Kurt Angle on AJ Styles having success in WWE, UFC fighter Conor McGregor’s comments on WWE wrestlers

angleThe following are highlights of Kurt Angle’s appearance on The Ric Flair Show last week that can be heard in full at MLWRadio.com.

Angle on UFC fighter’s Conor McGregor’s comments on WWE wrestlers: “Conor McGregor is an incredible athlete and a wonderful fighter. I watched him and he’s so polished. I believe that Conor has taken the wrestling playbook and utilized it in UFC. In other words, he loves being a heel and he does it very well… I think he just did it because it makes his character even more hateful. I think that Conor is doing this strictly for the money. The more he can stir people up, the more popular he becomes. I also think he wants to crossover. I think he wants to go to WWE and this is a good opening, a good avenue for him. I don’t think Conor McGregor is going to fight much longer.”

Angle on the WWE success of AJ Styles: “AJ’s a one of a kind. I’ve always compared him to a lot of people like Shawn Michaels. He has a knack in the ring. He just knows where he is and what to do. He has it all, psychology, technique, he knows how to fire up at the right time and how to sell. The kid is just phenomenal at he does. I’ve never had anything less than a five-star match with the kid… I can’t believe it took him this long to get to WWE. That’s what blew my mind because I’ve known him for at least eleven years and it’s like what’s going on here? Why hasn’t this kid had the opportunity. And I’m sure Vince McMahon is like, damn, if I had this kid ten years ago. I’m just glad he made it. AJ had a great career in TNA, he went to Ring of Honor and did New Japan, but it’s good to see him end his career in WWE. I’m very happy for him.”

Powell’s POV: Angle also said he wouldn’t be surprised if McGregor wants a WrestleMania match such as the one that Floyd Mayweather had. Angle also discussed the SummerSlam match order, Brock Lesnar not being the type to go into business for himself, working with Cody Rhodes on the independent scene, his own future, and more. Plus, UFC president Dana White also appeared on the show and spoke candidly about Ronda Rousey’s health and recent operation, as well as CM Punk’s upcoming fight at UFC 203.


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