8/24 ROH TV taping in Atlanta results: Full results of upcoming television shows including the Champions vs. All Stars eight-man elimination tag match (spoilers)

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

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Ring of Honor TV Taping on HonorClub
Atlanta, Georgia at Centre Stage

Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman were on commentary, and Bobby Cruise was the ring announcer…

1. PCO and Brody King vs. Mark Haskins and Tracy Williams. PCO went for an early suicide dive and his feet hit the ropes, causing him to go face first into the ringside mat. Referee Todd Sinclair checked on PCO while Haskins and Williams worked over King on the opposite side of the ring. PCO returned to the ring and was bleeding from a nasty cut above his right eye. PCO immediately performed a suicide dive onto Haskins and Williams. In the end, Flip Gordon came out and hit Williams with a chair from the floor, then King finished him off with a Gonzo Bomb.

PCO and Brody King defeated Mark Haskins and Tracy Williams.

Ian Riccaboni introduced the “Rock & Roll Express” Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson for an in-ring interview. Morton took the mic and Riccaboni let them have the ring. Morton hyped the R&R vs. The Briscoes for the ROH Tag Titles on Sunday night in Nashville. Morton said he’s grateful for the opportunity. The Briscoes made their entrance and were confrontational, which led to security coming out and standing between the teams. Jay said the R&R will come to an end on Sunday.

2. Sumie Sakai vs. Angelina Love (w/Mandy Leon). Kelly Klein sat in on commentary for the match. Sakai hit a variation of her Smash Mouth finisher, but Love kicked out. A short time later, Leon sprayed hairspray into the eyes of Sakai, then Love hit the Botox Injection and scored the pin.

Angelina Love over Sumie Sakai.

3. Silas Young, Felino, and Okumura vs. Eli Isom, Cheeseburger, and Ryan Nova. Late in the match, Nova went for a Frankensteiner while Felino was seated on the ropes. Felino caught Nova, powerbombed him, and pinned him. Riccaboni put the match over as the best outing of Nova’s career. Afterward, the wrestlers all bumped firsts. “Better luck next time, boys,” Young said over the house mic.

Young called for Josh Woods to enter the ring. Young said Woods is a pain in the ass, but he has enough brains to listen to him and to watch a pair of CMLL stars. Young asked if Woods has been learning what he’s been teaching him. Woods attacked Okumura from behind (the camera crew missed it while showing Young) and then performed a uranage slam on Felina. “I guess you’re not as dumb as these people look,” Young told Woods before they left the ring together.

Silas Young, Felino, and Okumura beat Eli Isom, Cheeseburger, and Ryan Nova.

4. PJ Black vs. Chase Owens vs. Leon St. Giovanni for an ROH TV Title shot. Late in the match, Black leapt off the top rope and into a knee from Owens. A short time later, Owens blasted LSG with a running knee and followed up with a package piledriver for the win. Owens will challenge Shane Taylor for the ROH TV Title in Nashville.

Chase Owens defeated PJ Black and Leon St. Giovanni to earn an ROH TV Title shot.

Dalton Castle came out for a promo. Castle teased that something was missing from his act. It was meant to stir up the crowd because The Boys are from the area, but the fans just sorta cheered Castle anyway. A Joe Hendry entrance video interrupted Castle. Hendry came out to a flat reaction. What’s worse, his mic cut out as he was trying to fire up the crowd. The fans chanted for Castle, who said he doesn’t need that and he needed to hear “what this dingleberry has to say.” Hendry played up joining ROH and said he is a world champion. Castle said there’s not a lot of brains behind Hendry’s handsome face. Castle said there is one world champion in ROH and it’s not Hendry, who then challenged him to a future match. Castle said Hendry may have just made the biggest mistake in his entire life. Hendry tried to get the crowd to finish off the “one” part of his “Prestigious One” closing line, but they sat in silence. Ouch. Riccaboni showed off a “World Champ” t-shirt that Hendry is selling.

Powell’s POV: A rough debut for the talented Hendry. The majority of the fans didn’t seem to know who he was. It can only get better going forward. It will be interesting to see if ROH chops this up in a way that makes it salvageable for television.

5. Marty Scurll vs. Bandido. Late in the match, Bandido hit a GTS for a near fall. Bandido followed up a short time later with a standing moonsault for another two count. The wrestlers ended up on the top rope and Bandido performed his impressive fallaway slam into a moonsault for a loud round of “holy shit” chants. Both men sold on the mat for a moment, then Scurll applied his chicken wing. Bandido rolled onto him for a two count. Moments later, Scurll hit Black Plague and scored the pin. Afterward, Scurll indicated that they could wrestle again. Fans chanted “one more time.” Scurll and Bandido shook hands and hugged. Scurll walked over to Riccaboni and said, “That right there is what Ring of Honor is all about.”

Marty Scurll beat Bandido.

Ring announcer Bobby Cruise introduced Lanny Poffo as the guest commentator for the main event. Poffo came out to a flat reaction and tossed frisbees to the crowd while ROH broadcast team member Quinn McKay stood by, then she escorted him down the steps and to the broadcast table. Poffo said it was a pleasure to be there because he’s a big fan of ROH. He said the talent is much better today than it was during his years as a wrestler.

6. Matt Taven, Jay Briscoe, Mark Briscoe, and Shane Taylor vs. Jay Lethal, Jeff Cobb, Rush, and Kenny King in a Champions vs. All Stars elimination match. Poffo said his brother Randy Savage was a fan of Lethal and his impersonation because it’s the sincerest form of flattery. At one point, King took a move from the Briscoes and timekeeper Amy Rose came over to check on him and tried to give him water. Jay took the water bottle and shot water at Rose. King used the distraction to roll up and pin Jay to eliminate him from the match.

The next elimination occurred when Taylor hit his finisher on King and pinned him, leaving the teams tied 3-3 for number of men remaining. A short time later, Lethal hit a Lethal Injection on Mark Briscoe and pinned him to eliminate him, leaving the All Stars with a 3-2 advantage.

Rush took a hot tag from Lethal and worked over Taylor with a nice series of moves, but referee Todd Sinclair missed the tag because he’d been bumped. REF BUMP!!! Taven kicked Lethal below the belt and hit him with a Just The Tip knee, then Taylor hit a running knee as well, which led to a near fall. A short time later, Taylor hit his finisher on Lethal and pinned him to tie up the match with both teams having two men remaining.

Taven blocked a Tour of the Islands and hit a neckbreaker on Cobb for a two count. Cobb came back by flinging Taven into the air and letting him crash to the mat. Cobb wanted to tag in Rush, who was fighting with Taylor at ringside. Rush entered the ring and fought with Taven despite not being the legal man. Rush suplexed Taven into the corner and then teased his finisher and kicked Taven instead, then struck his pose in the ring. Taylor entered the ring and exchanged chops and elbows with Taylor. Rush set up for his finisher and then had to stand there and wait while Taven hit him from behind with a chair for the DQ. The All Stars were left with a 2-1 advantage.

Taven worked over Rush with the chair while Riccaboni spoke about Rush clearly being the No. 1 contender. For some reason, the HonorClub replay abruptly cut off while Taven was choking Rush with the chair. The All Stars went on to win the match.

Jay Lethal, Jeff Cobb, Rush, and Kenny King beat Matt Taven, Jay Briscoe, Mark Briscoe, and Shane Taylor in a Champions vs. All Stars elimination match.

Powell’s POV: Well, that was strange with the show cutting off while the All Stars had a 2-1 advantage. It left me feeling like I wasted time watching a main event and not being able to see the actual finish. ROH is clearly building to Taven vs. Rush for the ROH Championship.

ROH Honor For All streams live today on HonorClub at 5CT/6ET with the following advertised matches: Matt Taven vs. Jay Lethal vs. Kenny King vs. Jeff Cobb in a Defy or Deny match, Marty Scurll, PCO, and Brody King vs. Bandido, Mark Haskins, and Tracy Williams for the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles, Shane Taylor vs. Chase Owens for the ROH TV Title, The Briscoes vs. Rock & Roll Express for the ROH Tag Titles, and Rush vs. Vinny Marseglia.


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