8/27 AEW Dynamite results: Powell’s live review of FTR vs. Best Friends vs. The Young Bucks vs. Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall in a gauntlet match for a shot at the AEW Tag Titles, Jon Moxley vs. MJF contract signing for the AEW Championship match at All Out, Matt Hardy vs. Sammy Guevara in a tables match

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 47)
Live from Jacksonville, Florida at Daily’s Place
Aired August 27, 2020 on TNT

[Hour One] The AEW opening video aired. The broadcast team of Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone checked in. Ross said they hoped to be joined by Chris Jericho but had not seen him yet. Jericho made his entrance and then joined the broadcast team while the masked socially distanced fans in attendance were shown singing his “Judas” theme song. Jericho raved about fans being in attendance at the show and emphasized that they were masked and socially distanced…

1. “The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson vs. Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall (w/Allie) in the first match of the tag team gauntlet. Ross noted that the winning team would face Best Friends in the next match (FTR is the final team). The winning team will challenge for the AEW Tag Titles at All Out. Jericho said he hoped that Cody was watching from his hospital bed. Ross said it was a tough subject because they hadn’t been given any updates on Cody’s condition (following last week’s Dark Order attack). In the end, the Bucks hit double V-Trigger knees to the head of Marshall before Nick pinned him.

The Young Bucks beat Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall in 6:18 to advance in the tag team gauntlet match.

Powell’s POV: It is good to hear the sound of fans in attendance again. And while their presence will be debated, I am personally comfortable as a viewer because they are masked and socially distanced while at an open-air venue. AEW still has the spectator wrestlers at ringside to help add to the atmosphere. Some of the spectator wrestlers are wearing medical masks while others are not. The spectator wrestlers are COVID tested and appear to be a good distance from the regular fans. On a side note, I am filling in for Jake Barnett tonight because he needed the evening off.

2. “Best Friends” Chuck Taylor and Trent vs. “The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson in the second match of the tag team gauntlet match. Best Friends headed to the ring shortly after the pinfall and the gauntlet match resumed. The winning team faces FTR in the final part of the gauntlet match. Nick was isolated by Best Friends. Nick came back with a suplex on Trent and then tagged in Matt, who performed Northern Lights suplexes on Trent. However, Trent caught him at the end with a tornado DDT.

A short time later, Best Friends doubled up on Nick, then did their hug spot. They set up for their finisher, but Matt held Taylor on the ropes while Nick caught Trent in an inside cradle for a near fall. Nick ended up performing a 450 splash while Matt held Trent over the ropes, but it only resulted in a two count. The Bucks set up for the Meltzer Driver, but Hangman Page showed up at ringside and grabbed Nick’s leg to prevent him from performing his part of the move. Trent rolled up Matt and scored the pin.

“Best Friends” Chuck Taylor and Trent beat “The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson in 17:35 to advance in the tag team gauntlet match.

After the match, Page couldn’t make eye contact with the Bucks. Page walked away while the Bucks stewed at ringside. FTR made their entrance for the final leg of the match. The show went to a picture-in-picture break. [C]

Powell’s POV: This is playing out as expected with AEW wisely avoiding the first FTR vs. Bucks match taking place somewhat unadvertised in a gauntlet match. Predictability isn’t a bad thing when it’s the right move for business. By the way, the match times listed are not for the individual matches, but rather from the start of the gauntlet match to the finish.

3. “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler (w/Tully Blanchard) vs. “Best Friends” Chuck Taylor and Trent in the gauntlet match finals for a shot at the AEW Tag Titles at All Out. Best Friends were on the apron when FTR immediately knocked them off. FTR targeted the left knee of Taylor. Eventually, Taylor tapped out to a leg lock applied by Harwood…

“FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler defeated “Best Friends” Chuck Taylor and Trent to win the tag team gauntlet match in 25:40 to earn an AEW Tag Title match at the All Out pay-per-view.

The broadcast team spoke briefly. Ross hyped that one of the meanest and most dangerous people on the planet would join them after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: I thought he was busy speaking tonight. It’s a joke, but feel free to piss and moan in the comment section if you can’t handle it. Anyway, the finish of the match seemed to catch the broadcast team by surprise. They were talking about something else while Harwood had the finish applied and seemed to be caught off guard that it was the finish. I like the way the gauntlet was laid out and especially the Hangman Page interference that eliminated the Bucks. FTR essentially put him up to it and I suspect this will end up backfiring on him when FTR takes the tag titles at All Out.

A Darby Allin black and white video aired after a “Saturday Night Dynamite” graphic was mistakenly shown. Allin climbed to the top of a bridge and jumped off. Allin said he would show that he’s not afraid of anything…

Ross questioned if there’s anything Allin won’t do. Jericho called him insane. The broadcast team hyped that Allin and Lance Archer would be in the Casino Battle Royale at All Out and the winner would earn a future AEW World Championship match…

4. Lance Archer (w/Jake Roberts) vs. Sean Maluta. Archer hit one of the spectator wrestlers. Jericho noted that Maluta is one of Afa’s nephews. Ross noted that Archer has a 12-1 record in AEW and is ranked second in the AEW World Title rankings. Archer chokeslammed Maluta and could have pinned him, but he opted to pick him up. Archer hit the Blackout, then slammed Maluta’s head into the mat before applying the EBD Claw, which resulted in a three count…

Lance Archer beat Sean Maluta in 2:55.

Ross hyped that Jake Roberts would speak after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: Maluta made semi regular appearances in NXT and was in the first WWE Cruiserweight Classic tournament. Archer looked great in this squash. He’s definitely a favorite to win the Casino Battle Royale without even knowing who the other 19 entrants will be.

Roberts delivered an in-ring promo. He spoke about how Archer chews up opponents and spits them out. Roberts was interrupted by music. Brian Cage, Ricky Starks, and Taz walked out. Roberts referred to the trio as The Flintstones. Taz said Archer wouldn’t be successful in the Casino Battle Royale. He said it didn’t matter if Cage or Starks won. Taz and his crew entered the ring as Roberts interrupted him. Taz said he was trying to be a gentleman, but he said one of his men would win at All Out.

Darby Allin arrived on a skateboard from a side entrance. Allin attacked Starks, who wasn’t wearing shoes. Starks tried to escape to the back, but Allin followed and kept throwing punches at him. Roberts and Taz tried to talk down Archer and Cage from going at one another…

Powell’s POV: They cut away a little soon from a situation that still felt potentially volatile. But I really liked this otherwise. They spotlighted the Allin and Starks feud briefly while teasing viewers with Archer and Cage going at it in the Casino Battle Royale, which feels like a major showdown.

MJF was shown backstage with his campaign crew. MJF used a walk walker and wore a neck brace. MJF asked one of his security guards if he thought it was funny. The man said no. MJF said he could have sworn he saw him laughing, which the man denied. MJF winced as he made his way through the backstage area while Ross hyped the contract signing…

A video package spotlighted Hikaru Shida vs. Thunder Rosa for the All Out pay-per-view. It included comments from NWA owner Billy Corgan, who praised Rosa, as well as comments from Ross and Schiavone. Corgan said he appreciated the opportunity for the promotions to work together. They cut to a contract signing where the chief legal officer presided over the signing for the AEW Women’s Title match at All Out. Rosa tried to grab the AEW Women’s Title off the table, but Shida grabbed it and told her that she would win… [C]

Powell’s POV: It’s really cool that the two companies were able to get together to make this match happen. It doesn’t matter who wins the match, it feels like a win-win for both promotions.

A contract signing table was set up in the middle of the ring. MJF and his campaign crew headed to ring. MJF was still using the walker. Jericho wondered if he was seriously hurt or a master manipulator. Jon Moxley made his entrance through a side entrance and walked through the stands away from fans.

Moxley and MJF sat at opposite ends of the table. One of MJF’s reps said they were signing off on the Paradigm Shift being banned from the match. MJF accused Moxley of attacking him from behind like a gutless coward. A loud “Moxley” chant broke out briefly. MJF said he would appreciate if Moxley practiced social distancing during the contract signing “just like your hairline.”

Moxley told MJF that he’ll get there one day too once he goes through puberty. MJF said Moxley is real good and that’s why the people love him. He said Moxley is a badass. He recalled Mike Tyson saying that he wouldn’t want to be in a dark alley with him. MJF said he wouldn’t want to be in a dark alley with Moxley either, but they would be in a professional wrestling ring at All Out. MJF said that’s where Moxley will be in danger. MJF dubbed himself a pro wrestling prodigy.

[Hour Two] MJF said he would pick apart Moxley systematically. MJF said Moxley isn’t a wrestler, he’s a goon. He said Moxley will try to get him outside the ring to get him into his territory. MJF said that’s all Moxley knows. He said Moxley grew up studying and idolizing guys like Sandman, New Jack, John Zandig, and Onita. MJF said they were hot garbage. He said he grew up studying Buddy Rogers, Ernie Ladd, and Tully Blanchard.

MJF said that if Moxley thinks he’s better than him, he can’t get over why he thinks he needs the Paradigm Shift. MJF said if that’s the case, then he should tell his pretty little wife that he’s single. Moxley stood up. MJF’s lawyer threatened to sue Moxley if he touched a hair on his head. Moxley called him a dick wad. Funny.

Moxley said MJF wants to take away his greatest weapon, but what he’s really doing is forcing him to be creative and think of all the ways he can hurt MJF. Moxley said he doesn’t want to be sued and the only lawyer he knows is his public defender and he thinks he’s in jail. Moxley said he would sign the contract. Moxley said nothing MJF says matters and nothing he signs matters because MJF is a dead man on September 5. Moxley signed the contract.

MJF and his crew cheered. “You idiot,” MJF said. MJF’s lawyer said it was the stupidest thing he’s ever done. Moxley brought up page 17 of the contract. MJF and his lawyer said there were only 16 pages. Moxley said they should never sign something they didn’t read. Moxley informed them that page 17 says he gets to face the lawyer in a tuneup match next week, the Paradigm Shift will be legal in that match, and if the lawyer doesn’t show up then MJF doesn’t get his match…

Powells POV: That’s more like it. MJF toned down the campaign talk and delivered a strong promo. Moxley kept his streak of strong mic work alive and I like the surprise twist at the end.

Santana and Ortiz were featured in a video package. They spoke about their feud with Best Friends. They noted that Best Friends wanted them to apologize. Ortiz said he’s sorry that Trent’s mom wasn’t in the van when they wrecked it…

5. Pentagon Jr., Rey Fenix, The Butcher, and The Blade (w/Eddie Kingston) vs. Brian Pillman Jr., Griff Garrison, Sonny Kiss, and Joey Janela. The heel entrance was televised. A pre-taped Eddie Kingston promo aired. He told people who think he is leading his crew in a faction need to grow up. He said they are about championships and that’s where he will lead them and himself. Kingston’s crew were in offensive control going into a PIP break. [C]

As the match continued, the AEW Dark results from Tuesday were shown at the bottom of the screen. Late in the match, Penta performed a Penta Driver on Janela on the apron. Pillman checked in and got the better of Butcher briefly, but Butcher took him out with a clothesline. Penta and Fenix hit their finisher on Pillman and got the pin.

Pentagon Jr., Rey Fenix, The Butcher, and The Blade defeated Brian Pillman Jr., Griff Garrison, Sonny Kiss, and Joey Janela in 8:55.

After the match, Kingston entered the ring and told the referee to do his job by raising his team’s hands. Kingston shut down fans chanting his name by saying he knows his name before telling them to shut up. Kingston said he and his crew will be in the Casino Battle Royale. Jericho noted that five members of the same crew will be in the 21-man match…

Powell’s POV: This was a spotlight for Kingston’s new crew. I’m happy that Kingston is getting mic time and he’s a good fight as a mouthpiece for the Lucha Bros. I’m not really sure where Butcher and Blade fit in or why they have a pair of tag teams in one faction, but we’ll see where it goes.

Highlights aired of The Dark Order’s attack on Cody from the end of Saturday’s episode of Dynamite. Jericho said Cody should take two weeks off and quit the business…

The Dark Order entrance played. Evil Uno and Colt Cabana came out. The other underlings carried a casket onto the stage. Uno he has never been so happy. He said Stu Grayson purchased a pair of vehicles he had on his dream list. A yellow sports car was shown along with six lawnmowers. They opened the casket and someone wearing a jacket and sporting his neck tattoo was inside. It was Ten, who climbed out of the casket and tossed the jacket inside.

TNT Champion Brodie Lee was introduced and he was accompanied onto the stage by Anna Jay. Uno told the other members to show their appreciation for Mr. Brodie Lee, who high-fived some and hugged others. Lee called for Tony Schiavone to join him. They all walked to the ring where Schiavone joined them.

Lee said last December, all of his men were laughed at. Lee said he was at home in prison because of people “like you.” The Dark Order wrestlers chanted “Cody sucks.” Lee said there was a lot of symbolism because they buried the Nightmare Family. Lee said the open challenge is over and Cody will never get the title back.

Lee introduced Anna Jay as “99” labeled her as the Queen Slayer. John Silver started praising Lee, who punched him and then told Alex Reynolds to pick him up. Lee said he is the hottest champion in pro wrestling and there’s nothing that anyone can do about it.

Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall showed up and attacked the Dark Order members, who quickly regrouped and beat them down. Scorpio Sky ran out to help and cleared some of the Dark Order members from the ring. Sky jawed at Lee. Jay slapped Sky, then Harper hit Sky. Lee and the members started leaving. Lee got upset with Uno and shoved him. After most of the Dark Order went backstage, Matt Cardona came out and hit a leg lariat on Uno, then helped Rhodes, Sky, and Marshall clear the rest of Dark Order from the ring… [C]

Powell’s POV: That was strange and chaotic. I was hoping for something better coming out of Saturday’s hot closing segment.

Dasha caught up with Hangman Page at the bar and started to ask him about what he did to the Young Bucks earlier. The Bucks showed up. Matt asked Page who the hell he is. Matt told Page that they just wanted a friend and he was good enough all along. Nick said he called Page a jobber a long time ago, but he decided to become a jobber now. Matt took Page’s drink and said it was time to tell him the truth. “You’re a drunk,” Matt said before throwing the drink in his face. Matt told Page that he was out of The Elite. The Jacksons left the room. Page was going to follow, but he stopped and looked into a broken mirror on the door of the bar…

Powell’s POV: It seems like Page has been on the outs with The Elite throughout the Dynamite run, so this probably didn’t pack as much of a punch for viewers who didn’t follow The Elite prior to Dynamite.

6. Big Swole vs. Britt Baker, Reba, and Penelope Ford (w/Kip Sabian) in a handicap match. Before the match, Baker sat on her wheelchair on the ramp and said that Swole could have her in any match she wanted if she could beat them. Ford and Reba attacked Swole before the bell. Baker never left her wheelchair during the match. Swole fought off interference from Sabian and eventually ducked Reba’s attempt to hit her with a crutch. The crutch hit Ford instead, and Swole pinned her to win the match.

Big Swole defeated Britt Baker, Reba, and Penelope Ford in 2:50 in a handicap match.

After the match, Baker threw a fit while Swole celebrated her win by dancing in the ring. Ford wasn’t pleased with Reba…

Powell’s POV: Ouch. That match was rough to say the least.

Ross said they would be back on Wednesday night “as far as we know.” The broadcast team hyped Santana and Ortiz vs. Best Friends, Chris Jericho vs. Joey Janela, The Young Bucks and Jurassic Express vs. Private Party and Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian. Ross said the team that won the eight-man tag match would face one another at All Out. Moxley will also face MJF’s lawyer…

Evil Uno, Anna Jay, and Stu Grayson showed up at ringside and offered Tay Conti a contract. Conti hugged Jay…

The broadcast team hyped the All Out lineup with Jon Moxley vs. MJF, Kenny Omega and Hangman Page vs. FTR, Brodie Lee, Colt Cabana, Evil Uno, and Stu Grayson vs. Dustin Rhodes, QT Marshall, Scorpio Sky, and Matt Cardona, Hikaru Shida vs. Thunder Rosa for the AEW Women’s Championship, Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy in a Mimosa Mayhem match…

Highlights aired of the Inner Circle attacking Orange Cassidy during Saturday’s Dynamite…

Sammy Guevara made his entrance for the main event and did his sign gimmick during the break, which started as a PIP before going to a full screen commercial… [C] Matt Hardy made his entrance…

7. Matt Hardy vs. Sammy Guevara in a tables match. Schiavone stressed that the only way to win the match was to put the opponent through a table using an offensive move. They cut to a PIP break a little over a minute into the match. [C] During the break, Guevara put Hardy on a table at ringside, then went for a dive. Hardy moved and Guevara crashed through the table, but it didn’t end the match because it wasn’t an offensive move by Hardy.

Guevara bled from the forehead coming out of the break. Hardy sold a head injury while Jericho speculated that Hardy hit his head on the back of a table. Hardy quickly regrouped and performed a Twist of Fate while Guevara’s head was in a chair. Hardy pulled out a table that had “Deleted!” written on it and slid it inside the ring. Hardy placed Guevara on top of the table and a chair was underneath it. Hardy went to the top rope and stumbled. Guevara went after Hardy on the ropes and suplexed him through the table to win the match.

Sammy Guevara beat Matt Hardy in 6:45 in a tables match.

As the broadcast team was talking, Orange Cassidy attacked Jericho from behind. “What the hell is a matter with you guys?” Ross barked. “For the love of God.” Schiavone asked if Ross was okay, Ross said he was, and then they went right into calling the brawl. Cassidy threw punches at Jericho, who managed to roll on top of Cassidy. Five referees pulled them apart. Jericho broke free and dove at Cassidy, who rolled him over and threw punches at Jericho to close the show…

Powell’s POV: The main event felt really rushed. I like that you have to use an offensive move to win a tables match, as that eliminates the fluke type wins that we tend to get in tables matches. The Jericho and Cassidy brawl was quick, yet unexpected fun. Overall, I really enjoyed the first half of the show through the Moxley vs. MJF contract signing. There was a big decline after that. I will have more to say about this episode in my same night audio review for Dot Net Members. Let me know what you thought of the show by assigning it a letter grade via our post Dynamite poll on the main page.


Readers Comments (5)

  1. Well Jason, I’m not a staunch political person, however as a fellow Minnesotan I will at least say that the current leader of Minnesota district five is every bit as unlikable from a personality standpoint and hasn’t accomplished very much, if anything, of actual substance.

  2. Jake Roberts’ promo leads to believe that Archer is going to do something stupid to get himself eliminated from the Battle Royale, and that will cause tension between the two. I think Cage is going to win it.

  3. Starting with the backstage with Page and the Bucks, the show really nosedived. The Bucks trying to act upset was just not believable, the woman’s match was horrendous, and the main event was not only rushed, misplaced. Why wouldn’t you hold off on it until you can give it time, or put it on the upcoming PPV? I think the timing said it all when Guevara busted himself wide open during a PIP break. Also, was Matt okay? He really seemed to struggle to get himself through that match towards the end.

    • AEW routinely has big moments happen PIP. It happens so often that it feels like it’s on purpose. Either way, it’s incompetence and evidence that nobody in charge knows how to consistently put together a TV show.

      A couple of week ago the second hour was fantastic and the first hour was dog crap. Last week was just bad all around. This week started really strong and then turned into hour one from two weeks ago.

      Guevarra has some great potential as the smarmy heel with the punchable face, but he’s also showing himself to be extremely dangerous at this point. He needs to really tighten up his work.

      The Bucks are curtain jerker jobbers and nothing more.

      Lee/Dork Odor completely used up the good will from last week’s hot close to the show.

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