8/29 WWE Raw Pre-Show notes: Live coverage of the WWE Network broadcast with Sasha Banks interviewed, weird panel discussion about Seth Rollins being a dangerous wrestler

rawpreshow1By Jason Powell

The following is live notes of the WWE Raw pre-show that is being broadcast on the WWE Network and various social media platforms. Refresh the page for the latest updates. If you are reading this on the Prowrestling.net app, our mobile website will refresh more frequently than the latest updates than the app will. CLICK HERE to see the very latest updates to this article throughout the show.

-Host Scott Stanford immediately hyped the Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens vs. Big Cass four-way for the vacant WWE Universal Championship. He was joined by the panel of Booker T, Lita, and Jerry Lawler.

-Stephanie McMahon has ordered Paul Heyman to appear at Raw because of Brock Lesnar’s actions at SummerSlam.

-Lita hyped that Sasha Banks will appear on the Kickoff Show.

-Stanford said Seth Rollins has become a very dangerous superstar. Booker said he looks at Rollins and thinks he has all the tools. “To make a mistake like that…” Booker said. “Or was it a mistake. That’s the question.”

-Lita said you may want that reputation as a competitor, but you don’t want to be marked as dangerous in the locker room. They showed Rollins tweeting that “Dangerous is my middle name, but next Universal Champ works just as well.” Kevin Owens responded by saying his middle name is Yanick.

-Lawler said he thinks accidents happen and it’s not Rollins’ fault. Booker brought up Bret Hart saying Rollins needs to get his act together before somebody really gets hurt.

Powell’s POV: What in the hell am I listening to? I know they’re trying to be topical, but this is such a ridiculous conversation for WWE personalities to have on a kayfabe show.

-The hosts announced that the title match on Raw will not be an elimination match.

-Booker T picked Big Cass to win the title match. Lita picked Seth Rollins. Stanford said he’s on the Cass bandwagon.

-Footage aired of Cesaro complaining about the first match of his best of seven series with Sheamus being moved to the Kickoff Show and how he lost. He also complained about not being included in the qualifying matches last week to earn a spot in tonight’s four-way.

-Lawler said there’s a reason Cesaro is what he is. He told Cesaro to buy a personality the next time he’s at the mall. “He’s just there,” Lawler said. “He’s a great talent.”

-Stanford hyped Sheamus vs. Cesaro in the second match of their best of seven series for tonight’s Raw. Lawler begged for Cesaro to show him some fire.

-The hosts recapped Bayley’s debut on Raw. They read a tweet from Scott Dawson, who wrote that he wants his daughter to grow up admiring Bayley like he admired Bret Hart.

-Sasha Banks was interviewed. She appeared to be backstage at Raw. She said she’s okay and she won’t have to be out of action as long as Finn Balor. They went the kayfabe approach by talking as if the back injury she suffered occurred in her SummerSlam match with Charlotte. Stanford brought up Bayley debuting on Raw and how it affects the landscape. Sasha said she watched it at home and wished she could have been there. Sasha said Bayley has to know that she’s in front of her in the line for the title, but she deserves to be on Raw.

-Stanford addressed the death of Mr. Fuji and set up footage of the “cult classic” Fuji Vice video. Lawler said he had everything you would want from a “bad guy manager.” Booker said he was a great ribber.

-The hosts were surprised that fans picked Kevin Owens to win the main event. They wrapped up the show.


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