Powell’s MLW Fusion TV Review: Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix vs. LA Park and El Hijo de LA Park for the MLW Tag Titles, Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Tommy Dreamer, Simon Gotch’s prize fight challenge

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling TV (Episode 33)
Taped in November 8 in Chicago, Illinois at Cicero Stadium
Aired November 30, 2018 on beIN Sports

Salina de la Renta was shown sitting on the floor appearing some type of ritual that concluded with her licking blood from her fingers… MLW’s opening aired… Tony Schiavone and Rich Bocchini were on commentary. Schiavone announced the breaking news of Fusion airing live on beIN Sports on December 14, then Bocchini hyped this week’s main event…

Simon Gotch headed to the ring and announced a $50,000 prize fight challenge…

1. Simon Gotch vs. Ariel Dominguez in a Prize Fight Challenge. Gotch made quick work of Dominguez and finished him off with a piledriver. After the match, Gotch shoved money in the mouth of Dominguez and gave him another piledriver…

Simon Gotch defeated Ariel Dominguez.

Schiavone hyped Gotch vs. Tom Lawlor in a no ropes, no holds barred match for Miami…

Powell’s POV: A lopsided match with Gotch dominating from start to finish. It wasn’t as fun as his past open challenges, nor should it have been given that Gotch turned on Lawlor. In other words, this was exactly what it needed to be. MLW officials are very high on Lawlor, but I’m curious to see how Gotch’s heel push goes and whether this will end up being a long term feud.

Footage aired of Maxwell J Friedman attacking Kotto Brazil last week… Backstage, Kaci Lennox interviewed Maxwell J Friedman, who said he informed MLW management that he won’t compete in a ladder match. He claimed it’s beneath him and added that it’s not because he’s afraid of heights…

Tommy Dreamer cut an outdoor promo while a dog barked in the background. Dreamer said he was looking forward to facing Brian Pillman Jr. because he knew his father. Dreamer vented about Pillman and other skinny jeans wearing millennials and how they all have podcasts and put him down. He said he would teach Pillman respect for those who paved the way…

Powell’s POV: So Dreamer’s anti-millennial schtick is his new thing and isn’t just limited to Impact Wrestling. I guess he’s playing to his base even if it could come at the expense of turning off millennials to the companies he works for. Stay out of Tommy’s yard, kids.

Lennox interviewed Stokely Hathaway, who said he was back to manage someone who will right the wrongs of MLW. He said this person will want all the money and will be great just like him…

2. Tommy Dreamer vs. Brian Pillman Jr. After some back and forth action, Pillman chopped Dreamer’s shoulder blades, which the broadcast team sold by saying it probably hurts more than viewers think it does. Pillman went to his corner and picked up the cane that he brings to the ring. It was quickly taken away by the referee. Pillman then posed over Dreamer and said his name before being hit in the balls and rolled up for the win. It was framed as a veteran teaching a younger wrestler a lesson.

Tommy Dreamer defeated Brian Pillman Jr.

Dreamer helped up Pillman after the match and spoke to him off-mic, then shook his hand and raised his arm. Pillman looked like he was going along with it, but then he kicked Dreamer and gave him a swinging neckbreaker. Pillman picked up the cane and worked over Dreamer with it. Teddy Hart came out to join Pillman, who gave Dreamer another swinging neckbreaker before they left together…

Powell’s POV: As much as I question Dreamer’s anti-millennial schtick, he is a good opponent for Pillman at this stage in Pillman’s development. There’s plenty of knowledge that Dreamer can pass along to young Pillman.

Bocchini hyped Hart being in action for a tuneup match next week, then hyped this week’s main event…

Backstage, Konnan spoke with the “media” about the main event. He said everyone knows there’s bad blood between the teams, but Pentagon and Fenix will leave as champions… Bocchini hyped Rush vs. Sammy Guevara for next week…

Footage aired of Lawlor addressing Gotch’s turn. Lawlor referred to Gotch as a fake and a liar. He said Gotch took the quick money. Lawlor said he would break every finger on Gotch’s hand…

Matt Striker hosted the event center segment for the Miami shows on December 13-14. Striker hyped the live broadcast on beIN Sports for December 14 and ran through some of the matches for the two shows. A new match announced was Barrington Hughes vs. Ace Romero in a battle of super heavyweights…

Ring entrances for the main event took place…

3. Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix (w/Konnan) vs. LA Park and El Hijo de LA Park (w/Salina de la Renta) for the MLW Tag Titles. Ray Flores delivered in-ring introductions for the title match and noted that it was being fought under Mexican rules, meaning all four men were allowed in the ring at the same time. Pentagon took early punishment from the challengers and was down at ringside when LA Park hit Fenix with a chair and then played air guitar on the chair for a pop.

After being worked over by the challengers, Fenix came back with a double cutter and a big dive onto both of them at ringside. Pentagon recovered and dumped Hijo de Park onto a table that did not break. Later, Hijo de Park performed a Spanish Fly off the top rope on Fenix. LA Park speared Pentagon while Hijo de Park got a near fall.

Pentagon and LA Park squared off in the ring while their partners were down at ringside. After some crowd pleasing exchanges, Fenix and Hijo de LA Park rejoined the match and had their own exchange while their partners were at ringside. Salina was shown chirping at the referee. Schiavone said she’d been doing “a lot of bitching.” Bocchini spoke about how emotional the match was for Salina and Konnan.

Pentagon and LA Park checked in again while their partners were at ringside. Pentagon barked at Salina in Spanish, which popped the crowd. A short time later, Park hit Pentagon with a headbutt for a near fall. Pentagon kicked LA Park below the belt while the referee was distracted. Pentagon held Hijo de LA Park up in piledriver position and then Fenix gave him a double stomp into a spike piledriver. Fenix took out LA Park with a flip dive and then Pentagon scored the pin for his team…

Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix defeated LA Park and El Hijo de LA Park to retain the MLW Tag Titles.

Powell’s POV: A crowd pleasing main event with the fans loving Pentagon and Fenix, while clearly enjoying the opportunity to see LA Park. It was a smart approach to have the wrestlers pair off and take turns in the ring, as it kept 53 year-old LA Park fresh. Overall, a good show. I’ve enjoyed the Chicago tapings a lot and the lively and packed crowd certainly helps.

Check below for the new Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and Jonny Fairplay discussing WWE Raw’s struggles, All Elite Wrestling, Johnny Impact on Survivor, and Drake Maverick’s gimmick infringement.


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