Ring of Honor TV Review: The Briscoes vs. The Young Bucks for the ROH Tag Titles, Kelly Klein vs. Madison Rayne, Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Dawgs, Facade vs. Eli Isom

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor TV
Taped April 14 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at Stage AE
Aired in syndication on May 12 and Mondays on the FITE TV app

The opening video aired… The broadcast team of Ian Riccaboni and BJ Whitmer were on commentary…

1. Kelly Klein vs. Madison Rayne. Rayne offered her hand for the Code of Honor, but Klein declined. Klein caught Rayne with a boot to the chest and drove her to the mat heading into a break. [C] Late in the match, Rayne kicked Klein’s legs out from under her as she was standing on the apron. Klein returned to the ring and took a cutter (Chance of Rayne) for a two count. Rayne connected a Rayne Drop for another two count. Klein ran a charing Rayne into the corner and then delivered a knee to the face and pinned her…

Kelly Klein defeated Madison Rayne.

Powell’s POV: ROH using Rayne in the Women of Honor division is a good move. She has name value from her run in Impact Wrestling and if they are selective with her losses they can help elevate the WOH regulars. The match was very slow paced early on and got better down the stretch. Riccaboni did a nice job of putting over Klein for kicking out of some of Rayne’s signature moves.

A “SoCal Uncensored” promo aired with the trio in front of the ROH backdrop. They spoke about their six-man tag match against Bullet Club on next week’s show… [C] Jay Lethal delivered a promo in front of the ROH backdrop about facing Punishment Martinez next week. Lethal said Martinez has a win over him and he plans to right that next week… [C]

“The Motor City Machine Guns” Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley stood in the ring. Sabin said their goal was winning the ROH Tag Titles when they got back together and they accomplished that. They said the question is what they do now that they are together or stay together and get the belts back to prove that they are the best damn team there’s ever been. Sabin said they’re not sure right now. Sabin told Shelley that he’s his brother for life. They hugged.

“The Dawgs” Rhett Titus and Will Ferrara interrupted the Guns just as Shelley was about to speak. Titus did the talking and said his favorite movie is Ol’ Yeller and sometimes you have to put Ol’ Yeller out of capacity. The Dawgs attacked Sabin and Shelley and called for referee Todd Sinclair to start their match. Sinclair inexplicably called for the bell to reward cheating…

2. “The Motor City Machine Guns” Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley vs. “The Dawgs” Rhett Titus and Will Ferrara. The Guns took offensive control quickly, but the Dawgs regained control going into a break. [C] The Dawgs hit the Doggie Splash on Sabin and had him pinned, but Shelley broke it up. In the end, the Guns hit their Skull & Bones finisher on Titus and Sabin scored the pin…

The Motor City Machine Guns defeated The Dawgs.

Powell’s POV: I’m not sure where the potential Guns split storyline is going, but I’m all for it. The promo was well received by the live crowd and perhaps more of the duo talking and establishing personas for themselves would change my mind. As good as they are in the ring, they’ve just been spinning their wheels in ROH as characters. They were cast as the dull nice guys who like to help the undercard wrestlers. I’d actually enjoy seeing them take that approach with Coast 2 Coast only to have the Guns turn heel, but it seems like they have something else in mind.

“The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson delivered a brief promo about challenging the Briscoes for the ROH Tag Titles and proving they are the greatest team of all time… A Punishment Martinez video aired to promote his match with Jay Lethal for next week… [C]

3. Facade (w/Danni) vs. Eli Isom. “The Neon Ninja” Facade was featured in a promo before the match. He spoke about traveling around the world and now leaving his mark in ROH. Isom also received promo time and spoke about how it was about time he got his shot. Both wrestlers teased doing dives and both were cut off. Facade eventually performed an impressive double springboard 450 clothesline. Back in the ring, he walked the ropes before leaping off and delivering a kick. Bully Ray headed to the ring and clotheslined Facade to end the match.

Facade fought Eli Isom to a no-contest.

Afterward, Ray tossed Isom to ringside, then picked up Facade and did the same. Ray took a mic and said that as the enforcer of ROH he was enforcing his right to fire both men. He called them bottom feeders and told them not to show up in ROH again.

Cheeseburger came out to a strong reaction and entered the ring. Cheeseburger took a mic and said he respected and trusted Ray. He said he had to tell him to his face that he’s a piece of shit (censored). The fans roared and chanted Cheeseburger. Bully grabbed Cheeseburger by the throat and chokeslammed him.

Joe Koff came out with a mic in hand. “Shame on me because they told me about you,” Koff said. He said wrestlers and other promotions warned him about Ray, but he’s the nice guy and gave him a chance. Koff said Ray is done as the enforcer. Ray announced that he’s officially un-retired. Koff walked to the back while Ray put his Hall of Fame ring on…

A graphic listed the tag title main event… [C]

Powell’s POV: Facade had the crowd behind him since they know him from the independent scene and he did some impressive things. I’m not a big fan of him wearing a bandana around his neck because it might as well read “Choke Me”, but it probably annoys the old school fan in me more than the average viewer. Ray taking out both men was fine and it was a smart move to have him attack Facade due to his popularity with the Pittsburgh fans. The angle with Cheeseburger went well. Koff’s involvement in the Ray angle is concerning given the long history of pro wrestling management types who get a taste of on-air life and then can’t get enough of it. Are we supposed to forget that Ray’s retirement was at least partially due to the head trauma storyline?

Cody, Hangman Page, and Marty Scurll delivered a backstage promo about facing SoCal Uncensored. He said they should get an ROH Six-Man Tag Title shot next week after they win. Cody added that he would regain the ROH Title at the Best in the World pay-per-view. Marty Scurll told him not to get ahead of himself because he’s supposed to face Dalton Castle. Cody said it’s his match. Page interjected and said the point is that they will beat SoCal Uncensored. Cody yelled “yeah” and then he and Scurll pointed at the camera along with Page…

The broadcast team spoke about the Bully Ray angle. Riccaboni said Ray shouldn’t be the enforcer if he’s going to do things like that. Whitmer said his mouth was going to get him in trouble again…

Ring introductions for the main event took place. The Young Bucks were out first followed The Briscoes, who threw chairs inside the ring…

4. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe vs. “The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson for the ROH Tag Titles. The Bucks powerbombed the Briscoes on the ring apron heading into an early break. [C] The Bucks controlled the bulk of the offense and set up for a double Sharpshooter, but Jay broke free and sent the Bucks crashing into one another.

Jay applied a Sharpshooter on Nick while Mark applied a body scissors on Nick. The Briscoes performed a powerbomb/neckbreaker combo on Matt. Mark covered Matt for a good near fall that the broadcast team put over as being shocked that Matt was able to kick out. The Briscoes hit the Doomsday Device on Matt, who landed on his feet. Jay caught him with a kick and then hit the Jay Driller for another good near fall. The Bucks set up for one of their finishers on Jay, but Mark hit Nick with a chair on the apron for the DQ.

The Young Bucks defeated The Briscoes by DQ in an ROH Tag Title match.

Mark threw a chair at Matt and then the Briscoes tossed several chairs into the ring. The Briscoes stacked the chairs up in a pile and then performed a double superplex on Matt, who sold his back injury after taking the bump. Mark left the ring and ran backstage. Hangman Page and Flip Gordon came out to help, but Mark came back out and hit them with chairs from behind.

Cody came out with a chair and worked over the Briscoes until Mark cut him off with a belt and then choked him with it. Jay threw a chair at Cody’s head. The Briscoes held up the ROH Tag Titles to close the show while Riccaboni hyped the six-man tag match with Bullet Club vs. SoCal Uncensored for next week…

Powell’s POV: A good match while it lasted. I’m all for the approach the company took by simply giving fans a taste of this match without giving away a clean finish. This is a feud that people will pay to see more of. It’s really nice to see a babyface/heel dynamic between these teams with the fans rallying behind the Bucks and treating the Briscoes as heels. This is a money feud and this was a great way to kick it off. Overall, a good show that peaked at the end. Haydn Gleed will be by later this week with his members’ exclusive audio review.


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