Stephanie McMahon compares WWE to Disney, comments on changes to the way the company features female talent, says the family has considered selling the company

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE executive Stephanie McMahon spoke with and was asked about the possibility of selling the company. “We’ve certainly thought about it,” McMahon said. “It would be foolish not to.”

McMahon also addressed changes to the pro wrestling business. “There was a time when it came across as seedy, kind of playing to barroom brawls,” she said “Those days are over. Our lines of business are really more akin to Disney than they are to anything else.”

Stephanie also discussed how the company has changed the way they promote their female talent. “I never felt great about the way we portrayed our women,” she said. “It was something that I spoke up against for quite some time. But it took me a while to have a stronger voice in the room. Ultimately, the voice that needed to be heard was our fan base.” Read the full story at

Powell’s POV: It’s always interesting to hear how the McMahon family positions themselves and the company to the mainstream media. In this case, the focus was on how they have changed for the better in several areas. The story points out that Vince McMahon is an aging patriarch at age 73, yet states that the “McMahon clan seems poised to endure.” The author points out Shane McMahon’s return, which led to Stephanie labeling him a “really a strong talent for us right now” while adding that he’s not a company executive. The only mention of Paul Levesque lists him marrying Stephanie in 2003 and joining her in the executive ranks.

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