9/6 WWE in Saint John, New Brunswick results: Seth Rollins vs. Baron Corbin in a street fight for the WWE Universal Championship, Becky Lynch vs. Lacey Evans for the Raw Women’s Championship, Ricochet vs. Cesaro, several wrestlers fail to appear as advertised

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

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WWE Live Event
Saint John, New Brunswick at Harbour Station
Report by Dot Net reader Josh Kotsab

The arena was poorly attended. It’s a very small arena that only holds about 6,000 people for hockey and they had a quarter of the arena blocked off for the stage. The seats that were available were mostly empty. The floor usually sells out in Saint John, but at this show there were plenty of floor seats available. If I had to guess, it was because of cost. Last year when they were here it was roughly $75 for floor seats (front row was a little higher) but this time around floor seats were like $150 from what people told me.

Prior to the show, I went to the merch stand and from what I could tell the only shirt to sell out was a Fiend “Yowie Wowie” shirt.

1. Ricochet defeated Cesaro. The crowd was super loud for first match. They loved Ricochet. The match was strong with Cesaro working like a babyface for the first couple minutes where he would offer clean breaks and handshakes then after the third or fourth time he eventually dirtied Ricochet with a cheap shot and mouthed off to the crowd while showing his true colors. A really good match. Ricochet won with a standing Shooting Star Press

2. Cedric Alexander beat Robert Roode. Roode did a quick promo talking about how like us, he’s a proud Canadian and loves performing in Canada. He then said that Saint John however is the armpit of Canada and he was ashamed to be here (lived here my whole life, he’s not wrong). He transitioned into a promo claiming in a week’s time he and Dolph Ziggler will be new Raw Tag Team Champions. Alexander interrupted and it led to a decent match. Roode is really good in person. Alexander showed some flashy offense, but I’d say Roode carried the match. Alexander picked up the W with Lumbar Check.

After the match, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson hit the ring and beat down Cedric. Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder make the save. Then Revival come out and cut a really long and boring promo. The crowd was bored and gave zero reaction.

3. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson beat “The Revival” Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder and Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder in a three-way tag match. The Revival really dragged out pre match antics by stretching, hugging, and mouthing to the crowd. The crowd was into it at first but it went way too long. It had to be nearly 5 minutes before the match actually started. By the time it did, a little boy yelled “FINALLY! That was SO boring!!” There were some comedy spots. Nothing special. The match ended when Anderson rolled up Hawkins.

4. Becky Lynch beat Lacey Evans to retain the Raw Women’s Championship. Lacey. Had. Heat! My wife who doesn’t really watch wrestling said “she’s the most convincing at playing her character so far”. She would do the Queen wave and stick her hands out for kids but then pull her hand away. There was a big pop for Becky. A decent match. Becky carried Lacey, but Lacey looked to be better than what we usually see. Becky won with the Dis-Arm-Her. Becky went along the entire floor and took selfies with every single person in front row. I’m not a big Becky fan, but she was exceptionally great with kids.


5. Titus O’Neil beat Mojo Rawley. Mojo comes out slapping hands and smiling playing a babyface similar to his old Stay Hyped character. He got on the mic and cut a really lame promo talking about how much he loves St John’s, Newfoundland. Kayla Braxton tells him it’s Saint John, New Brunswick. Mojo turned and says he hates New Brunswick. The crowd didn’t care. He bet the crowd a million dollars his match would be less than 60 seconds. You can see where this is going. Out came Titus, who pinned Mojo with a spinebuster in 20 or so seconds.

Next up was A Moment of Bliss. Alexa Bliss comes out and crowd was pumped. She pretended to be a babyface then turned heel on the crowd. She got good heat, but people in my section were confused because it seems they can’t make up their mind on TV whether she and Nikki Cross are heels or babyfaces. Nikki and Alexa heeled on Canada, which led to Natalya (with Dana Brooke) interrupting.

6. Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross defeated Natalya and Dana Brooke to retain the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles. This was probably worst match on the card (aside from Mojo match, which doesn’t count). It was a bad comedy match. Nattie did a good job trying to keep the crowd into it while she was on the apron, but this one wasn’t the best. There was this bad comedy spot where Dana chased Nikki and Alexa around the ring and Dana eventually got back inside but Nikki and Alexa thought they were still being chased so they did like 30 laps without anyone chasing them. It went way too long and even the kids in front of us were asking their parents, “Why don’t they get in the ring? Why do they just keeping running?” My wife the non wrestling fan quipped, “This is stupid”. Eventually they got in the ring. Nattie tried for a Sharpshooter but didn’t get it locked in. Alexa hit a forearm on Nattie for and pinned her clean.

7. Seth Rollins defeated Baron Corbin in a “Saint John Street Fight” to retain the WWE Universal Championship. I really am bored of Corbin, and seeing him in person I can say he hasn’t changed my mind, but man the boy can get heat. The crowd super hot for Rollins. It was a nice match that was similar to their Extreme Rules Tag Match. Corbin worked Seth over with a kendo stick. Seth got the upper hand and placed Corbin on a table. Seth went for a frog splash, but Lacey ran out and pulled Rollins down.

This led to Corbin chokeslamming Rollins through the table for a near fall that worried some of the kids. Rollins kicked out and Lacey started to rough him up, which of course led to Becky Lynch coming out and running her off. Corbin told Becky to bail and she pretended she was going to, only to turn and attack Corbin with a few kendo stick shots. Rollins hit the Stomp for the win. The couple then took pictures with everyone around ringside.

Notes: Overall, I had fun. I went with my wife, Dad, and my best friend, who just recently started watching wrestling this past year. He watched one show and got hooked. He actually got my wife and I the tickets as a wedding gift. He really enjoyed his first show, but he was disappointed as there were A LOT of people who weren’t there that were advertised. I know it’s card subject to change, but this seemed like the most extreme scenario of all the times they’ve been here. Advertised talent that did not appear included:

Dolph Ziggler
Samoa Joe
AJ Styles
Braun Strowman
The Fiend

My friend was especially disappointed in no Braun Strowman, as that’s his favorite, but overall we still had fun and what I really enjoyed was seeing all the kids and their parents have a great time. Even though there were guys who not there and guys who I’m not a fan of going over, it’s important to remember these events are for kids and I’m glad everyone who did get to go had a nice time.

Most Heat
3. Robert Roode
2. Lacey Evans
1. Baron Corbin

Biggest Pops
3. Ricochet
2. Seth Rollins
1. Becky Lynch


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