Pruett’s Lucha Underground Hit List: Worldwide Underground vs. Reptile Tribe with a special wish on the line, XO Lishus is awesome, and finally a decent cinematic

By Will Pruett, Senior Staffer (@itswilltime)

Lucha Underground Hits

Reptile Tribe vs. Worldwide Underground: A fun chaotic main event with some great wrestling action. This is what Lucha Underground can offer when its at its best. Aerostar was a nice surprise entrant and the callback (and next chapter) of the Aerostar and Drago story was much appreciated. Johnny Mundo proposing to Taya after the match was a great babyface moment. This was a fun match to watch and it told some stories around it!

Opening cinematic: Antonio Cueto may be a major mistake of a character, but this scene with Mariposa was really well done. Mariposa getting a little more character establishment time helped this work.

XO Lishus and Ivelisse vs. Jack Evans and Joey Ryan: XO Lishus always gets a Hit until I’m proven wrong. This whole match could have been a pointless random tag, but they gave XO Lishus some great character moments (passing out in the submission) and let Jack Evans build some credibility. Joey and Ivelisse felt like bonus pieces at times, but this was a fun match.

El Dragon Azteca Jr vs. Mariposa: This gets a minor Hit for getting fans into the match. It felt like a series of big moves and near falls meant to simulate a title in danger. I like the idea of Dragon Azteca defending his title weekly against anyone. Lucha Underground could use that as we get deeper into this season.

Lucha Underground Misses

Matanza’s Sacrifice to the Gods matches: Wacky sound effects? Look, I think everything Lucha Underground has done with Matanza for years has been poor, but this is absolutely awful. This was short and inoffensive, but it didn’t need to happen.

Jeremiah Snake: I just hate this name so much. I’m not sure I buy into Jeremiah being in the reptile tribe, either. But really, this is such a dumb name. Thumbs down gesture.

Will Pruett writes about wrestling and popular culture at Of interest to him are diversity in wrestling and wrestling as a theatrical art form. To see his video content subscribe to his YouTube channel. To contact, check him out on Twitter @itswilltime, leave a comment, or email him at


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