Crocketts as they posed with the Cup at ringside.

Bobby Cruise introduced Nikita Koloff as the man who would present the Crockett Cup to the winners. Caprice Coleman interviewed Koloff in the ring. Nikita spoke with the accent to start, then dropped it as he thanked the Crocketts. Coleman asked him what happened to his accent. Koloff said it’s been 30 years and you’re accent improves. Funny.

Koloff introduced Magnum TA, who used his motorized device to get to ringside. Koloff met him and they hugged. Cornette recapped Magnum getting into a car accident and said that it changed the course of wrestling history. Magnum spoke about going to the finals of the original Crockett Cup with Ron Garvin before they lost to the Road Warriors…

10. PCO and Brody King vs. Royce Isaacs and Thom Latimer (w/Madusa) in the finals of the Crockett Cup for the vacant NWA Tag Team Titles. Madusa walked out with Isaacs and Latimer and spoke to them at ringside before the match. PCO and King both came out selling right arm injuries. King worked the match and did a lot of selling early on. He finally tagged in PCO, who was still selling his arm injury. PCO had King wrench his arm on the apron and suddenly he was good as new again. A short time later, PCO performed a top rope moonsault onto Latimer and pinned him to win the match…

PCO and Brody King defeated Royce Isaacs and Thom Latimer in 6:40 to win Crockett Cup tournament and the vacant NWA Tag Titles.

After the match, Koloff congratulated PCO and Brody and presented them with the NWA Tag Titles and the Crockett Cup trophy…

Powell’s POV: The right team went over as far as I’m concerned. I like the story that was told with Isaacs and Latimer and their run puts them on the NWA map as a team. Ultimately, though, PCO and King going over was the crowd pleasing moment and it would have been too much too soon to go with Isaacs and Latimer. Was Madusa managing the duo a swerve or will we be seeing more from all three in the NWA? Does PCO and King winning mean the NWA and ROH partnership will continue?

A video package set up the main event… Ring entrances took place and then Bobby Cruise delivered the in-ring introductions. Kamille shoved Scurll’s umbrella down after he was introduced. A loud “Marty” chant broke out. Aldis stood over the NWA letters in the ring and pointed down at them. Aldis kissed the title belt and handed it to referee Brian Hebner. Legendary NWA referee Tommy Young stood between the wrestlers and noted that he went over the rules with both men before the match. He said it’s a wrestling match and asked them to remember that. Young checked both men for objects while Cornette put him over as the best referee in the history of the game…

11. Nick Aldis (w/Kamille) vs. Marty Scurll for the NWA Championship. Aldis offered a handshake. Scurll looked to the crowd and did a fist bump instead. Scurll took Aldis down with a wristlock. Cornette said they were using World of Sport style and noted that “kids” today call it chain wrestling. He noted that Aldis and Scurll grew up watching World of Sport wrestling in England. Scurll claimed Kamille poked him in the eye while Hebner had his back to him (she did not). Hebner ejected her from ringside and she was escorted to the back by Tommy Young.

Powell’s POV: Why didn’t Hebner just ask Young if she interfered? Anyway…

Aldis followed and voiced his objection at Young. Scurll followed and roughed up Aldis before throwing him back inside the ring. Back inside the ring, Aldis performed a fallaway slam from the middle rope. At ringside, Aldis chokeslammed Scurll through the timekeepers table. Back inside the ring, Scurll spat in the face of Aldis and followed up with a tornado DDT. Cornette praised Scurll for rattling a guy known for never losing his temper into doing just that and making a mistake. Scurll performed a suicide dive onto Aldis at 12:00.

Scurll worked over Aldis at ringside. Aldis bled heavily and had a crimson mask. Back inside the ring, Scurll performed a 619. Aldis came back and went for his King’s Lynn cloverleaf, but Scurll countered into an inside cradle for a two count. Scurll applied a figure four. Once Aldis was out of the hold, he applied a tombstone piledriver and followed up with a top rope elbow drop for a good near fall at 15:35. Scurll threw chops at Aldis, who put him down with a Michinoku Driver for a two count.

Aldis went up top. Scurll leapt to his feet and cut off Aldis with punches. Scurll set up for a superplex, but Aldis fought him off with punches and knocked him off the ropes. Aldis sold fatigue and was unable to follow up. Scurll got back on the middle rope and performed a superplex that led to a near fall at 13:30. Aldis performed a powerbomb and tried to go for the cloverleaf again, but Scurll snapped the fingers of Aldis. Scurll called for his chicken wing finisher, but Aldis punched him in the face. Scurll came back with CrossRhodes for a near fall that had the crowd.

Both men ran the ropes and Scurll crashed into the referee at 13:30. REF BUMP!!! Kamille returned to ringside and entered the ring. Scurll checked on the referee and got to his feet. Kamille set up for a spear, but Aldis stood in her way. Kamille jawed at Aldis, who pointed for her to leave while the broadcast team praised him for doing the honorable thing. “Go,” Aldis told Kamille, who complied. Scurll kicked Aldis in the balls and followed up with Black Flag for a good near fall.

Scurll went for a sunset flip. Aldis sat down on him for another good near fall. Scurll applied the chicken wing at 22:00. Hebner stood up and teased calling for the bell, but he got back on his knees when Aldis showed signs of life. Aldis rolled on top of Scurll for a two count that forced Scurll to release the hold. Aldis set up for his finisher. Scurll tried to get his fingers, but Aldis rolled him over into the King’s Lynn cloverleaf. The broadcast team noted that Aldis couldn’t lock his finishers due to the early finger break. Scurll tapped out…

Nick Aldis defeated Marty Scurll in 23:40 to retain the NWA Championship.

After the match, Cornette wondered whether the friendship between Aldis and Scurll could ever be the same again. Moments later, Aldis and Scurll answered the question by meeting in the middle of the ring and hugging. Hebner raised the arm of Aldis, who fell to the mat to sell exhaustion. Riccaboni plugged the May 8 ROH event and closed out the broadcast with his “happy wrestling” line.

Scurll took the mic and told Aldis not to leave yet. Scurll said he got into the business 15 years ago. He praised Aldis as the person who took him under his wing and was an influence for him. Scurll spoke about the match and gauged the crowd, who chanted “that was awesome.” Scurll said the match shows how far they have both come. Scurll said he thought the match would have gone better for him and he’d be a double champion, but the better man won. Scurll said Aldis is the NWA Champion and no man deserves it more. The wrestlers hugged again.

Aldis took the mic and said that if anything was proven tonight it’s that Scurll is the biggest star in the business who was self made. Aldis also said the event is proof that the little project that people laughed at when they started the rebirth is coming to fruition. Aldis said boasted that “this is the NWA and we ain’t going anywhere.” Aldis thanked the fans for their support and said he hopes to see them again.” A graphic listed ROH and the NWA logos to close out the show…

Powell’s POV: A very enjoyable main event and easily the best match of the night. I like the way Aldis ordered Kamille to leave rather than take the interference win only for The Villain to do what a villain does even though he was the fan favorite. This match really put over Aldis in a big way. He beat Cody and a has a clean submission win over Scurll. Those are major credibility boosters for Aldis as well as the modern era version of the NWA Championship.

The overall show was a lot of fun. The production was much better this time around than it was at the NWA 70th Anniversary event and we have the ROH production crew to thank for that. I loved the throwback look within the building and with the graphics. The appearances of the NWA legends were very cool as someone who loved that era. It was a unique and entertaining show and the main event was a terrific way to close out the night.

Dot Net Members can listen to my audio review of this event. For membership information, check out PWMembership.net


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