5/24 Powell’s ROH Honor United live coverage: The Briscoes vs. Cody and Adam Page for the ROH Tag Titles, Silas Young vs. Joe Hendry for the ROH TV Title, Nick Aldis and Mark Haskins vs. The Young Bucks

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor “Honor United” Night One
Aired live on HonorClub and FITE TV
Edinburgh, Scotland at Edinburgh Corn Exchange

The broadcast team is Ian Riccaboni and BJ Whitmer…

1. Scorpio Sky vs. Shane Taylor. Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian came out with Sky. They offered Taylor an envelope to blow off the match. Taylor rejected the money and the match was on. The Addiction made another offer late in the match when Taylor was dominating. He blew them off and got the win.

Shane Taylor defeated Scorpio Sky.

Powell’s POV: Please note that this will be a streamlined version of my usual live coverage since this is a house show more than a traditional pay-per-view. I’ll hit on the basics and keep it simple.

2. IWGP Tag Team Champions Evil and Sanada vs. Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian in a non-title match. Evil pinned Daniels clean to win the match for his team.

IWGP Tag Team Champions Evil and Sanada defeated Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian in a non-title match.

3. WOH Champion Sumie Sakai and Tenille Dashwood vs. Kelly Klein and Chardonnay. Sakai performed a big dive off the top onto Chardonnay at ringside. Klein tried to hit Dashwood with a title belt, but she ducked it. The ref cleared the belt from the ring and Klein ended up pinning Dashwood while holding the tights.

Kelly Klein and Chardonnay defeated Sumie Sakai and Tenille Dashwood.

Powell’s POV: I get the heel duo going over since Sakai is defending the WOH Title against Chardonnay on Sunday, but neither woman factored into the finish. Instead, they chose to go with a finish that sets up the Klein vs. Dashwood singles match that will be held on Saturday in London.

4. Punishment Martinez vs. Kenny King. The bell rang and the crowd sang a Kenny King song and he nodded along in appreciation. Martinez won a competitive match with a clean pin.

Punishment Martinez defeated Kenny King.

5. “The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson vs. NWA Champion Nick Aldis and Mark Haskins. The Bucks received a big reaction and Elite chants. In the end, the Bucks hit the Meltzer Driver on Haskins. Matt pinned Haskins to win the match while Nick kept Aldis at ringside.

The Young Bucks defeated Nick Aldis and Mark Haskins.

Intermission. ROH aired the Hiromu Takahashi vs. Mark Haskins match from the same venue last year.

6. Toru Yano and Delirious vs. The Boys. A comedy popcorn match. One of the Boys put on a Delirious mask and impersonated the way he runs the ropes. Delirious unmasked him. A short time later, one of the Boys pinned the booker to win the match.

The Boys beat Toru Yano and Delirious.

After the match, Bully Ran hit the ring and worked over The Boys and then jawed at ringside fans.

7. Silas Young vs. Joe Hendry for the ROH TV Title. Silas jawed at a fan who flipped him off, then barked at other fans at ringside prior to the in-ring introductions that were delivered by Bobby Cruise. Hendry was over and there was a fun “local hero” chant at one point. Young hit the Milwaukee Plunge late, but Henry kicked out. Henry came back and applied his half-crab ankle lock. Young teased tapping out before pulling his hair to break it. Young thumbed Hendry in the eye and hit Misery moments later before getting the pin. Hendry received a strong round of applause afterward.

Silas Young defeated Joe Hendry to retain the ROH TV Title.

Powell’s POV: A fun match with Hendry getting the late flurry that turned some of the live crowd into believers, particularly when Young teased tapping out to the ankle lock.

8. “The Kingdom” Matt Taven, TK O’Ryan, and Vinny Marseglia vs. Dalton Castle, Jay Lethal, and Hiroshi Tanahashi for the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles. O’Ryan claimed to have better hair than Tanahashi. This was the biggest lie in the history of an industry built on lies. There was more comedy with nipple grabbing. Taven massaged his own nipples after having them grabbed by Castle. “Getting some blood back to the nipples,” Riccaboni said. “So important in these matches.” Hilarious. Things eventually took a serious turn. Evil came out and took out Castle at ringside. The Kingdom worked the numbers advantage and Lethal ended up being pinned.

The Kingdom defeated Dalton Castle, Jay Lethal, and Hiroshi Tanahashi to retain the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles.

Powell’s POV: Really fun house show comedy early on with some good action later. The Evil attack was done to set up his title shot against Castle at Saturday’s show in London. The live crowd had all sorts of f-bomb chants. Fun stuff, but I guess it’s a good thing this show isn’t being taped for the weekly ROH television show.

The broadcast team spoke about Bullet Club and set up the main event.

9. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe vs. Cody and Adam Page for the ROH Tag Titles. There was a spot where Brandi sprayed hairspray into the eyes of Mark, which set him up for Page’s slingshot lariat. Page had the pin, but Jay drove Cody into their partners to break up the pin. Later, Page performed an inverted piledriver on Jay for a two count. The Briscoes came back and set up for the Doomsday Device, but Cody pushed Mark off the ropes. A short time later, Jay hit the Jay Driller on Page and pinned him for the win.

The Briscoes defeated Cody (w/Brandi Rhodes) and Adam Page to retain the ROH Tag Titles.

After the match, the Briscoes worked over Cody and Page. Riccaboni said he was told that they had to go. He plugged Saturday’s show to end the broadcast.

Powell’s POV: I’m not sure why they had such an abrupt finish to the show. The main event was solid. Overall, it was a televised house show with a lively crowd. You’ll likely enjoy this event if you watch it, but there’s nothing coming out of it that feels must see. I won’t be able to provide live coverage of the Saturday or Sunday events due to holiday weekend plans. If you attend the show or watch on HonorClub, you are encouraged to send in a report or just basic results to dotnetjason@gmail.com


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