WWE Hell in a Cell Polls: Vote for best match and grade the overall show September 16, 2018 CategoriesMUST-READ LIST READER POLLS WWE Hell in a Cell Poll: Grade the overall show A – Great Show B – Good Show C – Average Show D – Disappointing Show F – Awful Show pollcode.com free polls WWE Hell in a Cell Poll: Pick the best match of the night Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman in an HIAC match for the WWE Universal Championship AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe for the WWE Championship Ronda Rousey vs. Alexa Bliss for the Raw Women’s Championship Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch for the Smackdown Women’s Championship Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella vs. The Miz and Maryse Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton in an HIAC match. Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose for the Raw Tag Titles New Day vs. Rusev and Aiden English for the Smackdown Tag Titles pollcode.com free polls Listen to "Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast" on Spreaker. WE VALUE YOUR PRIVACY PRIVACY POLICY INFO HERE Topicsaj stylesalexa blissbecky lynchbraun strowmanbrie bellacharlotte flairdaniel bryandean ambrosedolph zigglerdrew mcintyrejeff hardymaryserandy ortonroman reignsronda rouseysamoa joeseth rollinsthe mizwwewwe hell in a cellwwe hiac
5/11 NXT TV results: Moore’s review of Raquel Gonzalez vs. Mercedes Martinez for the NXT Women’s Championship, Kushida vs. Santos Escobar in a best of three falls match for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship, NXT Champion Karrion Kross vs. Austin Theory in a non-title match
NXT TV Hit List: Kassius Ohno vs. Tommaso Ciampa, Shayna Baszler terrorizing Dakota Kai, EC3 vs. Raul Mendoza, War Raiders vs. Heavy Machinery
Don’t see AJ and Joe on the list.