Powell’s MLW Fusion TV Review: Go Shiozaki vs. MLW National Openweight Champion Alex Hammerstone in an N1 Victory tournament match, Richard Holliday vs. Brian Pillman Jr., and Jordan Oliver vs. Gringo Loco

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 74)
Taped July 25, 2019 in New York, New York at Melrose Ballroom
Aired September 7, 2019 on beIN Sports

A cameraman caught up with Konnan, who spoke about having Salina de la Renta’s phone. He said it was only a matter of time before he started disseminating information. Members of Promociones Dorado showed up and attacked Konnan. Salina showed up and took her phone back… The broadcast team was Rich Bocchini and Tony Schiavone, and Tim Barr was the ring announcer…

1. Jordan Oliver (w/Myron Reed) vs. Gringo Loco. An Oliver pre-tape aired. Oliver said Loco broke three of Myron Reed’s ribs and he’s just like the cops who think they can do whatever they want. Reed got physically involved early on. Bocchini said Reed’s ribs looked fine to him. Later, Gringo performed a split-legged moonsault for a near fall.

Reed slid his Injustice picket sign to Oliver. The referee took the sign and cleared it from the ring while Oliver thumbed Gringo’s eye and then hit a leaping stunner for a two count. Loco came back with a flip dive onto Oliver and Reed at ringside. Oliver returned to the ring and sold a shoulder injury for the referee. Reed got Gringo’s attention and then hit him with a chair from the floor. Oliver covered Gringo and pinned him. The heels put the boots to Gringo afterward…

Jordan Oliver defeated Gringo Loco.

Powell’s POV: Why are unprotected chair shots to the head still happening after everything we’ve learned about head trauma? Every company knows better than this and yet it’s still happening.

An ad aired for the MLW Saturday SuperFight pay-per-view that will be held on November 2 from Chicago…

A Low Ki interview aired. He spoke about being the fourth man in the War Chamber match. He said the question remains whether Tom Lawlor and the Von Erichs can trust him. He said the question really is whether they can afford not to trust him…

2. Richard Holliday vs. Brian Pillman Jr. Before the match, Holliday took the mic and addressed the crowd as “consumers.” Holliday said it’s no coincidence that Dynasty sounds so much like “destiny” and they are the only true thing in MLW. Schiavone noted that Holliday is from Connecticut. He said he hates to say it, but there are a lot of terrible people from Connecticut (funny). Pillman came out carrying a 2018 Rookie of the Year trophy and set it in a corner of the ring.

Holliday was in offensive control early and gloated. Pillman avoided an elbow drop and then had a flurry of offense. Holliday came back with a Boston crab attempt, but Pillman rolled him into a pin for a two count. Pillman performed a clunky looking powerslam for a two count. Holliday went to ringside and grabbed a chair, which the referee took away. Pillman picked up his trophy and tossed it to Holliday, then laid down and acted like he’d been struck with the trophy. The referee took the trophy away and then Pillman kicked Holliday below the belt. Pillman performed a neckbreaker and scored the pin…

Brian Pillman Jr. defeated Richard Holliday.

Powell’s POV: It felt a little convenient for Pillman to bring the trophy with him, though I suppose a case could be made that his character planned to go with the Eddie Guerrero tribute finish.

An video package aired for Dominic Garrini coming to MLW this fall (actually on Saturday in Dallas)… An ad aired for MLW merch…

Bocchini recapped Jacob Fatu defeating Tom Lawlor to retain the MLW Heavyweight Championship in last week’s Fusion main event and the post match angle that included Low Ki helping Lawlor and the Von Erichs…

A video package aired with Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich discussing the War Chamber match. They said they are going to end Contra Unit, and they once again stressed that their father Kevin Von Erich will be in their corner…

Powell’s POV: A good video package. The Von Erichs came off really well in the sit-down style interview.

A Mance Warner handheld video aired. He spoke about Salina de la Renta and Jimmy Havoc having him arrested. Warner said he couldn’t drink while in jail so he was clear minded and he came up with a plan to “f— up” Havoc…

After a break, a video package touted the upcoming MLW events…

A Tom Lawlor video aired. He said Low Ki will be a professional and he will get the job done. Lawlor said he will be ready no matter what happens after that…

They cut to entrances for the main event, which was held at a Pro Wrestling Noah event in Japan. Alex Hammerstone was out first and he wore his MLW Openweight Championship. Shiozaki was out next and Bocchini noted that he was a protege of Kenta Kobashi…

3. Go Shiozaki vs. Alex Hammerstone in an N1 Victory tournament match. Bocchini and Schiavone did a voiceover for the commentary of the match. Bocchini noted that the crowds in Japan are typically quiet and respectful. Hammerstone challenged Shiozaki to knock him down with a shoulder block. Shiozaki tried, but Hammerstone didn’t budge. Hammerstone knocked Shiozaki down heading into a break.

The wrestlers traded forearms in the middle of the ring. Shiozaki threw a chop, then Hammerstone came back with forearms and then blasted Shiozaki with a punch before hitting the Nightmare Pendulum for a near fall. Bocchini noted that he hadn’t seen anyone kick out of the Nightmare Pendulum before. Schiavone said the referee was slow to get down for the count.

Hammerstone set up for a Burning Hammer, but Shiozaki stuffed it and hit a ripcord lariat for a near fall of his own. A short time later, Shiozaki went for a running lariat, but Hammerstone caught him with a high knee and then powerbombed him for another near fall. Hammerstone barked at the slow counting referee. Shiozaki hit the Nightmare Pendulum for the second time and scored the clean pin…

Alex Hammerstone defeated Go Shiozaki in an N1 Victory tournament match.

Bocchini hyped the War Chamber match for next week’s television show, but he was interrupted by a Contra Unit video. Josef Samael, Jacob Fatu, and Simon Gotch took turns talking about how they will beat Low Ki, the Von Erichs, and Low Ki in the War Chamber match to close the show…

Powell’s POV: The main event was entertaining. Hammerstone did a nice job in his first Pro Wrestling Noah match and it was nice to see him get a win over a recognizable name.

I was disappointed two weeks ago that MLW didn’t do a better job of building up the broadcast of last week’s championship match between Jacob Fatu and Tom Lawlor. That hasn’t been the case with the War Chamber match. The company has consistently hyped the War Chamber event while also doing a good job of staggering out the introduction of each team’s final members. Unlike Fatu vs. Lawlor last week, the War Chamber definitely feels like the most important thing in MLW’s storyline universe and I’m looking forward to watching the match next week. John Moore will be by with his weekly members’ exclusive audio review of MLW Fusion.


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