AJ Styles on being disappointed by the approach that TNA took once he signed with WWE

ajstyles1Brian Fritz of BetweenTheRopes.com spoke with AJ Styles about what he signed with TNA. “I did sign a letter of intent, meaning, hey, I agree to this is what you said you’re going to pay me so you can send it to legal and say, hey, this is what we’re going to have to much up.” Styles said. “There was no contract whatsoever involved. Nothing. What we signed was really nothing… It wasn’t a contract in no way, shape, or form.”

Styles also spoke about what was going through his mind when TNA issued the statement. “I just felt like they did a really good job of making themselves look like crap for putting out that statement,” he said. “What a crazy thing. Why would they do that? Why would they do that to themselves? Just let it go. It is what it is. Things didn’t work out. And to tell you the truth, from what I’m hearing, man, did I make a great decision coming to WWE, not only because it’s amazing here, but because of what’s going on over there and a lot of people who have left. I’m not shameful from what I’ve done in the past as far as going with another company, but I’m a little disappointed.” Watch the full interview at Youtube.com/watch?v=Vv7OZiRS-5s&feature=youtu.be.

Powell’s POV: TNA did themselves no favors by taking the approach they did. They certainly didn’t have the support of the majority of wrestling fans at that point, and it really came off like sour grapes. Styles also spoke about working for WWE, leaving New Japan Pro Wrestling, and more.


Readers Comments (3)

  1. Hey AJ, shut up. AJ Styles is not a man of his word, as he had an agreement to return to Impact. TNA may have been childish with their reaction but AJ sure doesn’t take the high road. In actuality what he says is much more negative. I been a fan of AJ’s before all these WWE universe fans even knew who he was. Hope he is enjoying being a jobber to all of Vince’s pets. AJ you will never be the centerpiece of that 3 ring circus like you were in TNA or NJPW, yet you love it there so much what a joke.

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