08/14 ROH TV Audio Review: Bully Ray, Shane Taylor, and Punishment Martinez vs. Cheeseburger, Josh Woods, and Flip Gordon, Cody and Nick Aldis confrontation, Tenille Dashwood vs. Karen Q vs. Madison Rayne vs. Kelly Klein for a WOH Title shot, The Briscoes vs. The Bouncers

By Haydn Gleed, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@haydngleed)

Haydn Gleed reviews the latest ROH TV show featuring Bully Ray, Shane Taylor, and Punishment Martinez vs. Cheeseburger, Josh Woods, and Flip Gordon, Cody and Nick Aldis confrontation, Tenille Dashwood vs. Karen Q vs. Madison Rayne vs. Kelly Klein for a WOH Title shot, The Briscoes vs. The Bouncers (28:09)…

Click here for the August 14 ROH TV audio review.

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