Tessa Blanchard on her feud with Sami Callihan, the possibility of winning the Impact World Championship at Hard To Kill, and her confidence

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Pro Wrestling Post Interview with Tessa Blanchard
Conducted by Scott Edwards
Interview available at ProwrestlingPost.com

On how this storyline came about with Sami Callihan: “After the show, Don Callis came and kind of planted the seed, ‘Hey, this might be the direction that we go with you wrestling the guys.’ And I was all for it. It was all kind of just an idea until it wasn’t. One day I’m running in on OVE and saving Scarlett (Bordeaux) and the next week I’m wrestling Disco Inferno. Then it just took a wild spin and now here we are.”

On her intentions, if she wins the Impact World Championship: If I come out on top this Sunday, it’s going to be the same thing. I set goals for myself that have never been accomplished by a female athlete and this Sunday we are doing just that. I’m hoping to accomplish a goal that has never been accomplished by a female athlete before. There’s a certain pressure that comes with that but this diamond was created under pressure I say…I think they could kind of relate a little bit. It was just being an average everyday kid, I think that was it. I didn’t go out there and try to be a great worker. I went out there to mainly get beat up. I think that may have been it. They just saw me as one of them.”

On what she attributes her confidence to: “One thing that when I first started wrestling, people would make those comments and I think that it fueled me a little bit more because I’d go to training and work extra hard. I’d stay longer, I’d go seven days a week. We’d start at 6 p.m. and sometimes me and Cedric (Alexander) would stay until two or three in the morning and just train and train and train because I wanted to become one of the best in the world. I wanted to be great and didn’t want to be good or passable at this. I wanted to be the best that I could be. And so maybe proving people wrong or surprising people fueled me a little bit with my work ethic.”

Powell’s POV: I don’t typically comment on interview recaps, but it’s worth noting that this interview was conducted prior to the allegations made Saturday by Blanchard’s former coworkers.


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