Evolve booker Gabe Sapolsky on Kenny Omega taking issue with WWE Network broadcasting Evolve’s 10th Anniversary special opposite AEW Fight For The Fallen, advice from Paul Heyman, his hope for Darby Allin, keeping Evolve relevant despite heavy competition

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Evolve booker Gabe Sapolsky took part in an interesting AMA on Reddit. The following are among the highlights of the chat, which can be read in full here.

-Sapolsky on the advice Paul Heyman has given him: Paul actually recently had some very good advice on me about focusing on my own show on July 13th and doing the best show we can, how we have been given this huge opportunity and we have the tools now to do something special. I look at this as a marathon, not a spring. Paul was also big on changing with the times. I always try to do the same. One thing I’m proud of is how EVOLVE has changed and evolved through the years. We are progressive. Life is about change and constant flux. I try to show that in EVOLVE. Thank you for the questions.”

-Sapolsky on Darby Allin leaving the Evolve promotion: “I’ll admit it is disappointing how it ended, but Darby gave us a lot of great work and we watched him grow into a star so it is what it is. The fact is he was going to win the EVOVLE Title during WrestleMania week. I felt that as a babyface, it would be tough to get into him as a champion, so he was going to lose it right back to Austin Theory either on the April 13th show or in May in the Midwest. Theory would be our champion going into July 13th whether Darby was here or not. We were then going to have Darby reach new depths of despair, then win the title after going heel when Priscilla corrupted him like she did to Theory. He would have walked into 2020 as heel EVOLVE Champion. Maybe that would have worked, maybe it is best that it never happened, we’ll never know. I’m sure he’ll have a lot of success wherever he goes. I just hope he has people looking out for him and not trying to take advantage of his craziness.”

Sapolsky on keeping Evolve relevant despite so much competition: “We need to have unique matches, a unique roster, wrestle with emotion, put our hearts and souls into every show, have tight, professional shows and have compelling storylines and characters. We are all about evolving careers. We hope to appeal to fans who will watch talent grow into superstars. We offer a great live experience now with the Meet & Greets with the NXT Superstars at every show. You can’t get that anywhere else. I love competition. I always say we all made the most money in 1998 when ECW, WWE and WCW were all red hot. We all rise together.”

Sapolsky on Kenny Omega’s comments regarding WWE Network airing Evolve opposite AEW Fight For The Fallen on Saturday: “I thought it was a little disparaging to all the work and sacrifice we have done to get this opportunity. That part was disappointing. We had the date booked before their date was announced. The very first conversation I had with Triple H in 2016 there was talk of doing a special. We are in Philadelphia the night before WWE has a PPV there. We are in a great building at the 2300 Arena that is tailored made to go right on the WWE Network. Everything just came together to do it on this date. It’s been a long process. I saw Kenny deleted it and then tweeted something else, so it is all good by me. I haven’t talked to Kenny in a long time, but I always felt we had a positive relationship. He was one of the guys I really wanted to push in 2008 and into 2009. I’m glad all his hard work has paid off.”

Powell’s POV: It’s an interesting AMA session that’s worth checking out in full. Sapolsky’s comment about hoping that people don’t take advantage of Allin’s “craziness” are interesting.. When it comes to his comments on Omega, Sapolsky was more than fair. Join Moore for his live review of the Evolve 10th Anniversary special as it streams live Saturday night on WWE Network at 7CT/8ET. John will also by afterward with his members’ exclusive audio review.

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