1/24 Powell’s WWE 205 Live TV Review: Neville vs. Cedric Alexander

By Jason Powell

WWE 205 Live on WWE Network
Aired live from Toledo, Ohio at Huntington Center

A recap video focussed on Rich Swann and Neville on Raw… Backstage, Tom Phillips interviewed Neville and asked if Swann was gaining momentum heading into their title match. Neville said he made the mistake of thinking Swann had learned his place. Neville said he will not show Swann any mercy. Phillips brought up the main event against Cedric Alexander. Neville said 205 Live belongs to him, and Alexander will learn that when he kneels and gives respect to the cruiserweights…

The 205 Live opening aired… The broadcast team was Mauro Ranallo, Corey Graves, and Austin Aries…

1. TJ Perkins vs. Tony Nese. Graves told Ranallo to get his phone out because he had a chance to reclaim his crown as king of the retweets while Perkins was in action. The wrestlers shook hands before the match.

Nese performed a nice moonsault at one point. He also kicked Perkins off the ropes, onto his shoulders, and then performed a gut buster. Later, Perkins threw some quick kicks and eventually caught Nese with a kick that sent him to the floor. Perkins ran the ropes, but Nese returned to the ring and clotheslined him.

TJ Perkins beat Tony Nese in 8:30.

After the match, Nese attacked Perkins and performed a German suplex into the corner, then caught him with a running knee to the head. Nese rolled to ringside and told the broadcast team, “I won that match.” Medical staff checked on Perkins afterward…

Powell’s POV: A good match. It’s a shame they don’t give Nese some wins because he’s lost so many times that everyone just assumes he’s going to lose. Well, everyone other than Aries, who said Perkins winning was an upset. Hopefully the attack leads to more than just Perkins getting a revenge win. The crowd was more engaged than most 205 Live crowds. There even was a pro Perkins chant at one point.

The broadcast team set up a video package on Akira Tozawa and said he will debut on 205 Live next week. The video package featured Sami Zayn putting over Tozawa…

Perkins was helped backstage by a trainer and a referee, and the broadcast team recapped the Nese attack… A Remember the Rumble video aired with Sheamus talking about his win…

2. Brian Kendrick vs. Tripp Bradshaw. Bradshaw was introduced as being from Ohio, which drew a nice hometown pop. Kendrick told him there’s only so many spots on 205 Live, and he would snuff out Bradshaw’s dreams. Kendrick offered his hand and Bradshaw accepted. Ugh. Kendrick toyed with Bradshaw early on. Aries said Kendrick seemed more angry than usual. Kendrick applied the Captain’s Hook and got the submission win…

Brian Kendrick beat Tripp Bradshaw in 2:00.

Powell’s POV: Quick, yet entertaining. I like that Kendrick received mic time before the match, as he was able to make a two minute squash match feel more significant.

Backstage, Rich Swann told Cedric Alexander that Neville thinks he’s a king, but he’s not unbeatable. He said he would make a mistake and that’s when Alexander had to take advantage. Alexander asked if that’s all he had for him and said he had it covered. Swann told Alexander to save him some of Neville for Sunday…

An NXT Takeover: San Antonio aired… Graves hyped Talking Smack with Shane McMahon guest hosting again, Mickie James, Mojo Rawley, and AJ Styles…

3. Neville vs. Cedric Alexander. Alexander offered his hand, but Neville just glared at him until the ref separated them and called for the bell to start the match. Neville hip-tossed Alexander and then told him, “This is my ring.” There was a small chant of “Let’s Go Neville” that didn’t pick up any momentum with the crowd. Alexander came back and dropkicked Neville, who rolled to ringside.

Alexander tripped up a bit as he was jumping over the top rope, but he recovered and caught Neville with a kick to the face from the apron. Neville came back by running Alexander into the barricade. Neville ran Alexander to the other side and ran him into the barricade before rolling him back inside the ring. Neville went up top and performed a missile dropkick for a two count.

Neville performed a running forearm in the corner and got another two count. Alexander came back with an elbow and then a handstand kick. Alexander performed a big flip over the top rope onto Neville. Alexander rolled Neville back inside the ring and then performed a springboard clothesline for a two count.

Neville came back briefly, but Alexander caught him with a Spanish Fly for a good near fall. A short time later, Neville avoided the Lumbar Check and then performed a nice release German suplex. Neville picked up Alexander from the mat and powered him into a German suplex and bridged for a two count.

Late in the match, the wrestlers fought for position on the ropes. Alexander went for a sunset flip powerbomb, but Neville landed on his feet. Alexander knocked Neville down with a kick and was waiting for him to get up, but Noam Dar ran out to ringside. Alexander dove onto him with a clothesline instead. Alexander went for a springboard move and slipped, and Neville immediately applied the his submission hold for the win…

Neville defeated Cedric Alexander in 14:25.

After the match, Dar jawed at Alexander until Neville tossed him to the floor. Neville put the boots to Alexander and then punched him until Rich Swann’s music played. Swann ran out and threw punches at Neville. Alexander recovered and threw punches at Dar until they were out of the picture. Swann continued to punch Neville until referees pulled them apart. Neville broke free and charged at Swann, who took him down. The show ended with champion and challenger being pulled apart…

Powell’s POV: A very good main event. I would love to see see more from these two if Neville takes the championship, as the drama of these two fighting over a title would be excellent. I thought we might actually get through an Alexander match without Dar or Alicia Fox getting involved, but it’s logical given his storyline and it protects Alexander. The post match pull apart with Swann was well done and I’m looking forward to the title match at the Rumble. Overall, this was an entertaining edition of 205 Live with good bookend matches and a fun Kendrick squash in between. I just hope they show that terrific Swann vs. Neville hype video from last week again on Sunday.


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