1/12 ROH Honor Reigns Supreme results: Marty Scurll, PCO, and Brody King vs. Rush, Dragon Lee, and Kenny King, Bandido vs. Alex Zayne, Rey Horus vs. Andrew Everett, Flamita vs. Flip Gordon, The Briscoes vs. Dalton Castle and Joe Hendry vs. PJ Black and Brian Johnson

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

We are looking for reports on all WWE, AEW, NXT, ROH, Impact Wrestling, MLW, Evolve, and other notable live events. If you attend a show, you are encouraged to send a report or even basic results to dotnetjason@gmail.com

Ring of Honor “Honor Reigns Supreme”
Concord, North Carolina at Cabarrus Arena
Streamed live on HonorClub

Ring announcer Bobby Cruise welcomed viewers to the show. The broadcast team of Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman checked in on commentary. NWA Champion Nick Aldis, Kamille, and Thom Latimer interrupted. Aldis referred to himself as the real world champion.

Aldis said he had a message for Villain Enterprises. He noted that members of his Strictly Business faction were with him. Aldis took issue with Marty Scurll showing up at the NWA studio in Atlanta and said he was returning the favor. Villain Enterprises members Brody King and Flip gordon showed up. Pushing and shoving ensued until security quickly intervened…

1. Rey Horus vs. Andrew Everett. Everett thought he had Horus on the ropes, but Horus performed a twisting body scissors driver and scored the pin. Cool move…

Rey Horus defeated Andrew Everett.

Before the scheduled Briscoes vs. Dalton Castle and Joe Hendry match, Brian Johnson came out and said he belongs in the main events. Johnson barked at all four men. PJ Black came out and tried to tell Johnson to do things the proper way. Castle said Hendry was acting like a silly goose. Jay called for Johnson to enter the ring and get his ass kicked. Johnson entered the ring. Jay brought up a three-way tag match…

2. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe vs. Dalton Castle and Joe Hendry vs. PJ Black and Brian Johnson in a three-way tag match. Late in the match, Johnson had Jay down, but he started mouthing off to fans. Hendry hit Johnson with a Codebreaker, then Castle followed up with a move, and Hendry scored the pin…

Dalton Castle & Joe Hendry defeated Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe and PJ Black & Brian Johnson.

3. Sumie Sakai vs. Nicole Savoy. Savoy performed a late butterfly superplex. A short time later, Savoy performed a dragon suplex. Savoy rolled Sakai into a pin for a good near fall. Savoy blasted Sakai with a knee, which led to another two count. Sakai rolled Savoy into a cross arm breaker and pulled herself over the apron. Sakai broke the count at the ref’s four count, then reapplied the hold on the floor and once again broke when the referee counted to four. As they returned to the ring, Sakai kicked a rope into the referee’s balls. REF BUMP!!! Savoy threw a kick and suplexed Sakai and then bridged for the visual pinfall. Sakai went to ringside and pulled out a chain from underneath the ring and hit blocked a strike it before hitting Savoy. Sakai performed Smash Mouth and scored the pin…

Sumie Sakai defeated Nicole Savoy.

Powell’s POV: Just how sensitive are the balls of referee Todd Sinclair?

4. Dak Draper vs. Danhausen. Danhausen hummed the song “Tequila” while dancing on the apron and it closed with him delivering a kick to Draper. The crowd had fun with it. Late in the match, Danhausen performed a nice outside in suplex. He picked up his jar of human teeth from his corner and poured some into the mouth of Draper and then kicked him, which led to a near fall. Draper came back and hit his Magnum KO finisher and scored the pin…

Dak Draper beat Danhausen.

5. Bandido vs. Alex Zayne. There were chants for both men during the match. Zayn performed a late flip from the top rope toward a standing Bandido, who actually caught him. Bandido placed Zayn on the ropes and then powered him into a wild powerbomb from the ropes for a near fall. Bandido ran the ropes, but Zayne caught him with a kick. Zayn performed a shooting star knee on Bandido. Zayn followed up with with a ripcord pumphandle driver and scored the upset. The wrestlers shook hands afterward. Bandido raised the arm of Zayne and then hugged him…

Alex Zayne defeated Bandido.

Powell’s POV: The broadcast team put over the upset properly with Riccaboni calling it a shocker and saying that Zayne has arrived.

Shane Taylor and the SOS tag team walked onto the stage. Taylor said he would not appear in an ROH ring until Joe Koff responded to his demands. He plugged a match for VIP Wrestling and left the stage…

6. Mark Haskins and Tracy Williams vs. Vincent and Bateman (w/Vita Vonstarr, Chuckles). Williams performed a DDT that drove Vincent’s head into a top turnbuckle. Williams held up Vincent, Haskins kicked him, and then Williams performed a piledriver. Haskins applied a Sharpshooter, but Chuckles hit Haskins with a block of wood for the disqualification. The heels were setting up for a move on Haskins when Williams ran them off with a chair…

Mark Haskins and Tracy Williams beat Vincent and Bateman by DQ.

7. Jeff Cobb, Dan Maff, Jay Lethal, and Jonathan Gresham vs. Silas Young, Josh Woods, Beer City Bruiser, and Brian Milonas. Late in the match, six men fought at ringside while Cobb performed a Tour of the Islands on Bruiser and pinned him clean.

Jeff Cobb, Dan Maff, Jay Lethal, and Jonathan Gresham beat Silas Young, Josh Woods, Beer City Bruiser, and Brian Milonas.

After the match, Maff grabbed one of the ROH Tag Title belts and teased leaving with it before he threw it back to Gresham. Riccaboni hyped a Proving Ground match between the two teams for February 9…

Footage aired of Rhett Titus apologizing to his wife for losing a match to Kenny King. Titus picked up his son and apologized for letting him down. Titus looked into the camera and said King better know that this isn’t over…

Bully Ray made his entrance and said he should probably apologize for what he did to ring announcer Bobby Cruise the night before. Bully convinced Cruise to join him in the ring. Bully put over the job that Cruise does as a ring announcer and called him an asset for the company. Bully said what he did the night before was wrong. Bully dropped Cruse with a left hand. “And you’re a stupid schmuck two nights in a row,” Bully said.

Bully spotted a woman flipping him off in the front row. He asked the guy next to her if they are a couple, then mocked the idea of rolling over and waking up to the woman every morning. The couple had fun with it and laughed. Bully recalled putting Maria Manic through a table the night before and said she spent the night in the hospital and couldn’t make it to Concord. Bully said Manic couldn’t make it because she’s a coward.

Maria Manic entered the ring behind Bully and ended up spearing him once he turned around. Maria threw punches at Bully and speared him again once he got to his feet. Angelina Love and Mandy Leon ran out to help Bully. Manic put both women down with clotheslines, threw Leon to ringside, and put Love in a Torture Rack. Bully clotheslined Manic. Love handed Bully a chair, which he slammed over the back of Manic multiple times. Bully set up for a powerbomb, but Manic hit him with a low blow. Manic ran Ray into a table that was set up in the corner…

Powell’s POV: This feud is following the usual Bully Ray playbook in that he gets a ton of heat during the build to a match with a moment or two for the babyface along the way. Bully always puts over his opponents when the time comes. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

A Slex video package aired and he was touted as debuting at the February 9 ROH Free Enterprise show…

8. Flip Gordon vs. Flamita. Late in the match, Flamita performed a top rope frogsplash. He went right back to the ropes and went for a 450, but Gordon put his knees up and rolled him into a pin for a two count. Gordon applied an STF and pulled at the mask until Flamita tapped out. After the match, Gordon ripped the mask off Flamita’s head and held it up while Flamita covered his face. Gordon tossed the mask back into the ring before leaving…

Flip Gordon defeated Flamita.

9. “La Faccion Ingobernable” Rush, Dragon Lee, and Kenny King (w/Amy Rose) vs. “Villain Enterprises” Marty Scurll, PCO, and Brody King. Late in the match, Scurll applied a chicken wing on King, who managed to roll out of it before Scurll could lock it in completely. Rush and Lee returned to the ring while Scurl’s partners were down at ringside. Rush and King held up Scurll while Lee came off the top rope with a double stomp. King covered Scurll and scored the pin…

Rush, Dragon Lee, and Kenny King defeated Marty Scurll, PCO, and Brody King.

Powell’s POV: It’s logical to put over the new heel faction. Plus, Scurll sends the right message by doing the honors on the day he was introduced to the locker room as the new head booker of the company.


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