1/29 Beyond Wrestling “Paying Paul” in Massachusetts: Zim’s in-person report on Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards) vs. Angel Ortiz and Mike Draztik, Matt Riddle vs. Brian Cage, Da Hit Squad vs. Keith Lee and Shane Taylor

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Beyond Wrestling “Paying Paul”
Worcester, Massachusetts at Electric Haze
Report by Dot Net staffer Zack Zimmerman


1. Brian Milonas beat Ace Romero.

2. Scotty Slade over Chuck O’Neil via DQ.

3. American Destroyers and Alpla Sigma Sigma defeated OI4K and Scarlet&Graves

4. JT Dunn won via ref stoppage over Dave Cole in a grudge match.

Paying Paul Main Show

1. Jonathan Gresham beat Jay Freddie. I arrived just as this match finished, so the details will pick up going forward.

2. Veda Scott (w/ Ryan Galeone) pinned Karen Q. I can say without hesitation that this is the worst match I’ve ever seen in Beyond and maybe the worst overall period. Veda won with a back suplex where more of Karen landed on Veda than the mat. Post-match, Veda kept attacking until Warbeard Hanson ran out to chase Veda and Galeone off.

3. Warbeard Hanson over Rex Lawless. This was a pretty solid hoss fight. Hanson got the win with a Spin Kick of Doom.

4. LuFisto and Jordynne Grace defeated Taeler Hendrix and Alexxis (w/ Secret City Soldiers). Fine match. LuFisto and Grace won with the same barrage of running hip attacks that earned them the win the night before.

They announced that Beyond returns to Club Aurora in Providence, RI on February 26. The show will feature Zack Sabre Jr.’s return to Beyond.

5. David Starr beat Joey Janela (w/Penelope) in an anything-goes fight. This was not my cup of tea to say the least, but the majority of the crowd loved it so who am I to say? This one had tables, chairs, double juice, a woman getting stabbed in the head with wooden skewers, a man getting stabbed in the head with wooden skewers, salt being poured into a blade job, a plastic bag suffocation spot, and cinder blocks, among other things. The finish came when Starr rammed Janela’s head into the brick wall and hit a bridging German suplex.


6. John Silver beat Chris Dickinson. Very physical match. After some good back-and-forth, Silver hit a superkick and sit-out powerbomb for the win.

7. Pretty Boy Killers (Keith Lee and Shane Taylor) over Da Hit Squad (Dan Maff and Steve Mack). This was a fun match featuring two very large teams who are capable of doing some impressive stuff. PBK won with a Spirit Bomb from Lee and a diving splash from Taylor.

8. Matt Riddle (w/Chuck O’Neil) defeated Brian Cage. Riddle forced Cage to submit to the Bromission. The match had a couple of small issues but as a whole I really enjoyed it. Cage took most of it until Riddle slipped in the twister and he was quickly forced to tap. Post-match, there was a confrontation between Matt Riddle and Donovan Dijak, which was subsequently announced as the first official match for Beyond’s WrestleMania weekend show.

9. The American Wolves (Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards) defeated EYFBO (Angel Ortiz and Mike Draztik). This was a really good match that might’ve overstayed it’s welcome by just a few minutes. Nice showing for EYFBO, though in the end the Wolves won cleanly and handily with a superkick and brainbuster combo. Post match, Da Hit Squad came out and looked like they were going to attack EYFBO unit two men in masks hit the ring to back up EYFBO. They unmasked to reveal themselves as the returning tag team of Milk Chocolate (which didn’t get much of a reaction). The show closed with that.

Notes: Overall, I thought the highs were higher and the lows were lower when you compare this show to the night before. This show had the stronger of the two lineups and it ended up delivering as the stronger of the two shows, though there was nothing as bad as Veda/Karen nor as egregious as Janela/Starr on the previous show. With that said however, I came away really satisfied from this weekend. Two days and two enjoyable shows. The replays will be available in a matter of a day or two on the “Beyondemand” YouTube channel. Note the link for a 14-day free trial at the top of their channel page, so be sure to check it out along with all of the past Beyond shows when you have some free time.


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