WWE Raw onsite report: No Mercy pay-per-view in Los Angeles details and pre-sale password info, notes on the live experience and how drunk fans can ruin it

Dot Net reader Leonard Navarro attend Monday’s WWE Raw in Los Angeles, California at Staples Center and sent the following report.

This is my sixth WWE event and fourth Raw. This experience had to have been about a 5/10 only because of obnoxious drunken fans right behind me. The action and storylines made this Raw flow a lot smoother than some before. The crowd seemed very entertained throughout the night and into to most of the show. Looking around, the arena looked sold out. I didn’t see too many empty seats.

Roman Reigns started the show and was booed really loudly by the LA fans. The boos were super loud! The stage ambulance spot looked a lot more brutal live than on television. Braun Strowman got a huge reaction when he took out Roman.

Elias Samson got no reaction while he was wrestling in the six-man tag match. It may sound different on TV, but in person it was pretty quiet.

When Goldust appeared on the screen, it was hard to hear what he was saying. The beat down of R-Truth was pretty cool but really quick.

The Miz TV segment with The Ball Family was just so weird. I had no idea what was being said as it was super had to understand. This segment was more of a head scratcher, although I get why the Balls appeared on Raw given the number two draft pick.

Dean Ambross, Rhyno, Heath Slater vs. The Miz, Curtis Axel, and Bo Dallas: Slater was super over with us. Lots of “I got kids” and “ECW” chants. The roll up for the win seemed slow and seemed a lot longer than three seconds.

Enzo Amore and Big Cass were great, specifically Enzo. Hearing Cass come out to the same music made everyone question that decision. Everyone expected new music to follow with his turn. When they hugged it out and did the SAWFT bit, the crowd totally expected a beat down. They had a lot of us thinking another beat down wasn’t going to come. The toss from Cass was well done and looked really good in person.

The Seth Rollins vs. Curt Hawkins match was decent and Rollins winning was expected.

The Brock Lesnar segment was awesome. The crowd reaction made the segment a better experience. Samoa Joe getting the better of Lesner was unexpected on my end and made me want to watch the Great Balls of Fire pay-per-view even more. Joe got tons of heat for the blind attack. Great, absolutely great.

The cruiserweight match was good for what it was. Titus Worldwide isn’t clicking.

The women’s gauntlet match was great. The Bayley elimination was a little surprising. Once she was eliminated, Sasha Banks was expected to win as a Bliss vs. Jax at GBOF didn’t seem to make much sense in terms of who would play babyface. Nia Jax throwing Sasha out of the ring so many times was excessive and seemed to kill the crowd every time it did. Overall, a great main event for the women.

The dark match was Seth Rollins beating Bray Wyatt after about a 10 minute match. This was way better than the Hawkins vs. Rollins match.

Side Notes

-WWE sold Los Angeles 3:16 shirts giving the impression that Stone Cold Steve Austin was showing up. He never did, but they were cool shirts.

-WWE is returning to Staples Center for the No Mercy pay-per-view on September 24, 2017. The pre-sale password is WWEVIP.

The fans that ruined it. I now understand how a show can be ruined by drunken obnoxious “know it all” fans. These two guys were right behind me from the Main Event tapings to the final minutes of Raw, complaining about everything from storylines to the three hour format to the two drink maximum per purchase to just about anything. They actually had not watched Raw for about a month and did not know who was the Women’s Champion. They really did make the show unenjoyable for me and to others I am sure. Besides them, a great show, great action, emotional at points, and the crowd was hot all night.


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