1/23 Powell’s WWE Raw Live TV Review: Goldberg appears, final hype for the Royal Rumble

newrawlogo1By Jason Powell

WWE Raw on the USA Network
Live from Cleveland, Ohio at Quicken Loans Arena

[Q1] Raw opened with a recap that focussed on Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho, and Roman Reigns. If included footage of Jericho winning the U.S. Championship, as well as Owens powerbombing Reigns through the broadcast table at the end of last week’s Raw… Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton were on commentary…

Roman Reigns made his entrance and received more boos than cheers. The shark cage was in the middle of the ring. Reigns said there will be over 40,000 people going nuts at the Alamodome. He said he will get Owens in a one-on-one match because Jericho would be in the cage, “which means I’m going to be holding the WWE Universal Championship over my head, baby.” The boos far outnumbered the cheers in response.

Owens’s music played and then Owens and Jericho headed onto the stage. There was a loud Y2J chant. Owens said Reigns sounds delusional and confused. He recalled his powerbomb on Reigns and questioned if that caused it. Owens said Reigns has been doing the same thing to superstars and legends for years now. “How many people can say that they singlehandedly, on their own, powerbombed Roman Reigns through that announce table?” Owens asked.

Owens said the answer is one. “And I am the one,” he said. Reigns said Owens will be the one who gets whipped in front of the world and his best friend. Jericho asked if Reigns is Nostradamus, then said he had a prediction for him: “You’re a stupid idiot.” Jericho conceded it was more of a statement than a prediction. Jericho grumbled about being in the shark cage, but said there was nothing stopping him from knocking Roman’s teeth down his throat tonight.

Reigns asked if Jericho just gave him a rematch. Jericho mouthed that he did not. Reigns asked the crowd if that was the case. There were a lot of Yes! chants. Reigns invited Jericho to teach him a lesson and give him his rematch for the U.S. Championship. Owens laughed at the idea and then said, “You got it.” Jericho wasn’t happy.

Owens told him he’s Chris Jericho and will beat him. Owens said he had a psychic vision that Reigns would be the person locked inside the shark cage. Jericho continued to protest off-mic while Owens assured him. Reigns said he had a feeling too, he’s going to win the U.S. Title in Cleveland and take the Universal Title at the Rumble. Reigns said he’s something that Owens will never be – the guy…

Cole hyped Goldberg’s return for later in the show… [C] An ad aired for the NXT Takeover: San Antonio show…

Powell’s POV: Reigns was interrupted as usual, but they actually let him go back and forth with Owens and Jericho rather than have him stand around and listen after he was interrupted for a change. He still doesn’t come across like the most likable babyface. Having him proclaim himself as “the guy” makes him seem a little douchey. I was hoping they would get back to Jericho acting fearful of the shark cage. He was great at that when it was first introduced, but they haven’t played that up since. It will be interesting to see if Jericho escapes with the title or if he drops it as part of a Jericho vs. Owens storyline given that Owens was the guy who green lighted the match. By the way, be sure to join me for live coverage of both NXT Takeover: San Antonio and the Royal Rumble this weekend.

[Q2] Cole noted that Mick Foley made Jericho vs. Reigns for the U.S. Championship official for later in the show…

1. Cesaro (w/Sheamus) vs. Luke Gallows (w/Karl Anderson). Cole announced Cesaro and Sheamus vs. Gallows and Anderson for the Raw Tag Titles for Sunday with two referees assigned to the match. Gallows was in control heading into the break that occurred before they were two minutes into the match. [C]

Powell’s POV: The addition of the tag title match means Sheamus and Cesaro will be doing double duty, as both men were previously announced as being in the Rumble match. As for the two ref stipulation, I suspect we’re going to see a split decision type of finish rather than a decisive one.

Footage aired from during the break of Anderson interfering and then being chased up the ramp by Sheamus. Anderson was not at ringside, but Sheamus was still there. Gallows appeared to have suffered a cut inside his mouth. Cesaro hit him with several uppercuts and a DDT and then went for a cover, but Gallows put his foot on the ropes.

Gallows rolled to the floor to avoid the swing. Sheamus teased hitting Gallows, but thought better of it to avoid the DQ. Cesaro knocked Gallows back to the floor and then Sheamus clotheslined him while the referee was distracted. Anderson returned to ringside and struck Sheamus from behind. Cesaro gave up the Sharpshooter that Gallows was tapping to due to the distraction, then took a a boot to the face followed up with another move for the win…

Luke Gallows beat Cesaro in 8:45.

Powell’s POV: Gallows suffered a cut below the eye and may have also suffered a cut inside his mouth during the match. They were trying to play up the idea that the heels wouldn’t get away with the cheating on Sunday when there’s two referees. By the way, the match will take place on the Kickoff Show.

[Q3] Backstage, Mick Foley was on the phone with Stephanie, who could be heard via speaker phone. She questioned why he agreed to the U.S. Title match. He said it’s because they needed a marquee match. Sami Zayn entered the picture and said he had to talk to Foley. Zayn asked about being in the Rumble match. Foley was ready to put him in it, but Stephanie interrupted and said he would have to defeat Seth Rollins to earn a spot in the match. Foley picked up the phone and said he didn’t agree with the decision, but he would let Rollins know… [C]

Powell’s POV: Here’s hoping we’re not in for an entire evening of straining to hear Stephanie via speakerphone. Thank goodness for closed captioning.

The broadcast team stood and spoke about the U.S. Title match and how Reigns could be a dual champion by this time next week. Saxton set up his interview with Bayley, and said he had a whole new level of respect for her after talking with her…

Graves’s sit-down interview with Bayley aired. She said “wow” best describes her WWE experience thus far. She said it gives her goosebumps. Graves asked why Charlotte uses her lifelong fandom against her. She said that’s a question for Charlotte. She said she got there because of it, and got choked up as she said her dad and brother get to watch her have a title match. She said she hugs fans because she knows what it’s like to be on the other side of the barricade. She said the fans make her feel like she can do anything.

Graves asked if “anything” includes beating Charlotte Flair. Bayley said a lot of people don’t think she can do it. Bayley said she doesn’t have her DNA or bloodline, but she has two wins over Charlotte. She said she would walk out with the Raw Women’s Championship…

Graves said Bayley is ready and better be because she’s facing the queen of pay-per-view…

Backstage, Foley approached Seth Rollins in the locker room and relayed Stephanie’s ruling about Rollins facing Zayn. Rollins questioned why Zayn given that they just teamed next week. Foley said Stephanie wants to play up the idea of friend vs. friend and every man for himself. Foley also informed Rollins that if Zayn won, he wouldn’t just get a spot in the Rumble, he would get Seth’s spot in the Rumble. Rollins said he would beat Rollins, win the Rumble, and the title at WrestleMania so he could throw it in the faces of Stephanie and her coward husband… [C]

Powell’s POV: Those were two strong segments. They are doing a much better job of explaining what the Bayley character represents rather than just assuming everyone is familiar with her NXT run. Meanwhile, putting the Royal Rumble spot on the line is a really nice hook for the Rollins vs. Zayn match.

[Q4] Seth Rollins made his entrance and then the broadcast team spoke about the Rumble match. Cole noted that Big Show has been added as a Rumble match entrant. Zayn made his entrance…

2. Seth Rollins vs. Sami Zayn for a spot in the Royal Rumble match. Saxton recalled that Zayn was a surprise entrant in the Rumble match last year. Cole actually recalled Triple H costing Rollins the Universal Championship back in August. Sami sent Rollins to ringside and was setting up for a dive, but Rollins saw it coming and cut him off. Rollins tossed Zayn to ringside and then performed a suicide dive heading into the break. [C]

Zayn performed a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Rollins came back, but Zayn hit him with a full nelson driver for another near fall. Rollins hit a Blockbuster off the second rope for a two count. Rollins caught Zayn with a superkick for two, then followed up with a falcon arrow for a two count.

Zayn acted as if he was out on his feet. Rollins punched him, but Zayn fired up and hit him back. They traded more punches with Zayn getting the better out of it until Rollins caught him with a high knee and then performed a sling blade clothesline. Rollins followed up with a kick to the gut and a Pedigree attempt, but Zayn slipped away and performed a tornado DDT. Rollins avoided the Helluva Kick and went for another Pedigree, but Zayn backdropped him to ringside.

[Q5] Zayn went to the top rope with Rollins on the floor, but Rollins rolled back inside and caught him with a kick. Rollins set up for a Pedigree from the top rope, but Zayn blocked it and then performed a sunset flip powerbomb for another near fall. Zayn performed an exploder suplex into the corner. Rollins ended up on the apron and Zayn went for his finisher, but Rollins caught him with a kick and then performed a Pedigree on the ring apron. Rollins rolled Zayn back to the middle of the ring.

Triple H’s music played. Rollins blew off the cover and instead waited for Triple H. When Hunter didn’t come out, Rollins turned his attention to Zayn, who caught him in an inside cradle and pinned him to take Rollins’ spot in the Rumble match…

Sami Zayn defeated Seth Rollins in 16:05 to earn a spot in the Royal Rumble.

Afterward, Rollins seethed as he thought about what happened. Zayn celebrated his win on the floor. Rollins huffed and puffed and then stormed up the ramp and headed backstage. Graves questioned whether Hunter was backstage waiting for Rollins…

The broadcast team hyped Jericho vs. Reigns for the U.S. Championship, and Goldberg’s appearance for later in the show. They also delivered more hype for the early start time for the Royal Rumble Kickoff Show and announced that Shawn Michaels will appear on the Kickoff Show… A Royal Rumble video aired and focussed on Michaels winning the Rumble in 1995 and it also included comments from HBK…

Powell’s POV: The live crowd cheered both men during their entrance, then just kinda settled in and watched the match rather than choose between the two babyfaces. They were into the bigger spots and delivered the obligatory “this is awesome” chant. The match was enjoyable and the work of the wrestlers put over a spot in the Rumble as being something of great importance. Triple H’s mind games is another step toward the inevitable Rollins vs. Hunter match at WrestleMania. Meanwhile, the Remember the Rumble videos have been a nice change from the stats video. I love the stats videos and I hope we get one tonight too, but they ran their course as far as being a weekly hook during Rumble season.

Neville vs. Cedric Alexander was announced for 205 Live… Backstage, Rollins knocked a phone out of a man’s hand while searching for Hunter. Foley approached him and said he didn’t know. He said he wasn’t saying it was Stephanie, but she or someone in production did that. Foley said he was going to get to the bottom of it…

The cruiserweight trios jobber team of Ariya Daivari, Tony Nese, and Drew Gulak stood in the ring. An Ali video package aired, then the babyface opponents made their entrances…

[Q6] 3. Mustafa Ali, TJ Perkins, and Jack Gallagher vs. Ariya Daivari, Tony Nese, and Drew Gulak. Austin Aries sat in on commentary in place of Saxton for the cruiserweight match. There was an awkward spot where it appeared Nese was kicking Perkins on the top rope and wanted to catch him on his shoulders, but he dropped him to the mat instead. Nese recovered right away by hoisting him onto his shoulders quickly.

Perkins made the tag to Ali, who performed some flashy offense on Gulak. He had him pinned after a neckbreaker, but the heel partners broke it up. After Nese and Daivari were cleared from the ring, Ali performed a reverse 450 on Gulak and pinned him…

Mustafa Ali, TJ Perkins, and Jack Gallagher beat Ariya Daivari, Tony Nese, and Drew Gulak in 4:00.

New Day was shown clowning around backstage… [C]

Powell’s POV: The reverse 450 is awesome. The match itself had all the drama of a Patriots vs. Browns game, as this heel trio loses more frequently than the Raw host city’s NFL team.

New Day made their entrance. Big E dumped BootyO’s into the mouths of fans at ringside. They spoke about how they were interrupted three weeks in a row as they tried to talk about winning the Rumble and go on to main event WrestleMania to become the Universal Champion. Before they would explain how that nonsense would work, they were interrupted.

Enzo Amore and Big Cass made their entrance. New Day danced along to their entrance music. The fans delivered a loud “How you doin'” chant. Enzo and Cass delivered their usual schtick before entering the ring. Cass said he was going Stallone in ’87 by throwing 29 bodies over the top. He said he was officially entering the Royal Rumble match.

Rusev’s music interrupted and then he, Lana, and Jinder Mahal came out. Rusev questioned why Big E and Big Cass had to put “big” in front of their names. A loud USA chant broke out. Rusev said it’s not about USA, it’s about their stupid names. Rusev said he gets that their big and that’s obvious, so it’s like putting Handsome in front of his own name. Rusev also entered the Royal Rumble match. Titus O’Neil made his entrance.

[Q7] E recalled Titus promising to never annoy them again. Titus said that’s not why he was there. Xavier Woods said it’s disrespectful. Woods told him to catch him outside. Titus asked what that meant. Kofi explained it. Woods said they didn’t have to go outside because he’d just been informed of an eight-man tag match. Woods pointed out his flaw with numbers and Lana wrestling. Titus pointed to the stage and then Braun Strowman made his entrance as their partner. Cole hyped the match for after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: Here’s hoping that Braun just destroys Jinder and Titus before they return from the break. Either way, I love the idea of adding him to this, as I was actually fearful that they were going to bring out the Shining Stars for a ten-man tag match. Why is Big Cass obsessed with the ’80s when he was only alive for parts of four years of the decade?

4. Braun Strowman, Titus O’Neil, Jinder Mahal, and Rusev (w/Lana) vs. Kofi Kingston, Big E, Enzo Amore, and Big Cass (w/Xavier Woods). The match was joined in progress. Enzo and Cass performed their finisher on Jinder, but Titus broke up the pin. Kingston performed a big dive onto most of his opponents at ringside. Strowman tagged the head of Mahal to enter the match.

Enzo fired himself up and the crowd was responsive. Strowman hit him with a shoulder tackle to knock him down. Strowman picked up Enzo, who slipped away and showed signs of life briefly before Strowman put him away with a power slam…

Braun Strowman, Titus O’Neil, Jinder Mahal, and Rusev beat New Day, Enzo Amore, and Big Cass in 4:35.

After the match, Big Show’s music played and he walked to the ring wearing a singlet with American colors. A much slimmer Show entered the ring and stared at Strowman, who sized him up. Show smiled. Strowman barked “on my time” before leaving the ring. Strowman barked from ringside that he does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants…

[Q8] The broadcast team hyped the Kickoff Show with HBK and Jerry Lawler as special guests. They also hyped the Royal Rumble match and WWE Network. Big Show showed up next to the broadcast team with New Day. Show shook hands with the broadcasters. Graves said he was just telling everyone he thought Show would win the Rumble. Show said he’s such a babyface. The broadcast team set up a recap of the Owens, Jericho, and Reigns opening. The broadcast team hyped Jericho vs. Reigns as coming up next… [C]

Powell’s POV: A nice teaser for the Rumble match between Strowman and Show, who may actually be slimmer than he was even in his WCW days. I assume Show will end up putting over Strowman at some point as they continue to push him as a monster. By the way, it’s odd that they advertised Brock Lesnar on the arena website, yet have not mentioned him appearing on this show. He could be a “surprise” for the viewers, but you’d think they would have wanted to advertise Goldberg and Lesnar appearing on the same show in hopes of drawing more viewers.

The shark cage was shown above the ring and then entrances for the U.S. Title match took place…

5. Chris Jericho (w/Kevin Owens) vs. Roman Reigns for the U.S. Championship. JoJo delivered in-ring introductions for the title match. Jericho ran into a punch to start the match. Reigns tossed him to ringside and ran him into the barricade. Reigns also performed a Drive By on the floor and then jawed with Owens as they cut to break. [C]

[Q9] Jericho was on the offensive coming out of the break. Owens joined the broadcast team on commentary. Jericho got a near fall on Reigns, then asked Owens if he saw it. Jericho and Owens performed a long distance high five. Owens laughed off the idea of Reigns becoming a dual champion by saying the odds were about as good as Saxton becoming good on commentary. Funny.

There was an awkward spot where Jericho charged and Reigns grabbed his leg. There was an awkward rollup attempt by Jericho, then then just rolled on top of Reigns and punched him in the face. “That always works,” Owens said. Jericho ran into a Samoan drop from Reigns, who got a two count. Reigns set up for a spear, but Jericho caught him with a dropkick for two.

Jericho went for the Codebreaker, but Reigns caught him and dropped him in the corner. Reigns followed up with a sit-out powerbomb for two. Later, Reigns set up for a spear. Jericho leapfrogged him, but Reigns caught him with a Superman Punch. Owens ran in and attacked Reigns for the DQ.

Roman Reigns beat Chris Jericho by DQ in 9:30.

After the match, Owens called for the shark cage to be lowered. Owens opened the door and then fiddled with the lock while Jericho pushed Reigns inside the cage. Owens closed the door and tried to lock it, but Reigns reached through and pulled Owens into the cage. Reigns worked over both heels and then locked Owens inside the shark cage. Reigns stood in the corner and smiled, then motioned for the cage to be raised. Owens reached out and grabbed Jericho’s hand. Jericho ended up hanging from the bottom of the cage, and Reigns hit him with a Superman Punch and then speared Jericho…

Cole hyped that Goldberg would speak about the Royal Rumble match later in the show… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good post match segment, but I also felt like it should have been Jericho in the cage, again to sell how fearful of heights he is. That was such a great performance he gave when they introduced the shark cage gimmick and I can’t believe they haven’t gone back to it. Still, this was effective and entertaining, and the shark cage gimmick is responsible for keeping interest alive in a feud that feels repetitive without it.

The broadcast team recapped the previous segment…

[Q10] The cage was lowered and Jericho unlocked it so that Owens could get out. The both slammed the door in frustration repeatedly. Charly Caruso informed them that Mick Foley told her that the shark cage match will now be a No DQ match. Owens, who had a bloody lip, spoke about how unfair the match and the stipulations are. They went back to slamming the cage door…

The broadcast team spoke about the new stipulation and pimped the Rumble, including the Raw Women’s Championship…

Graves’s sit-down interview with Charlotte aired. She spoke about how one of her earliest childhood memories was her father winning the ’92 Rumble. She said their family dominates at the Rumble. She said she is the greatest athlete the company has ever had. She said she could be winning gold medals in volleyball or winning WNBA titles, but instead she is in WWE. She said Bayley is lucky to be there.

Charlotte said she didn’t mean to humiliate Bayley. She said she wanted the fans to know who they were backing. She said she was proud of Bayley in NXT, but you don’t look at her title. She said things changed when Bayley had the audacity to think she belongs in the same ring with her. Charlotte said she will punish Bayley on Sunday for thinking she was in her league. Charlotte said she will continue to be the queen of pay-per-view, while Bayley will still be a fan…

Nia Jax was shown walking backstage. Cole said she would be in action after the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: The sit-down interviews were terrific. WWE has done more to establish Bayley’s character over the last two weeks than they did during her entire main roster run beforehand, and Charlotte is always good in this setting.

6. Nia Jax vs. Ray Lyn. Footage aired of Nia attacking Sasha Banks at the medical exam last week. Lyn looked afraid before the bell. Nia destroyed her and finished her off with a backside splash off the middle rope…

Nia Jax defeated Ray Lyn in 0:30.

After the match, Jax took the mic from the interviewer and said they should do a 30 For 30 on the downfall of Sasha Banks. Sasha’s music played and she limped out on one crutch. Sasha hit Jax with her crutch from the floor.

[Q11] Sasha entered the ring and struck her with it repeatedly. Cole noted that Jax was still standing. Jax charged at Banks, who ducked, and Nia tumbled to the floor. Banks leapt on to her with a double knee press and stood tall at the end of the segment…

The broadcast team cut to recapping the Triple H tease at the end of the Rollins vs. Zayn match. They also hyped Goldberg for later in the show… Rich Swann was shown walking backstage and Graves said he would be in action next… [C] An ad aired for Smackdown and focussed on Randy Orton vs. Luke Harper…

Powell’s POV: A good angle with Sasha and Jax. It’s too bad they felt the need to cut away to recap footage so quickly rather than let the segment shine heading into the break. Will they add Sasha vs. Jax to the Rumble lineup?

Emmalina is still listed as premiering soon…

7. WWE Cruiserweight Champion Rich Swann vs. Noam Dar (w/Alicia Fox). Aries was back on commentary and the broadcast team recapped footage of Neville attacking Swann last week. The wrestlers shook hands before the match. Swann wanted to go for an early dive to the floor, but Dar hid behind Fox. Swann instead caught Dar with a kick to the head. Swann and Fox bickered. Dar caught Swann with a kick to the face and got a two count. [C] After the break, Swann caught Dar with a kick and scored the pin…

Rich Swann pinned Noam Dar in a non-title match in 5:55.

[Q12] After the match, Swann took the mic and called out Neville, saying he thinks he’s a jester, not a king. Neville’s music played and he headed to the ring and ducked through the ropes, then backed off to the floor. Swann dove onto Neville and threw punches at him before rolling him back inside the ring. Neville fled the ring to get away from Swann…

Powell’s POV: I enjoyed this more than most of the cruiserweight segments on Raw. Swann and Dar are two of the more entertaining acts in the division, and Neville truly is the best the division has to offer right now. They managed to deliver some quickie hype for the cruiserweight title match at the Rumble, keeping the streak alive of having everything on this show serve some purpose.

Backstage, Caruso interviewed Cedric Alexander about facing Neville. He said that with all the Fox and Dar stuff behind him, he can finally focus on being cruiserweight champion. Fox and Dar entered the picture. Fox screamed that he’ll be nothing without her. Dar said he wanted to make sure there’s no hard feelings between them over him stealing Cedric’s girlfriend. Alexander said there were no hard feelings over Fox, but he still attacked him last week. Alexander shoved Dar, who fell to the ground and played up injured…

Graves said some girls make you want to delete social media accounts, but Fox is the type who makes you leave town and change careers… The broadcast team announced Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax for the Rumble. They also hyped HBK appearing on the Kickoff Show…

Goldberg’s music hit and they showed him leaving his locker room with water dripping off his face. The fans chanted Goldberg’s name as he was shown walking through the backstage area. He had a cut on top his head (rough shave?). Goldberg’s cut produced a trickle of blood as he shook hands with fans at ringside. Graves noted that Goldberg headbutts the door on his way to the ring.

“So, here we go,” Goldberg said. The fans chanted his name. “Okay, let’s go for it again,” he said once the cheers subsided. He got tongue tied as he spoke about the path to WWE. He told the fans they made him screw up. “Hey, let’s go for the third time.” Goldberg said the WWE Universal Championship runs right through the Royal Rumble match. He said there will be 29 other Rumble entrants in the Rumble match who want the same thing he wants – an opportunity at Kevin Owens or Roman Reigns.

Goldberg, whose forehead was bloody, said he would stop at nothing to obtain the championship. He said if he has to spear and jackhammer 29 other guys, then that’s what he would do. Goldberg started to say all 29 opponents were next, but he was interrupted by Paul Heyman, who said he was compelled to come out to address Goldberg’s observations.

[Overrun] Heyman spoke about the possibilities the Rumble match presents. He said the match could produce Goldberg against Randy Orton or Braun Strowman or one of the many surprise entrants or even Undertaker. Heyman said that depending on the luck of the draw, fans might see the scenario of Goldberg against Brock Lesnar.

Lesnar’s music hit. “Oh my goodness, is he here?” Cole asked. Lesnar walked onto the stage and Heyman stuck his arm out to hold him back. Lesnar stared at Goldberg from the stage. “Behold, Mr. Goldberg, the object, the instrument of your demise,” Heyman said. He said Goldberg will be beaten, victimized, emasculated, etc. in the Rumble match.

Heyman said once Goldberg is conquered, then and only then Lesnar will throw him over the top rope and eliminate him. Goldberg cut off Heyman’s big Brock Lesnar line. “Are you going to be a man and come down here, boy, or are you going to sit here like a dumbass?” Goldberg asked.

Lesnar headed to ringside and took a lap around it. The fans chanted Goldberg. Lesnar entered the ring while Cole played up that they were in the ring for the first time since Survivor Series. The gong sounded and the lights went out. When the lights turned on, Undertaker was in the ring with both men. Undertaker had a long look at both men while fans chanted “holy shit.” Taker’s music played as the three men stood in the ring to close the show…

Powell’s POV: Goldberg’s poor mic work aside, this was a great final segment with mega star power and some great teases for the Royal Rumble match. I still argue that they should have advertised Lesnar appearing in the same right with Goldberg for the first time since Survivor Series, especially since they had the cool surprise of Undertaker at the end. Even so, this was well done and the overall show delivered good final hype for the most anticipated Rumble match in recent memory. I will be back late tonight with my full review of Raw, which will be available as an All Access Podcast this week. Join me on Saturday for NXT Takeover live coverage, and again on Sunday for my live review of the Royal Rumble

Prowrestling.net Live returns on Sunday at 2CT/3ET. Your phone calls are welcome and you can listen live at Blogtalkradio.com/prowrestlingdotnet. We will be back again on the Monday and Tuesday following the Rumble with live shows.


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