Powell’s Impact Wrestling Hit List: Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. Dez and Wentz, Jordynne Grace vs. Tenille Dashwood, Ace Austin and Madman Fulton vs. The North, Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie vs. Havok and Neveah

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Hits

Ken Shamrock attacks Eddie Edwards: I’m not sure what to make of Shamrock acting heelish, but I did like the idea of Sami Callihan appearing to be the puppet master. Now if only they would do away with the bad hacker gimmick.

Ace Austin and Madman Fulton vs. “The North” Josh Alexander and Ethan Page: I was surprised to see a battle of two heel teams placed in the main event, though with this episode airing opposite the U.S. Presidential “debate” (what a shit-show), I doubt that anything would have made much of a difference in the ratings. Both teams worked hard and this turned out to be a good match even though viewers had no rooting interest. I was also surprised to see The North get the win given that Austin and Fulton will be facing the Motor City Machine Guns next week.

Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. Dez and Wentz: An entertaining match. I usually grumble about Dez and Wentz seeming to lose as often as they win, but this loss makes sense if the idea is to build to Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Good Brothers at Bound For Glory. Speaking of those teams, their backstage bickering was effective in terms of establishing friction between the babyface duos. However, the big tag team brawl at the end of the show left me wondering if they will be going with a big multi-team match at the pay-per-view.

EC3 vows to burn the TNA Title belt: I don’t care if he used Seth Rollins’ old catchphrase, EC3 will become my pro wrestling hero if he successfully trashes the defunct title belt next week.

Rohit Raju: Raju playing the role of the chickenshit champion who does everything in his power to avoid defending the title against worthy contenders is growing on me. He plays the part well and continues to be an entertaining act.

Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary vs. Havok and Nevaeh: A solid opening tag team match. The oddball Valkyrie and Rosemary relationship continues to be fun. The post match attack by Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz on Valkyrie and Rosemary was fine, but this company really needs to hurry up and introduce women’s tag titles. They have too many women’s tag teams that feel directionless without actual titles to chase.

Impact Wrestling Misses

Tenille Dashwood vs. Jordynne Grace: A well worked match, but I didn’t get the idea of having Dashwood lose so early after introducing her new heel persona. I guess they wanted to set up a rubber match for Saturday’s Victory Road show, but I don’t think it was worth it. This was was billed as a rivalry match, but they need to establish Dashwood before this can feel like a true rivalry.

Johnny Swinger vs. Fallah Bahh to become John E Bravo’s best man: The two matches clocked in around two minutes in total time so at least they didn’t overstay their welcome. Ultimately, though, this week’s segment dedicated to hyping the Bravo and Rosemary wedding felt flat.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. EC3 vowing to burn the TNT title is an intriguing hook for next week… until I realized it was a typo

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